KISS A DUMMY SAVE A j LIFE!!! I Here's your < ham e to learn C.P.R. and \) to certify tor the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate | fur j SI0.00 fee < (urged tu your I student .mount, whj will rm-ivr • -1 Hours ot Per m iM.i: ( l.lss Slnstrui lions • |nstru< lion Booklet * Red ( ross ( PR ( cMiIm .Ition C .irri Date for C.P.R. class: Tuesday. Nov 19th 610pm < V H < l,i SM s hfllt HI ttl« Stii'jrn! Mf.iltti < * if* i Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 ( ,tfii i Hat ion 11Ui s? } >• .’4 h«>ur•, t n-lnr<' l.» •. ■-> or • u < t»a u t \,1 S/h#•(/ h\ fht' Sti/tJfnt Ht’jlfh ( rnti'f ( Ht > • tin (lut t H in th't-M 11tif! nil ijjnJs for the ■■'.lit- -1:■ i .If ' ' ! r-vefsits ! i *! it:'-. !h.j! ! is- re-, : 111 i S m • r*.i!\ programs and m< o ases it: student tuitlun, .< til If’t! ( s should not U .it: area that ri i i iviMtfM funding Student Sen.ite member f.iva ( ..its. ' ( Itoed () linen's st.iternent 'Students h.ive had .i minimum - t permit tuition 1ST! tease the l. nivefsttv lust .'00 |.|C li! 11 .Old stuff. and s , till; i(ti vs i;rt!v d programs luive tieen in! sin; s.od "This is nn!\ the firs! • tugi1 of Measure S Ih-wt er. ore department seen unwd bug to roll with tin- r hanging times ft demands even more m rites w hen other departments h.ts <■. i u! ton v s lit)s.i: r mi Is ( i r s s,ud O'itfren, t professor in the soon sp depart rirent. s.od («»1 ii the i iiiiipus ,ind state i ti.ipt.-rs of AM I' .ire opposed to using ssM.m money to support ,itlrlele programs instead ! edu; .itio.n al programs I lie I)'. I.rr r| O' n hi d il i' I to II: t k > .( ■ f e .the Issue i rid.i\ .t! in 1 ! .i m meet ng '!:■ KM’ (.viniwooil K in However I'.itn .i (.wartma t.lhhs, .in ussra tale professor ol sore.!og\ and menilier of the Interinstilutional I .units Serrate, said the hoard should postpone r j, ... ..a; .,•! the sports trade it until m t igh is examined Some r armpits administrators are railing the ports hailou! a done deal.' hut family and stu dents lieheve that tiles are being railroaded into a hasty dfs isron whit h drserts tun.Is ■1: ■' might otherwise be available for academic programs or imlmn n iiui tion.” (.w arlnrv <. ibbs said : h<: (mini .mil I hi* OSSMli claim sports t;.iiii»i;l futuls i anno! Iw* rvdirei led to support a domic .programs or tuition reduction.’ she said After investigating the details of the bailout pian. however, the IKS Kxecutive Council finds no - \ ideme for this c laim We urge the board to i onsider the political i onseijuem es, in the stale Legislature and with the public . of hailing out mtiltimilliori-dollar spur Is deficits while simu Itaneonsh slashing aca demii programs and levying hefty tuition in i reases. ' she said I. n h nl tie .speakers expressed support for sill den! athletes but said athletics are not a primary fiiie in .I! ol the universities AS! O is supportive of the athletic depart me id’s : on tr i but ion to this campus and the com n. .: :t% Ide \S( ( ) President Jennifer [fills said : is we urge the; hoard to explore other alter oat: i es !» !. e. ej mi mat ing or reducing our r urrent programs ' ■ dternatives inc hide taxing business es that Ism 'it economic alls from athletics, in ! aling restaur.inis and hotels, renting out of ath Il ia facilities lor concerts and other events, and miMon ol \t \A requirements It is false to assume that the value ol a univer Mty s diploma is based on the value of the school's football or basketball team." Hills said In a wntten statement Wednesday. Covernor Barlmra Roberts announced her opposition to state binding o! i allege athlete s While I understand and support the value id La. 10 ami N( A A level interi ollegiate competi tion to the state system and to Oregon, I cannot support the recommendation to commit universi ty funds to intercollegiate athletics considering Oregon's c urn-nt lisi a I i in aim slam es." she said ig—' BEGINS AT THE a UO BOOKSTORE GIFT WRAP __ _ ____ ■ ( IIKISI\I\S Win II \M K ill CUWS ( Kowd .md liutiv i ■ /atl V\ 1 M ! a m s diversity .1 president lor admmtstra turn, said the money spent on m; Inyees latmly and friends A a ss " at. MIUIIIII and that tin- ! . ► 1 thi total money paid tin the i osts of sending the team and the mart King fund ih- a;-a said the money yvas : ey i-r intended to fie a r ash re ward lor par tit i pa ting schools in fee provides in a! - aiyy.ini e or budget to reimburse " flooi tor tfli* extra • Apt-list ! meeting tii-- fiowf organizers e\pi tatlolis o! what partil Ip.i tilin' ill their event entails, W d:i it**.s -.aid in a written state rnent I hcsr expectations ^o