Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Duck Call times
mix up students
By Karen Engels
tmeraki Cortot'1 •
before Duck calling (or winter term registration
wouldn't hurt to read the fine print indhe l Inlvcrsitv
time schedule of classes
Students will register according to their < l.iss Mains
at the end ol their last completed term, not with tie
numiier of credits thev will have alter finishing din ■
term This may come as a surprise to some crossing the
junior to senior threshold
'I he Dm k ( all aci ess schedule on I’uge r> of the lime
schedule states, To use the access schedule below
first find the student classification box that identities
your status as of Nov (>. toot
Formerly, registration took, plate the hrst week, of
eat h term after grades had been issued and < redds
earned With the new Duik (lull phone registration o<
curring during fall term, this will not lie the case he
cause fall term credits have not vet been offu lallv
"The attempted number of credits is not net essarilv
the number of t retiits earned," said fieri) ( beret k
lJniversitv Registrar
(Iheret k salt! |Us! because a student has been here for
three years does not net essarilv mean he or she is a se
nior No-passes (N I’), course withdrawals (\V),"F
no basis for grade (Y) and int omplftles II) don't count
towartl total credits, he said
(Iheret k s.ud tie has seen an average ol 10 to 12 stu
dents a day for the pas! week and a half lomenung
this issue Some of these students were a few credits
short of senior status
"They are concerned ami frustrated (du-rei k sii.i
They have a lot ol anxiety
(Iheret k first relers students to individual dip,o'
merits offering Ihe courses II thev aie unsuccessiui
there. "I trv to he empathetic to their anxiety, he sa; I
"1 trv to work with the students on an individual ha
Seniors are classified as those having 1 tr> : redils m
more, juniors with ‘Hi to lit to I its. soplu ai ;-.s vv s t;
4’> in 00 credits, and freshmen with 0 to It credits
At iou I 10.000 personal access codes for Dm k ( a I! won
sent out this term with the class slat ;s mark, :
Chen-c k said
Seniors and post baccalaureate students began tegis
tration Tuesday and continue until Nov 1-1 '.no
regisler Nov ! I ia ..ip!i, mu n gem : N . 'e
and freshmen register Nov 21 20 Community Kdm i
Robert O Boon (left). president ot the campus chapter ot the American Association ot University Professors, and
Patricia Gwartney-Gibbs (middle), member ot the Intennstitutional faculty Senate, spoke Wednesday against the
state proposal to bail out intercollegiate athletics
Sports funding proposal attacked
By Carr e Dennett
t mar ate) As ■» u ate f !' r
S t u i! «’fi f and fatuity leaders joined to waie then
o|i|>osl!i(in to I hi' prosper! ot state hunting lor inter
< ijI!ti-itrj athlete programs Wednesday mornm.;.
I wo days liefore tliH One n Slain Board ot Higher I I
oration turrets to void on tin1 issue
llic proposed plan lor funding the jIlr-m.»t■ ■
deficit props ted to ex. red Sit) nuliion in In
visits is lo give .1 permanent in. tease from slate
systrin resources it SI fi million ear ii tor C logon and
Oregon Stain, and S fill.000 lor Portland State anna
Kotxsrt i ) It;.- . president lit t!\d I 'tin. e: sitV I liapti'r
ol the A inert! an A.-hh i at ion of S ms* ■ atv frotessors,
said at a press i o udereru'e in the i.Vd Is II l ander
Room it is important to remember fiat tin idea to
Bowl spending won’t
alter vote, officials say
By Carrie Dennett
fmerakl Associate I dttor
Stutu nntl University officials say publicity
iilxuit itiu University athletic department's ex
penditures for the l't'K) Freedom Howl is not
expected to uffec t Friday's Oregon Stale Board
of Higher Education decision on athletic: fund
The athletic department spent nearly all of
the StiOO.OOO it received for playing in the howl
Turn to BOWL Page 4
Peace of mind_
Dr Helen l.aldteott, a No
bel Pence Prize-nominee,
will speak tonight at the
Halt Center on her ideas to
cor me t what she holioves am
the government's mistaken
sense i f priorities.
