Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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    Former Harvard professor to discuss activism, peace
Ry Hope Nealson
Fmaraict Ftepor'w
A Nobel Peat e Prize nom
inated activist will .discuss
w11vs people i an help solve the
world’s problems tonight at
p in in the Hull ( enter s Silva
Ur Helen Culiiu ntt. a former
Harvard professor of praliutrii s;
will point mil what she he
Ilexes are the i S govern
inent's skewed priorities ami
their i auses
in her presentation titled.
Hu tiding a Healthy America
( ili/en A< lion in the dj 1-.let
lion ( aldicot! xs iII <iisr uss is
sues such .is nnlitarv spending
and the nation s health i are
Therese DuHrahai. programs
coordinator for ASliO, said
(addicott lakes a broad range of
issues sui h as military build
up. environmentalism, femi
nism and economic conversion,
and shows how they are con
Caldicott is a former Harvard
professor of pediatric s who left
medicine to speak out for nu
clear disarmament, economic
conversion and preserving the
C.aldicott has lieen presented
with the (iiindhi Peace Prize
and the University Women
Peace Award She founded the
Environmentalism, feminism to be covered in speech
\\ imien's A( turn for \u( !imi
i )in.ir m.imm1 I \\ AND? .util
Physicians fur Su i.il Response
bilitv I’hysii tans lor she Prr
\ eniii -n i •! Nut 11 -1r War v\ Inch
;i iimii util ol Physicians for So
t i.ii Responsibility w on tin
\ol*'l I’e.11 »• Prize in I'iHS
It You l.o\ r I h/ I’i.ilU'l.
( aidinoU s -third Imok. tyill lie
put 11>.Iv.•(i ; n V i: i h She h ■: •
-ii'i! written \in :<■ ir M./i/nco
IVhill ) Oil I III lh MmiiV
/ nt t She It.is met w it It Knnaid
Reagan and Mikh.nl Oorbai hey
and h.is hrii'liii military .mil
i orporate leaders
Shi- shi n s us that tIn- u .it
tvr spi-rul inir money promotes
till- sdi-1,11 problems present in
out soi ii'ly " DllUr.ih.ii sail!
AI iiia Swaringen pi Women
tor I’imc r s.mi ('.aldii ott gives
somu outlook on what Individ
mils i an do In soh i- tin' world's
"Shu gives many , many- prng
malic pieces of advice in how
we t an make ( hanges in our
da11v lives, Swaringnn s.iid
"On one hand it can he very
depressing to listen to all the
facts," she Siiid "On the other
hand she's very inspiring be
cause her analysis causes us to
see it is a matter of choices, and
we have choices to make that
have an impact on the env iron
I niti*ni(v lliNiiilmr Htuiti of Uiritlun
^ meet Inf ight at S M» *ii the Hl i »
KrniUiurant nu Franklin Houlevard
Alpha I amda [)t>il«TKi Ha Sigma *
■ .•* ' tn.n.ght at ’ ip. FVfl t eijar K >>m, > i
i d F Call \4t> 1 IS » Uft more informatmn
Student Health Imurant « l nmiiullw
m ■ ■ '..i * ,»t rs 4 in .n IMS (atfUuf>
K A < .1 : . 1 4fi t ' 0 2 f • m ■» r e
< ir . h- h * ,1 : » ’ f M
l as* 1 -if H m A
Student Pn>|r» U Hoard of Onw ton
|i-v%iih Student I nton a. <
* - ; ity l KV.l (, K ,m 1
t hrmtian S< wm e (Irgam ration .*
PKSS \ y, ■ ... p , »<• ■ W
St: s< r l ANKCM s
( h i I d (air Ini * ; ■- ’ Mg »
J SaW) K.*' * at ■ Ml A
. - . ' . -» a* ‘ <-• j . :' I
a! ;*t I d fTJ. re tn* ifmaliPf! at d t ■
l Kinnxatmtt» m llh j».»H Dim Ku**ell »
1 • ■ : U ip #> •: It H Ml I
j . • j• ( j J 4» ‘ 1 4 5 4 } : f e
Intern at lofta I hakr » a 1«- \,
gv and w it*'
'AiM.v n day fr■ • rri it a rti u> » |r m Hi ft Kit f
An I > ruing Dim union id ( nil KighU
with gu**t speaker Kupert Flurema
H. ’ afdn- P national VUK pMHndefi' « ' ill*:
SAA(J' **ill lake * -.it ' in
K ■ MOW; .amrtU'
OSPIKf. U«> 4 \ ‘ ’
• • g, • • 1 ll'- tm .‘■••v l*t • ’ w
n.gF.t at Kt rn 114 l»ai ih.
