Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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In light of the ri'i mil events
conf erning the A S WO vice
president, 1 w ish to p- a lew
questions to the AM '() exei u
live off If e
1 Do you !ie!sove puhln: ofli
i.tills need to exercise good
judgment ?
2 Do vou believe shoplifting is
.in example of good judgment'
:t Do vou believe people
should he held respollsilile lor
their .u lions 1
■1 Do vou think a public official
who exercises bad judgment in
her private life should be
trusted with issues that deni
with other people's money7
5 Is it responsible for a presi
dential i andulate to ( htxise a
running mate who has commit
led a i rime, then not lei the
enters del ule it they approve o!
her actions'
These five questions were
not explif illy answered in et
ther tfie l '.inrr,itd or the Oregon
Coninii'tUiilor. and 1 would like
to give Jo Sonja \V itson and
Jennifer Bills the opportunitv to
answer them
The answers will not change
tfie fact tliat Watson stole from
the University Uuokstoo while
she was a member i d the li t 1
She stole S ' 27 worth of mer
chandisr wfiile responsible for
the allot ation of 5-1 5 million
But the ansvvi rs to the ques
lions will enlighten the public
if the answers are responsible
and rational, the only responsi
ble and rational option left will
be lor the executive officers to
submit lin-1r resignations If the
answers are irrational and irre
sponsible, then we. the stu
dents of the University, will
need to decide it we want our
money and future in the hands
of irrational and irresponsible
Jim !)av is
While ri-.niinj^ the llmcruhi of
Nov 1 and the November issue
of the Oregon Commentator. I
found the articles concerning
ASIJO Vue I'resident Jo Sonja
Watson very interesting The
comments and assessments by
Jennifer Hills were intriguing
and expected
According to the two publi
cations. Watson is admittedly
guilty of stealing And she re
portedly told the Commentator,
"...And I'm not going to apol
stu i.iUcti to itjijn -ar ;:! i ourt
i ■ .
should tin She wruU- .1 bail
chuck Shr sill! trr 1 s she is
qualified to handle large sums
of money, and these things arc
not relevant as to Imw she deals
W till polilti al issues
Bills, the AM () president,
knew about b.er imiduct. and
vet shi and Watson 1 unspired
to keep it set ret tint d liter the
election l.ater. Bills told the
t Uinimi’nluliir Wi ail makt
stupid mistakes
problem \\ hew'
lilts reminds me nl the te
cent Clarence Thomas hearings
the a 1 legations against Hit anas
were never proved, hut 'Veil if
they were true. 1 guess it
wouldn't matter we all make
stupid mistakes It wouldn't at
feet the wav he makes cfet i
sums on the Supreme Court
It's in the past, anyway1
I believe Bids anti Watson
should resign from offit e for
their t onspirm V. and the wav
they defrauded and deceived
the student Imdv and the ad
Run \\ 1II1.mis
t ugrne
Butt out
l.('! ul! •( V . !■■'. It: mil's Imt!'
Hmv can v'hi re.diM.it ally ex
pnc! him in ban tin- military
from recruiting on campus'
If he hail not vetoed the bun,
tb.e i hum e is as that tills turn er
slty Hull III : ise | • i : ms leilei a
tionsiileting the financial
i (instruirits tli.it M>-a mi re *i lias
put US antler tie Imam all : isk
i! sip!111i Ilf : the LSI! Hoard nt
)ire< tors kept tl . ban truin be
ing a v iahln option
(i ranted, tl isi r mil nation in
the military is not necessarily a
positive thing, neither is de,
t rimmati a against lie military
rei miters arid interested parties
her allse of a policy yvhit h Is
not their m iking
It you fuel a military polity
change should he made, don't
Ida me them They re innex ent
She change should not he
made on the University cam
pus, but Ul ( impress yvhere '
\levandl a I app
I’nlitn al Si iem e
Unbeknownst to most ornithologists, the dodo was
actually a very advanced species, living along quite
peacefully until. In the 17th century, It was
annihilated by men, rats and dogs As usual
860 East 13th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401
344 7894
Shipping Avail aih i
Vm UMI 1)1 SCI ) l -I N 1 •
the copy center
of Nov 8th Drawing at the
EMU Main Desk Store Open House
Driftwood Shores*2 night stay
•'•*-m andf W Wi
Ben Rough
Rodney Jim
Greg Hofeldf
Brunch for two at Valley River Inn
'!> u.W by V&lloy H/vvr hyt
EMU computer pass
7 '- ufrU i)y £ MU l ■ vpuhit L lhj- }o
EMU Rec Center Bowling Jenna Williams
•£> <>,iltd by I Ml l Hot, tenter
1 Package of LTD tokens Mark e. Liu
Greyhound RT ticket to Portland Darrel Rothauge
7> hy v .''O '1 V'\f
Hult Center tickets
7 - . Kiftni bf Hi lit < < *•*.' hj
Pete Chadwick
Michael Smith
Chauna Ramsey
Steve Carlisle
Dot Dotson film developing
ACT III tickets
Moyer tickets
Passport photos
'Donated by McDonald Wholesale
Gene Obersonner
Mike Healy
Jenny Beaumont
Deb Fenker
James Freeman
Mindy Gebers
D. Hetdter
Christy Audette
James January
Leui Brown
6 packs of Pepsi
'Donated by Pupa
Juliann Jenson
Nita Winterbottom
Cathy Barnett
Caitlin Shenon
Jodie Hall
Lorraine Ramsey
Patricia Melso
Karen Christenson
Alisa Hunter
Maryann Lulrch
Christl Garr
Shelly Ashenfelter
Mary Weed
Shannon R. Greer
John Bleble
Dan Vernon
Andrea Woodworth
Lla Salckcla
Paul Folse
Pass it on.
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