Oregon job market gets worse; unemployment skyrockets SALEM (AIM Orison's unemployment rule til creased sharply List month, rising hulf ii percentage point to f>-l percent, the staid Employ merit Division said Wednesday Thi’ seasonally adjusted rate trails lated to HO,-1(H) Oregonians on the joli less rolls That was the highest (litoher level since JflIMi. when 'H>.H(H) people applied for unemployment benefits, the agency said Division analyst (Indium Slater nulled the news disturbing hut said there's no cause for alarm at this point The month to month increase is just not that good uf an indicator.' Slater said "II the rate slavs at the l. 1 percent level or higher for the nett few months, then it would tie clear that Oregon’s economy has taken .1 lurn for the worse, hr said Wilh the holiday- approac hing, he said, ec onomists w ill he t Iom'Iv watch ing koy are.is su< h .is the retail trades to sis. if there's been a downturn in Ore gon's economy Despite the ini reuse. Oregon's unem ployment rate sldl was lower than the nation's, which 1 repl upward to (1 H per 1 ent in Oi toiler Still, the ini erase in the state's joidess rate tame as a surprise because of its size and 1ms ause the rate has fn-rn 're markahly stable" through most of l>eii, the Employment Division said forest fires or the threat ol fires result ed in a sharp dis line in logging employ rnent Iasi month, the division said The number of Oregonians working in logging plunged lo O.JOO in October, .1 drop of 2,ZOO from the previous month and the lowest October level on record. I he agent v •'.ltd Other parts of the timber Industry, in eluding sawmills and veneer and ply wood lost smaller numlmrs of workers as ( ullut ks and layoffs continued in the industry, it said The food processing industry exprri enced a seasonal loss of .’.4(H) jobs, while services employment greys by 2.1(H) jobs when a loss could have Ireen expected, the division said I.mployment in most manufacturing industries, construction and trade ap peared to Is- "reasonably strong” in C)« tuber Hut transportation employment fell as the decline.in logging ai tivity re suited in .1 lessened demand for log trui ks. the agent y said State economists have bean saving for months that Oregon, w ith its < ontmulng influx of new residents. has largely been able to es< ape the effe< ts of the ret is sion gripping mui h of tin- rest of the na lion Slater said division analysts don't know tf the October rise in unemplov merit signals a major i hangc The worst t ase would he that Oregon is finally being seriously affected by the national downturn, but that’s by no means clear at this point,” be said The increase in Oregon's jobless rate drew .1 warning from U S Rep l.es An Coin, I)Ore . that President Bush and the Congress "must get off the dime on et onomie recovery AuCoin. who is giving up his House seat to run for the Senate, urged Bush to sign a bill to extend unemployment ben efits He also said Congress and Bush need to work together on an overall eco Home recovery plan Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS A Ml llvn Dane • Data* g#< fcf*d u/ mo arc go*ng lo rag* on I rrday rughl OvUy ana mo/a day ADVERTISING, OR YOU CAN USE THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS IT'S YOUR CALL! 346-4343 ' " TmFORSAUMSC 105 PERSONALS Hry I your info »* you i« an ACc Idant at Alda* A 'Mh on Wad 10,73 C.#H MS73M of atop in at flunk) • Thank a flow no LOST A FOUND I txtnd fl*a fcocii kay oufa*da I MU Mon Nov 11 Call 14 3 X*7 to I ound Thura 11 7 CofTMf Pi ( • l twary * * * .« * * *• * 4< 1 ' 64 n* o i>ty Of #><»4 ki» S I oat PaaH nacktaca on Oct ?Mh or ?A»h l arga aantmantal »aha t arga ravrard US ?U>« l oat at Marvua a t andtng I * ' .< * ■ :■* - w» >•• ■-*« **• '.» v - *> t A a *4/ •'■ft us TYPWG SERVICES A >44 0 7M MOWIN n GUAO SUttKA APPttOVfO .* »*»•' 41*-' ’ v » , nJ I#*"- 1 '»>■• " o w , I .v Kj { rt . • ON CAMPUS' ( Af.l II VI T YPING I Of TING |Vy ui[Hf «* »*! *• ■«* I** l > <5-.v**”a?**"' mU*"‘ i typ*ng 110 FOR SALE MISC mTVPWC SERVICES Printed It*/ to computer filei fs C A NN E R si 7474SB9 *J M ► 1 «adu*u *» **•►! 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