• | M | \ tntam
A tjvitrp w . I lake {),»■. e today at mam III
KSfl Suite One
(ti’iDK H \! HhS
t ar ref Planning and Plai etnml ( XT n e
r r : i '-.i'* v*>% » • take plait* da)
f t ; rr’ .». m n t - 1 pm in Hoorn * *
J ter: i' it » *
Pre denial student* N ra ( r n!*
OHS', tjer ' i. admin.1 u% ditn t •: w.i.
• » u4» dtmui v hool information tonight at
■ () . ihe MVA -i - it Rtnim C,.i
»4 > ^711 for mum inf<>rm*u n
"C hooting Your Major and Planning
Ywr ( uriN ulum v* '«i the lor ' 4
wifkth '.ti ■ ^ f>Ltt p • !jy j i > in j. f
H > ;M i )m„ :Li id. IK
motr information
Hihir «(ud v v% . • < ■ ;
merit as .1 whole
DuBrabm ■».»!«! ( aldkoit is
otii! til tin- most empowering
moil111 / 1 n g u nd .1 r! i < u la 1e
speakers she has inff heard
•Swiirlngen said l aldii i»t! also
talks about forging alliam es
with active groups to address
larger societal concerns
Nwanngon said t a Idu olt s mi s
S.lljr ,1 'I'illl. tor sluiicnt Jit:11\
(l.ililK <>U’n iurNSilfjc Is impor
tiiiil lor pturplf! lo■ hr.tr !«•< ,ium'
o! (in' cnrit) tinrrivi palli.
Nwjrinip-n '•iiil
i think .1 lot ol pi-oplc iton'i
rralizu (hi* mtioiisiii'sn o( our
t-.irlh n path ‘•hr N,u1i Tiir
i\ ■ r,n;i' i it •i-n iloi'sn'l vv.mi to
think about it bet a use it's mi
We i an turn tin- tide awa\
trom thi' t lilt we are heading
toward. Sw.iriris.;<-n Mild
Ticket* I ail he purchased III
.ldVillKe .lt the IMi Main Desk
for Sr> or at the door lor Si>
W o 111 e n for I'e.lt e , I’eii i e
Works, and Mother kali's hook
store, are sponsoring the event
8.00 P-^
$11 Students, $15 General Public
EMU Main Desk Store CD World
Face the Music Record Garden
Hmrdco%rr $14 95
Ken Kescy’s newest children's Umk llw Sc.i I ion, is .1
magical (ale of changelmgw and hertx’s drawing Irom the
oral traditions ul ilie I’aciln Northwest ltulians. Mi Kese>
weaves hernook' s slots I * «.■ ti k w ik is an orphaned child ss ho is not
(x-rlecily formed am) is scoriK'd by all (nil the duel's daugliter.
Shoola lo the tnlx he is merely the N|x»>ninaker until the 111 yht ol
ilk- last day ol tail when a majestically handsome stranger apjieurs
during a storm Ilie stranger pull . the entue mix' into his |x>wer
(Jills lemook and the olti woman he sail grandmother see through
Ilk disguise lit ilk- stranger's UUC nature In
.1 v l.i .sic conflict between good and evil,
1 emook uses hts cleverness in save Ins tribe
Neil Wuldmun's light Idled
watervolors complement Mi Keses s
slurs wonderfully I dled with images
of the Pacific Northwest, /he V.i
I ion illustrates the beauty ul living by
the se.i and tlk' connection between
hie and legend
It, aim lh\ Ilcru kirk/nttn. i.
1JTH AND KINCAID. M - F. 7:30 - 6:00, SAT. 10:00 - 6:00. PH. 346-4331