?10 HELP WANTED Exceptional opportunrty to provide MivtcM for on act** communiy of older edulta Varied reepone*»tmee include daily hou+mk aepmg tranapo nation, and tatapbona Parmanenf part time poafltona available for day or night ahfft Apply 1001 Waahengton St . Eugene noon 4pm. Mon • Frl EOf f iparwnca Fugana a -vmw.: of thwart c»aama center Cafl W10 and wm h ta^ you how to heap you me ' and of her* Law School needa Computar Tach knowledge of IBM com pat >04 a hardware and eoftware. DOS. and modern Wordparfacl, OBaaa. and Networking experience halpful Preference ghren to work atudy eligible applicant* Qualified non work etudy applicanta will be coneidered Call Marilyn al 346 3660 REPORTER WANTED I ho Oregon On \ I mar aid s accepting ^applications’lor .i H>gbar. f dot:«!on Ad'*''■■■ni%ira!ion ropey***' I hr* w 9 00Vf*r *lQfw»* dotting *rm llnrvan ry and n -*»*»''' aMnsr* Applicant moat tx» a . Unrvanrty *ludert App ^ ahons in> « Nov ?0 and k { Mt i ... ’ *> 1' INmsa S'jbrni? d>pf* or other w ting sampia* Cat. 346 55.11 Ca/f*i Dennett of Chn* Bia »' tor mor« I ■r'tormm»on Woman. people o? o*or : gay* a;xi iestxaro and peopa* ef j v>5ah ‘ m rvvouragotl to appfy Tha Oregon Daily EmerakJ r% atxapiing app'K;iit > ■’ pr«>p *• •.*. os and event* Pay s J*‘J a SS.JM Appt l» ni iru rceung >**•»» i»»mmunitatu»n Dill* e p*f*profc«uon*l rtprnrmr that i *" rihen. - your munif xn*l m. r< »■. veut employ ability lining ell of thn wlnlr < unm crrdil 1 ♦ Mr a I’F I K M»\ \^Y K • < ell your mayor »l« jvimnrnt *n 4 %f> ^.’1! foe »nf<»rm*t>on Discover Kinko's for resumes that get discovered. Laser Resume Packages Including: ♦ One page laser tesune ♦ Resume saved on dr.K ♦ Goptes on resume paper ♦ Maiding slatonery kinkor tiie copy center 860 E. 13th 344 7894 1265 Wlllametta 344-3555 Both slorM open 7 Day* FAST SERVICE 210 HELP WANTED EARN mom.* tiling Mcoocy &***?■* n**fo 805) 96? 8000 ••? Y «u? 220 HOUSES FOB RENT | knm»cut«l« 4 txtrm houM W»ath«nt»d Vary nica N*ay 3 ’••’■• Aw» a’<»*»«H*» • ‘ v ODE claitilied advertising 1' Call 346 4343 lo place your ad! 225 APTS DUPLEXES ? bd/m 2 atudaata MOO 3 atvMtenia 1*00 QUIET Notv Paint mlriE blmda f urn avail MOO-mo 445 4187 ONI BEDROOM '95 f ,}4 " Q .-*»< p.v» g a jrxJey Vm; 1.3.7.:' High P- v i n .airtpon j -■ lajntiy Si,k rv Vi?* 514 f * 4! 8. ■ 0,j!4*» j(>p«r «ilor x )ry $ » * > .1 ’ 4 l ,8lf'. f UHNISHE 1' an) (Up* A")'' i f >w*K " t ' vary 4 tt $4?S 87 : A 1 S«!• »)/’•*. t«i J4 ROOMS • tki.* ► • < V«^ i.um *>" S' ** r* i *h« #».«•*•■ gu'bag** >r»J ' « No ;>«>'•, Vx»w by tippo ' • SPVGl ASS ASSOCIATE S 646 11 30 A !a/g* c la An cyuwt 1 bdrm ' bik l A.) •V v * • -v*,4»f 'y*»c«t'a'o »•*■-’■’> * fM” I v.i.-T * .•• '.