Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 15, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
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Students m an alley oft Kmc aid Street o : ;< puddu< It b,
iVeanesJ n ■. di v. "P( ’jr
Photo tjy J<<" Pas.ay
OCA initiative opposed by
variety of Oregon groups
By Hope Nt'.i "
i h< (logon Citizens A il tain v> imliahvr
Id previ ill homosexuals Irom obtaining
muiortty status hits come up against
widespread opposition from religion*. and
politic <tl groups
the ( X Vs initially e lu ,i me (ut tin- fid
gun Constitution w ould require ill ■■'■■■ ■■
of gin. <• rri 'mint i*. w ■ d r, p ,id n
tii sot i! standard (nr Oregon's youth that
rot ugni/os Immii-.i xuabty, poili' jiln I la, -a
distil itiii mastH Insni as abnormal, wrong
unnatural amt perverse a11■ I that tin e hi
haviors aro to ho ill si omaged and avoid
i hr Iflltiallvr also stairs that ail !i tub.
of govrrnmrnt and thru jgem u*s shad
no! list- thru imini'V or property to pro
muli1. rli. mirage or tai dilate hoimi'-' Ui.ii
tty piril. iphilia sadism or ma*.u< lustn
Assoc iatr thru tor of tin Kugem* Amor
le an Civil I. tberr t tos t1 ti ion David
HdtUlf|Ur said the At.id olio ot the
groups (riming out against the measure
.pposrd the (H As uittlattvr lire ausr ol
its discriminatory nature against homo
sex mils
The agenda ot t tie ( M A e. to impose
their moral views on tin* rest ot (In gun it
is a very narrow viewpoint that they have
in terms ol tolerant e for dlllerent view
points I tdalKjue .aid
I idanijue said tile t.H I is that many ho
mosexuals are d isi.r i m l na t<ul a. oird
sir if tly on the lias is i d their sex ual po ter
en< e and do recpiue legal prolei turn
Manv 11 ■ ■■ s.ii..Is have hi en due. !• !
the vs 1 irkpl.it t( and housing lor dlserino
nation la a il use somebody thouglit they
might gay ■ r lesfuan 1- id.rupee ■ od
Hut t lathy Phelps deputy director ot
the l.alie Count V ( X A S.I id t! a ■( e h e o '
been out tnurt ( ,r e of di.siriminat]
against a homosexual Phelps said hate
crimes an- not investigated fully to ■*" if
there is real disi nmiii.itioii
She said legitimate discrimination
against minorities unhides being bam d
trom hatte'ooms and rest.earatd■
' Homosexuals are not lieirig disirmn
tinted against any more than anyone
else, Phelps said Hut the heterosexual-,
aren't binding together to he prolei ted liv
I !ii.mi|ur '..ini- tl e tint n n a Vs hi • i\ no
1 !1 \ I f; i 11i>t\ »• v > i » f m » ! I’i-M !h> : r
are mi (tmii t ,im-v involving disc rtnuna ■
Imp. agains! hum os,-x a a js 1 he iim-.hii
there *J f i * lin i Ulirt c .1 sin is hi ( i ■% i ■ n, •
>4.11 remedies exists lor huiiinscvu.ii-. who
.in* dis< nminated against. hr said
■ ll S like say liu: 1 ill! In'! MV the h ■•.lit ■
being pul in thr oven. therrlnre the hoio
i .ms! (Inin I happen. In' -. 11(1
Another eompiaml against lie i: .in
livr 1,11m1 from lhr I < iimrnn ai Ministry
1)! Oregon, «i coalition ot l ‘ religious de
immuMlinns who ; endue l mmislrn • .net
mx tit) programs
1.1 ten Lowe. ,t member ,,1 the l.< uiuem
ca! Ministry. railed the proposal overly
broad. saving thrv p.utu uiarlv objei t to
the use o! tin word ta< ildale
When vou look .it the initiative the
tin a! point does not br< omr « undui t. hut
it het 111111-, the indiv idual Lowe aid
The inittativ r \ s that state tee. »nai
and lo< ai government', will !;>■{ lea m •
e\ to pn n note of tat dilate homos* Vila •
Lowe said Ion dilate means ‘make |p.
easier and there .m }ji\ drug and ah.
