205 opponTuNrries TIMBERLINE MAGAZINE Tha Uorvararty of Oragon l Itarary and Arts Journal CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS MURRY' Daadhna Approaching Nov 27th Bring Artwork (alidaa only) to F rw A'**. (>"•<*» I ilwnv'v o ct) Jty' r„'mr' btuj ~ An l it ‘o' Bring F*oatry {1 copy poam; to 44' PI C . f •• •« L '«k| Poot'Y I tkuy Bring F iction (? copraa atory) to PC Pi , ■ O thirty’ *> '■ ‘ <>""■** F ctkyi F CM or - . j Plaaaa includa SASf with All SUBMISSIONS REMEMBER Daadltna rs Nov ??lh' Umvararty Day IW? Co-dtractor appltcationa dua tomorrow 364 Oragon Mall r I hear and I forget I see and I remember y I do and I understand STUDY ABROAD your financial aid For more Infor mat Ion. contact Office of International Services .'*30 Oregon Hall, 346 3 207 one or more quarters ,N Karn UO credit Use ABOUT IT! f ipenence f ugene « r UV.i ;x>v! w ' ’ J '* « *'> ' • >- • ’ • -»K - ' '*« tHi o' ’V T y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A I ARN MONfY •* % v ur'« > •» ■.» i **!:i \ EMERAl D CLASSIFIEDS A gem ol a deal! I iceptiorvel opportunity to provide services lor an active community ol older adults Varied responstoiirties Include daily housekeeping, transportation, and telephone Permanent pert time poactions available I or day or night shift Appfy 1001 Washington St I ugene noon 4pm Mon • F rt F Of l aw School needs Computer Tech knowledge ol IBM compettile herdware and software. DOS and modems Wordpiertsct, DBase end Networking eIperwnce helpful Preference given to wort study eligible apjp'K ants Qualified non wort study applicants w»H be considered Caii Marilyn at 146-1460 REPORTER WANTED ; i'w ‘«*gu Cm * I '»»' iO s. -i-1 op* £»;

>5 ’ Car't* t Fanned or Chr:4 li d • ■ jr more nlorm a?n doQt* -ir^yn'M,i» wirtu" ' ng nC>. -f ♦"'•1 ■- *» and, wo** import ait »y a • ng •’*»%■* to »" *o qua •>- 4-***»* *ex> » p*wf''« m and #w ’i Pay -% I' 9 an %•. «> Ap0*'O»'"'t n.A.' !**» tin -.*KV?\> % ■ csor'ts *c MU C'. *v •■* yvpNm n$ APTS OUPLEXES A lARGF ClfAN QUIET c* No» f a. :. MOVE IN SPECIAL Now 4 Bojutdui VA 2 BEDROOM FROM $ SOS . PARK MG * A 1 ■ ' R H( * PS * j UMOPl AN KIT( Ml N‘> * f I ! Nt *iS ROOM * CONVl Nit N! TO vAit f r MIVl M Cl NTt H 1811 Kingalay RcJ 343*4549 NORRIS A STEVENS Mouagamant ( GoodQenb Ck>»« to S '1 ‘ $ )««; ^ «’* : • f UGt Nl MAN )H j " i o"V • »*« • | ■V i • . : ’ < >’ ; - - •- V* '■ « '441 fi*nn*tt Mgrpl 9160*4 »?0i) 486 6991 Forest Village APAHT Ml NTS Qui*l a*r*nity Juat mi nut** liooi downtown BUS TO C A Ml‘US RENTING NOW AND FOR NOVEMBER ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA'S ♦ SWIMMING POOl 2 Bedroom. 1 « Bath M7S A W®6 p*' month 687-1318 S I l ugana f umnNd urut* rwar Mu arc Bldg xx^ A*1' S»#-, » d'ior p Mavjmwol'x} Ap-f. • > ____________ IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING' IT you ar* *tuck ptying loo mvjth Tor loo I AH* com* wji *p*c»U* l wo t>*drooro aparlmanl* lociitd on lh* Mllrac* w* only 2 tXocfc* lo U of O Ptivai# bale on** • or paho* A a* atXHit BUY OUT SPi ClAl • C*ll Don *44-6696 Mill RACf APART Ml NTS li*hiiwJ Track Town Puiti 1806 GarcJan Avanoa 22$ APTS DUPLEXES t MONTH 1“ HI f HINT . ftrt— 0*1 ! TWm Pa - ■- t* men f ■ *n>» H; -o 4*«»a*8' ONI BtDHOOM • »*> f ?4^ O ^ i >lr> P< '«* I * *' HV •!«»-. 1 ‘.,1I* MM • 1 • : »trg •• I ’■ ,.|o ■•-.» * ' f i .* . ;>*■* , V • - *> M I ’ 4 *' , «»’ , s, t a •»!'•> V *V V4 I ***• M MM -Ml P » *> *•’ ; » • V T WO at DHOOM • *.*« »W- ' *' *k %;« ?•»«>/ ' » ‘ « *■».