^b! Covarad JJ«* -'-J 484 4’33 A l A MCE CLEAN QLHE T 7 r*> ’ * bit U o' O Avi4v.Jm Hrt* of jxi'x '-g i 4j-* wOttC* tt’.l’S C*> Now F k>> MOVE IN SPECIAL Saw & Ba4u - %i av- %'K (top NO PI TS 4. Avsui mo f UGf Nl MANOR 1050 t AT'Y pnvtti® EK>.M*pg Waging dfatanro lo campus InctudM tA catHo St-j&OA $355 A i i *405 CM 48*, r44 ’ Bonrtott My ml 915 Oafc. tTOQ 49S 6991 2?s APTS DUPLEXES Foaest Village APARTMENTS Guam* aaranrty .Aral mir»rtaa from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS RENTING NOW ANOEOR NOVEMBER ♦ Wf K2MT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S ♦ SWIMMING POOL 2 Badroom 1 t Bath M/5 A M9T par month 687-1318 S f Iugarva turmahad uniit naar Mlm*c HJdg Dwd'oon* $1' VV'85 wi • »i ■ ? p — H**jrmood Apj% 6**8 5 'm Iban# t ixilM'iH on i'lmiKH IV yhf , f,'-' «3uo i D»V”' * p«i N*m pa. » •'>’ r Anfwoal •toor* and • of . Oat ^krtu' tm A *p<* .w <*'»* t’Y f Only \A IV * .top ('• T‘41 f ’ 7th 5«ir’r’ *" f t>*tl cl.iptol St • rx.-"ry .ary *pAc»0M* H/H1 ot cNtffh Namt amp>/* I S.’S ♦ tot) ()• .« fry ’ S j M Real t atata Norlhwaat >4)4100 Studio ona and two badroom apartmanta Poof laundry IkiIHW* waalharliad F iv# building a 1 5th A Mityard location 4M 00?? Studio Apt. 1 txocfc from UofO *A»f ary Vary **,* — or tor «v jo rwl^'oorr o' ^** o' \<'or<*g«» tucafton: .irpafi i »1 *m > pft.nf«d V'ViO v4.’ f '•*’ t.v ton; • '• 'tow 1 «vu> Room lor Rant • «h» >! «i 1 V «»)* f .1 tXJ- « ■ it A, ? ' .''I t-'.' ' jito>'* . AT*#.. ' «i 4(W 'SI »*’*»r 'P^' v. ■' .-•■ • -•• '' •■:. • ■' . UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 745 f 1 STM * CtOSf 10 CAMPUS a PARKING a ON SfTl l A UN DRY 2 ♦ badroom a S S / S ) badrooma from AMS Call 643 07?tt NOW Jannrngt . C o 6414.10 Would you IAa • raally rvea room ail to youraaS with a pnvata bathroom cloaa to campus m a raw horldtrvg whara your maala ara praps/ad lor you? Call tha Coliagian^ 14) 1?55 1390 ALDER ? ballroom tuffnahad dmek i 5-*» imput .» 4H*> »0*;r 1 txlrni turn vwry «» tp.' ’ I i*fry 1-4 4 I ' i‘ 1 bdrm turn Haal valua Avail 1? li $3)0 laaaa !»i 6 15' r t- • ;V ampuft "15 1 • Mi.'”4 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 2 bdrm nica naw turn , parting, laundry Avail Dae IS Jun 15 Dae traa Can K or C at 144 7065 $.‘V5 STUDiO * *?h 4 lAfyanJ pats * .i f r U I % )' J . far ’ » 4ft*• .’4*«r A.., A »AP SOUTIC.AU APTS Vary iarga 1 bdrm apt All appbancas prrvata patio, pool ! aaijna.and laundry lac on wrtw ' Naar campua 1454471 ?)45 PAT It RSON 240 QUADS Cl f AN. CMt AP A Cl OSf 1 36c- A*l*^ r,i A«h*' *>.’ (>>*h ‘ .•oar- quiaf K,froom* tJt*l pil Or *'« -a.vrxjry $.'’ *">o 145 *.'M t Quad lor Rant 1544 Aktor St U <>apoaas»t h4t»} mor-.;f' * >*i Hw' Voa '• >* " u !* . yw •4 7 5)6 ) 5 yO IO 8 10 ” 2 Wt I KS » Ml I - W-4.H fo (^ "pu* from "WM1 «m f M*tiPtK»Ttod q*.*aeH * Pnvaia I ntrarv.w ' * t icwtont l ocation * |2?5 tntauda* ' * Month !o Monm T •nancy ' Drva t»y 1 750 FAiyard “ a ny btanuid 1 '4.* HrfyartJ) Mai. I stdfa N>f,> »j 240 QUADS $180 Fumtahad campua quad a anttt amfc laundry fac . ultUtkaa r»cl 14% 4013 For Iwnito. fltVimo Inct *■' *»V.40 )««."* f*> « :mi VmI 1 am dy Wo vjo your «v.'*)ry and m*UM» you* '-«w% >,-%! l.1Aw«) Ca' >4 1 4.V.’ 0 MultfWo room for take M ft' Vi I % 4 p il U;V <»’ T4fi M>1 IMrverarty houamg contrail avail at>te lo» uM ar*h dorm a or Dnrvar ally inn available an medial# ty j Will pay caah* Call Ml 1/6? Will pay |?% to whoever take# ovar my doms contract avail aa aoon aa Winter tarm ( on*ad Jana 146 4/)% 25S ROOMMATES WANTED Norvamoking M or I to aha/a a 1 paraon |?