Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    MX I has always ltcl|xii tollege stuikmts tall die plate*' t h« a want In tall In hit l. one of < m r
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CALL OUR AD DEPT. 346-3712
Lacrosse wins
first contest
By Nate Sagan
t * *! d C ■ :'' t? i b ut Of
Thorn's .in ()r
ogon i hit) sport
t h .11 f i! n t u r o s
bono-jarring hits
fast-par od action
ami a high povv
t*rod offonsivo
chargo And. no.
st s nut n r in * m \
It's the [)u< ks' club lacrosse
team. which kicked off its sea
son Salurdav In plowing the
hugenc Men's Lacrosse Club,
Hi H. sit I})•• intramural Held be
bind Mi Arthur Court
This Due ks were led by fresh
man Dave Huber's five goals
Cnfortunatel v. tbe Ducks will
lose Huber in the spring
Huber has been offered a
scholarship to the Colorado
School of Mines, which has a
Division-! lacrosse program In
high school in Colorado
Springs. Colo . Huber was a
two-time all-state selection
However. Oregon co-captain
brie Hernecker doesn't think
the team's losing Huber will be
too devastating
"We ll still have depth in the
midfield, a solid line of attack
and a defense that will be able
to play with anybody." said
Hernecker. who scored twice
Satu relay
The Duc ks return u strong
squad from last year's 7-5 team,
including i’ete Moe and Kob
Knglish, also co-captains llie
Ducks also boast five players
from the bast Coast
"They just end up here. It's
just the luc k of the draw,"
Iternecker said of the east
erners Dave Stringer, a Svra
c use. \ V , native, whipped in
three goals, and Ian Haight,
from Massac huselts, added a
late score in Saturday's contest
Oregon's opponent, the
Men's Club, came out strong,
opening up with a goal on its
Turn to LACROSSE Pago 9
Continued Irom Page 7
Bui she handled il very well
.She is one of our most versatile
"After I chunked position,
my junior visit yvas a real learn
ing experience." Charrnin said
Her lulling percentage is up to
Z 1H tills season, compared
with .1 Itifi mark a year ago
I've really trained toward
improving my hitting efficien
t v I've played miles la tter tills
year "
And Gregory will be hoping
Charroin and the rest of the
Dinks play better tonight
against tile Beavers, or at least
better than in the teams' last
meeting bai k on Oct 1H ill Cor
vallis Oregon lost that match
m three games, including a
shutout in game two. the
Dili ks first since 1979
Oregon State's easy win
evened the season series after
Oregon won in five games at a
September tournament in Cali
Ur had a different lineup
last time against them." Grego
ry said We've had some high
points in the hist three or four
matches ”
The Dur ks are coming off a
come from-behind win last Sat
urday against Cal Oregon
swept the iast three games, in
cluding .i 1S-1 rout in the set
ond game after losing the first