h.ol centers that rn rive a little govern
mrnt monev and do make hie easier lor
illdl V id oa is Woa.il that pl.ee those | 1
grains in jeopardy because homos'xuah
. 0 the m ah.« -. 1 a iw e . .> • • 1
Hut Phelps said there is nothing, aiiv
where that substantiates the c laim that
ImliK isev mill tV stun ||d even he termed a
morallv acceptah!' . and theretore .:
rec ejv e public in* -UeV
She ..nd homosexuals ire air- 1 d v
i-ijuailv pfotec ted under lie- Hill o! Light1,
and deserve no spec ial rights
\ m ! or 1 a Hr o w ■; of tin 1 .e-.h 1.. 11. c .. 1 \
and Hisexua i \ i! lam e said what ! he ( )( ,\
terms as spec ial rights are rights that he!
erosexuals already have rights • an h a
no! get 11 ng tired (lom fob-. t ir k n k, I
t.f housing based on then sexual ore ,
It I became heterosexual tomorrow.
' hi ; • I .L' w o .. i hi ( )K . •1 .1
gay. todas its sperm! rights, !h w •
Hrow n s.tui si t h* ini1 ia11v - \ ■ ■ •'
on!V would prop , turn aga i mV disc :;: 1 .
lion disappear, hut funding for anv gay
I ,m • OCA L 1 m ‘
University restores axed library hours
Student protests prompt backpeddling on cuts
By Carr e t >ennett
University officials announced IVnlni'sil.n suinr
campus libraries will slay open 1 i hours a week long
er. after an effort by a fledgling student group to restore
the flours cut lie< atlse of Measure r>
The hours will fie restored at the Knight Library, the
Architecture and Allied Arts Library and the Science
The libraries will eat h be open ‘IT hours a week be
ginning winter term. University Librarian fit-urge Ship
man salt) in a written statement I'he knight Library
will also offer extended hours during dead weeks
" This (.ill a number of students let us know their
strong concern about the new schedule.' Shipman
saiti "At the same lime, they were extraordinarily sup
portive and understanding of the library's fiscal prob
lems ”
Dylan Coulter, founder of Concerned Students for
Library Hours, said he was pleased vsilh the syy dt at
Honestly. ! was surprised that it t. >j 1} .’•■!■ !.r 1
hr Sillll
The group, formed less Ih.m two vm ■ -ks ago, I..t.i h>
gun ,1 petition time .mil vv.is prepared !u liegm 1 -<■!!'-r
writing campaign whrn the hours vsere reinstated
“l nlvursitv administrators have reconsidered their
earlier derision and deluded to restore all hut livi of
the rut hours to better serve the needs of students ind
other library users, Shipman said
We re glad to make this commitment to improved
study conditions for our many serious students, said
I'nivi rsity I’rovos! Norman Wessells
"It's a reality, however, that our budgets are .lire u!y
so tight tllat spending money lor this < onlinendabir
purpose means tli.it other worthy needs will not b<
funded as we halanc e our hooks at lie end d the hum
n ill 111 in June, Wessells said
Shipman estimated the cost of restoring these hours
as well as some hours during summer session and be
tween sessions, w dl fie about SUO,(Kill a V1 at
More students will fie hired to stall tie- .d.rar, d ,r
I urn to LIBRARY Fhirje 3
Stop the hate_
ll.tU' bused bigotry and Violence vs ill be Itur locus
of the I'l'l] ASI!() fall symposium starting Saturday
and continuing llirougboul next week Ihe aim of
the panels and workshops is to help people learn
flow to recognize bale oriented behavior in their
own lives as well as identifying that kind of behav
ior in institutions and the community
S#e story, Pag* 4
It .111 itegan bv pulling tin <ill mghter
to write .1 forgotten 10-page paper Now
dorrnie neighbors, more forgotten class
assignments and loud stereos have taken
control of his life It's been days suite
he's had any sleep. Will Neal Skorpens
Oscar tiut I rrshnnin ever recover from
his midterm-induced t ase of sleep tie
privation, or will Ins lu< k ol rost If.in to an carlv 11>
ntisc7 Thorn's only ono way to find out.
S*e Oscar lh» Frashman, Pago 9