%0ma include* aratar & garbage .74 9S91 hr mag MaaponatNa rovwn mata to ahare 7 txJrm toantuxfM |?VQ mo • Duwwi Ml .n,j' Iiy’xMl f>rv I'M’ 1 Mock from campua fk**‘ a • ,jfr»K*s k*> ‘.-ft,*,»ig $,*.'■ m ■ *r.-J l 1 rtf’ 14*’ SO It lit H '« «k*l 4 txlrm ho nee cloaa to campua |??0mo $40 defvoaff * * *> Ol A • 88* hum Hrvan x»ra Da or f ' any* -no Avi^fwi 270 CHIU) CARE loving l earning. I ota of Fun r-tnj rt'o 'x»ria< -t1 1 l <1 IU|C« 'Jparunga Buffi l or batons * * 2M MEETINGS T ha Student Health Insurance Comm*taa wilt maat today at ? 10 p m in Cantury Hoorn C to dtacuaa (90? 9) health knauranca latuaa f or more information call 146 1/0? 2M CAMPUS EVENTS 790 CAMPUS EVENTS Nava • data and only • do IUr? Backroom OOi l AH Dane* F rtday, Nov li, HI pm ?70 GarUngar For mort info Handra. M4 ))M 795 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT .1 Ml' •',,•* t orufr> FVwmj JELLO BIAFRA "I Blow Minds For A Living" lactur* Tour, Nov 19th ’ **) Cofr.fnOwl Hpm IVSIUJW'H |43 < a TICK! IS AT TMI MAIN Of SK Otlv >.H4N'T ®4*- in’! W M« 14 M.VA» t»rt« t IP 9/* .THE COMMITMENT^ 3rd IniorrxjUonal toarrwooF 1 r \NIMATIQN<$% "MY OWN'PRIVATE IDAHO .TERMINATOR 2j Nr/ t, >s» i. THE COMMITMENTS J with The Blues According to t ightning Hopkins Saturday, November 1<> 7 (Ml ami 9 00, I HO 1*1 .(' 12 lor students, S2 SO (if Tokyo Story *uihLi> , ^ivoninri i . 1 IN) n\\). IK4) I'l (' V Jo* \iuth nlv S-’ V) (if* WO CAMPUS EVENTS r "This is no lime for apathy or complicmry. This is a time for vigorous and positive action. *,‘>/Ty of 0 Martin Luther Km#. Jr Celebration Week January 15 20. 1W2 Speakers for week include: Rev t L Shuttles worlX Nikki Giovanni. Norm Hill, Rertice Berry, and more Session Proposals (on above theme) from students, faculty and staff now being accepted for tlie ML.X Conference, Monday, January 20, National Holiday ^For details call 346 4000 Or stop by EMU Suite 2 j »S ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ( MU Cuftutai T or\am and food Sarvica Praaanta BEER GARDENS with BEAD BAND f MU Dtrtfng Room 4 7 PM F raa ch*pa and Mlaa 4 4 PM • P RmMTMI • ’ "• Now (>/t v,i/t* FATHOM • NO FRAKTl IRK” f hr ■■.H jki r/wl'iinii.iLvur luaaa at 5 00 pm tt Donation Gladly Ate apt ad n iiciniKf iv iv to i^i IVvrnibff 5, 6, 7, 199{ u.IMI MM 191 O.IHJ M . HARPO'S BLUE NOTE * • > - ■’ tat *» i I ■ ix* ? V ' * V ' | • ’ !mh* • •/* ■ , » A U > n I'lonn*!) f*Af«nthood ' >*a. . ' iw • u. ; (> it j s iiotj »vw j'. Twonly Story Bridge BUNGEE JUMP 1-520 0303 (iifl C*r1fflCAl«« AvaiUI>U UnpUnrMKJ pf»grv*i»cy? RlHUfUGHT rt p.v u !o ,r i* jn ovwr 'O Ut * !o IVvx’^i Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watferson y , “ if* -• ■riy •*'» *iN ' *• I A Natural l iber Clothing To Live In! i I ' *11 f» */ hlbh ■ "H>'H i h 'linn a /. -/ ( hlhll rH Uhl A lull* // in,! 't\ > ■/ '*»f if\ lsitinfill* ' ' * ' " 7 ,/#f\ W-' ,/»/./ /•.iiiiifJ \4 in f'i mit J h.ifik iihl ht" tt\ ft/ / \hnl\ H it\ '«.//' r \ \lu t * >./\/r» ' I jh ilf\ m.uif mi,I mi/ * ■/ /*■(/ 4 Inihin JK-i I I t|h • IX ' 11 ' t ' • |ll(i U 'it S.il • Ix Stiml.ns