Pair poised to fill void left by Brandon’s departure By Jayson Jacoby irmgxakl Sp< jrts Reporter Amiri' ( oilier and Johnnie Kivt e are no! the Imi) Iih kies! guys in the world It's no! because they're Ixdh .new !o Oregon, to the men's basketball team and to I’m ifii; to Conference competi tion It's because these two guards for coach Don Munson's Dm is are tiring an even less enviable task replay ing Terrell Anil Terrell, as everyone knows is Terrell Brandon, now the starting point guard lor the NBA s Cleveland tava liers Brandon, last year's scoring leader .md I’ai It) Player ol the Year, became a legend in only two years ol yv.oaring a Dili k uniform "You're not going to see a guard out there this year doing the things Terrell did." Monson said But Collier and Rent e do not enter the Duck program without ..impressive i re dell! nils Collier is a f> foot-10 |unior from De An/a Junior (iollege m Cupertino. ( aid lie yvas an all-state selection for the cot lege last year and was named MVP ol the Coast Conference after averaging 1(1 5 points and eight assists per < oldest Reel e is a 0-1 freshman jiist out of Manual High School in Denver, Colo He was named Colorado's high school player of the year. Scholastic Coach's Koiky Mountain Region Player of the Year and a Best in the West pii k last year He poured in .i.r> points and dished out more than eight assists per game last year in leading Manual to its third state title in four years Collier is the starting point guard, and Monson said his experience has a lot do with it tfo tty . at* ’’ Andre Collier (left) end Johnnie Hence will try to till the shoes ot Terrell Hrendon this yeer et Oregon s point guerd position "His experience is .1 strength.' M m son said This he's .1 frilly little ^u\ Amiri''n .1 bit ol everyone • • l■ .mil hi’ s a more pun- point nuard (than Rets i')." ( oilier is .ikim^ Ins Job of replai mg Brandon in stride "I don't (eel any pressure. Collier said I'm here to play basketball I'm going lo pirn mv game, and hopetullv. everything will turn out line Munson s.iid he is worried a In! alum! Collier's height, and that he ought have trouble with opposing guards p .1 mg up on him Hut (‘oilier said In- is use.) 1 . pla\ mg at a height disads .Ullage It s a matter ol what you have in your heart. ' ( oilier said II you re will Ing to tome out .inti use your ability, it makes tip for ynur in• i>ylit I'm always played against people who ari’ bigger than mi Kent e is making a bigger jump, com mg straight out ol high st hool to one ol the toughest i onferem es in the i omit is We have a lot more things to svork on in practice." Keet e said Hut I'm trying to adjust The atmosphere here has been really on >• " Monson said one ol Kerr f s biggest adjustments has linen moving from a mam si orer to play maker lli-s real r (interned right now with running the offense and trying lo I,ike good shots. Monson said lie just needs time and experlelH e at this ies el" Monson said Keet e will likely see some tune at oil guard as well, to lake advantage . ■ f ills s< tiring abllilv lie's a pieltv pure shooter Mon-on \nd In’s got great range Keet e s rd lie tie fill 11 el V lee Is the pies elit e lell hv Brandon It s a honor to try and llll some one s shties as good as berrell Brandon. Keet e s.inl bin going to try and tin the little tilings lo help dll' team do well Both players said they fell the team was i ninmg together well for so early in the season We re really progressing, t oilier said We've improved tbasllially is a leant sun e the start of prat lit e Monson said it was obvious ibis year's team would have a dlllerenl look without Brandon 'We relied on berrell so mm li. Mon son said We're probably not going lo score as nan h I don't think we tall t (tine down and shoot the ball so ipm k lv LACROSSE Continued (com Page 8 filsl possession, but tile ! hu ts tied it shortly with Huber's first goal Moments later, Kernel Ler took .1 [lass from Matt Kav at midfield and slid the ball post the goalie on a bourn :e Kob Paige's unassisted goal with 1 t<) left in the quarter made it 11, and the rout was on l lm i)u< ks limit .1 ' 2 In. halftime on two Huber goals, one bv John Bun. e mu! .1 shorthanded smreliv Stringer ()regon used ball control to stii\ on top an impressive feat, considering that all but two of the 20 penalties called were against the l)ui ks l fie third quarter marked Or ego ns biggest offensive burs! as the Dill ks scored sl\ times m Be a paid volunteer and get a free check-up. Trv .1 totall\ new form of feminine protection. We are participating in the clinic,it trial nt ,1 iie\v menstrual protection product. 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()ri spin I .11■ K.vs. 11- Du club li'.ini computed in the Northwest () p u u Martial \ r t s i lourniimrnl ,il I’nrtliinil Sluli un Nnv J in lull ( iint.K ! mg ( uinprlilioiis John I'livlnr u is lirst m ihr In' n vv*. '• iglil lil.ii k In'll iliv i sum (,,ir\ M.irlivv .r. m i ■ mil .mil Sl.irv in Davis tlunl in lh« (Ilti)illi'Wi'Igtll lu ll 11 v I nun knui'ss.m Miiiglo wiis llliril 111 till' II' IV V W ' lp,lll Ilk:' Imll • I'hi' (Jri'p: m nil'll s i luli .k < - f tr.illl Will host Ml I food (‘ommunilv ( ollrgr S.iturdiiv at thr N< Mith 1 i i * 111 -it m h m • i h«' t )i 'ii ( luh n <* h« " k*‘\ 11mm host.*- ( idor«»do*• .it I .it Mr ( ion fits hr it *> |> til S.i I urd.iv .mil U) i m Sunil.\\ I .ins .ittrndm^ thr jsimr w ill grt .i dollar kiloc krd oil tin* rt< r il thrv woir I rrr diun How I mrmoruhili.i Weasel’s World Kraig Norris Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen r • S' ' • -V ✓S '' / ■ * • ft