«' !» J « . ' SPRtNGfltlD t •« MOOM‘. !VK '-'.I #1 *. <)«- ' :■ : M , V SPYGLASS A‘»SOC IA ! I S n TO Studio on* ««*d two b*dioom aportmoftta Pool UuotJjy tarilit w*«th*fU«d Mv* txnktinga. 1 Mh » Mtfyard location 4jM W? STUDIO APART Mi NT I CM Hf NT " A* «tv -»*. . ♦.*■* • 1 * • •< i Up. v ■ * • t .> . .t ,f V4*j 4 Studio Ap* 1 l**»)rk tram U ol O lAvary .'i'( •• t ! /*' *’ V Room tot H#nl *> .* Would you )*• • fAAiiy m • room «ll to ycHJf»*rt • pnvAt* txlfMOom. do*# to cs»mfH*» ,n • > >•« building «*t*#f* your m#Ai* 010 pt0tmf*1 lor you? C»H !h« C0)1*0Min. >4 1 $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 174,’ W am t2 \ j S " - ■ I-**' -JOT" V ’ l\A i PAH* ‘A . I a ■?,; ■*< » a ►* 144 ‘ rft * J#nmng« ♦ Co 683 4*11^ 1 bdrm fuin. .♦*'> « «**' ; f V IV ■ ) wry 34 4 31 4’ t txJrm turn RaaI vaIoa Ava»! 1? 13 1330 Iaaa# Id 6 15’ 1 ‘ r’ p \ '}*>) 1 ’•* ‘4 1 . ' 1 4 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 2 bdrm r»c», »»•* lufn . pAf%if>g laundry Avail 0#c 1*»Jun 13 D*c \ i00 CaII K or C 11 344 1065 »2*3 STU0KD * M->-i-t I • 14 > *) I * » v • 1 £*'• ' f 4H‘ .'4 A A. » A'.AP f VOuYmt.AU APTS Vary lAfg* 1 tJdfrn «|d All •ppiiAnc»» prrvat* i*At*o. poo MurvA Af>d lAliTXlfy f*C on Art* Imii CAmpNi 34344/1 ?34$ PATTI HSON Quad tor H»nl. t ‘>44 Akl*r Si V | H».- l*c tidy covoiid pA* rxP going • tlKj«f»l -«* .1 » . t’vg 2S0 DORM CONTRACTS Dorm Room AvatitlW* ? Corrtracl* f or ful# W.M P*y JM) C**h ( At l KRISTA OH lKM t v 146 4 '0? C.otid lwf( ? fr*« c a - - U'l UK Un*v9< *fty Co»»if#ct for i»»# *»i*h cfc>/rr»» or Un«v*r*Ky I f>« tfnmmdWill p*y i *»f»‘ C*l> Aiung A< Of f lo »f»4K • * 1 iwiton 1, %. mo ?u AkJ«» **l*f A jj'tia ;• ’.’h $*>93. tv m*g H**por»»0»4*» loom nijit lo »/».*'• 2 fwjffti \< l.' »Omo • S hj|! • fv > 1; • O * # «*» . ■ 1 4 t»dfTn htKj*# CK lo tamptj* J.'?Omo 140 • I o 270 CHID CARE l owing. I aarnmg l ota of fun • «! .i'w ..v 1 i .t «) H«#’ o • ;«ir g*. Bo**- i;**%’■>■ - '•**> 'v'JO 280 MEETINGS 7 S« Sludant Maatth Inauranca (. ommrtlaa wiM maal today in Cantu# y Hoorn A K B i m to diatuaa 190? 93 haallh Kiitiiinc* MlUfi t or mori information call 146 170? Tha Sludant liaalth Inauranca CommRlM wiH maat tomorrow at ? 30 p m in Canary Hoorn C k» dtacuaa 1W? 91 Naalth mauranca umai for moi* information call 146 3 70? 290 CAMPOS EVENTS Hava a data and onfy a dollar? Ballroom DOt l AM Darwa f nday Nov IV HI pm 220 Chi rl»ng ar for mora into Sandra 146 3166 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ‘J(kI ( U.-if >*>>i X Holt ni 's'-' / 7 / /?/ L Vt i < >Ks t unnii ?'-V />«/> JWART5 4 ENTERTAINMENT %C *#•> >W% V, «• 44 Vi Wj U thjj-tMrui l,fa>!ltL-V' r HHAI %*A'W *00 .•!»•*« StX.DRUGS.RQQKAROlLj ~ v mmw *•, «*» v«« » • jh * , -1*4 04H-- . Vrtl r * V JHE COMMITMENTS tmCAf Ail ***W' l21rd International Toutneo wMY hi o, ANIMATION I TERMINATOR 2j 3 MM4i */«.'*» " h 41 SEX. DRUGS ROCK 4 ROLL MO SERVICES T Episcopal Campus Ministries Thu'«d«y E v*n 't»*i untnaaod coonaeimg I4 4 :M',( Thor* • no poMt< m lot mg weight Ur.iOft* ytx-r® gtvg \.j *«*»*.' I O'1 T *'-•» Mktu fW »'»<>.j' Ur^» ' .. • Sytkf**'' ^ i '■ » ”•■*» ho*-*** i » 'natal ‘ •*» ‘•»' '.rta . t i- M-. ■ i ( • «»< \ Tv -»*>' fJM I 4 Twenty Story Bridge BUNGEE JUMP 1-520-0303 (irtt CertifM A»atia4>le Unplanned pregnancy? .Ml t . * *> 50 "• * " xi tv ! hh: WM CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer Ai MOV, I Ml Ml S IV riivunutj H i ■ ! 13 Mr, I 1ur!)*tf 1 1 I >• >y i" 1 4 W * : * t ■ W.iu 22 H.iHti* •. 26 • ' • . * ,, ■ M .1, hormy 30 At!, « !« ■> I 1 ( .Iffy 12 I« kJtlof II •• ■ 'i ! it >* ** U 1 O t»kn * v. 'IS T. 1 JO M .• leM-Vi. 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