See story, Pegs 5
Duking it out_
A poll indicutes Edwin
Edwards is leading former
KKK loader David Duke go
ing into Saturday's guberna
torial ult>olions in Louisiana
Sm story, Psgs 6
Oregon guards Andre Col
lier and Johnnie Rfarce will
1m expia ted to pick up tin
slack o! departed star Terrell
Brandon tills season.
See stoiy, Page 9
University Senate rejects sports bailout plan
By C.'.t" •• Dennett
t r» .i 1 A'. .. ■<: i'*f I .1-' f
i hi- l ntMT'iiV Senate V i ded
V\ ' <ji.. '..iii v til end -i : es. 'HI
lion of tin- lull^institutional
!•■**«: o 11 v Son all- opposing i
‘spurts bailout pl.iti by tin- Dr
egon Sialt- System of Higher
l.il in at urn
rile issue dominated the sen
ate meeting, vs ilh tai ultv ami
University senators questioning
whet) • r all options short o! the
proposed transfer ut St lr> mil
lion to the 1 niversitv. (iregon
State and Portland St.ite have
been explored
The resolution, whit b .i- *
lire st.ite board to look, tor other
sources to alleviate the shared
defied of more than si, million,
passed 17-‘l t
The issue appeared to ( ome
down !o whether additional
funding lor athlete s has anv
plate in .i state xystem so iron
idi d bv M« .o ire %
We hev e a deep dang' ' ■
crisis to higher edin .ition it,
this st.de," one faculty member
Vote opposes transfer of money,
calls for state to find other sources
■ i I I V ' rs : ■ ►
way In use very linuksd hinds
Bonnie Stauhlrr, Il,v> posi
dent explained lh.it bod\ n
mms for the res.-ilutiiin
W . hr i .ini' . 11 n i i- r ii i •:
iihnut tin- idea nt permanent
funding •'Ii.' s.i nt U r lagan
H) quest n -11 is further perm.me;.'
i flanges when tin’ fund mg ' 1
ll.lt 11)11 is Ml Oil’s . IS SS ISe
Weldon !hrif, ()SSHI vm
churn rilur lor fin.mi •• anil ad
ministration, addressed pn ■
turns iilxuit tin- proposal
There is |U) isstlt’ I woulli
rather not deal with thin this
onn," hr s.nil "Hut this has
been an issue in tin- state of Or
fgon for (hi- post di’( .nit
ihrig sanl tin- i hanr rllor s
staff explored three options I"
fort’ making a recommendation
ini luiimg withdrawing !run.
thi’ I’ai if ii 1 0 (lonfereru i* or
collegiate itlhli.'ti< s
The firs! and favored option
is in provide the three tinivrrsi
!n-s with i nm pr nsa 1 iun lor
i inn lies' salaries and grunts m
aid si hohirships prtiporlinnate
In thr number ol student a111
We began to
question whether
changes... (are)
wise. ’
Bonrtit; Staoblor,
// .S' prt'S
lull's rrr riving degrees from
isicli univi-rsity in tfit■ previous
viMr. Ihrig said
rhe iimount ol this rumprn
S, it 1’ .11 Would ' I Illlt! *«■ ’ll • •!
SI r> million annually each for
liuih the ' niversitx ami Oregon
Mini St.»S• •. Ill -.,11(1
.S* ? n rf S i ■ Vu e I * r i I <! t "U t Ali">.
amir.i Lonte suggested th.ii tin1
private se< tor hr ( ailed (ill In
help support the collide athle!
i( s iht'V enjoy
Ihng said fund raising by the
three universities has already
increased, with a si.tic popula
tinn o! about I million jn• 111> 1 •
donating an erpnil number ul
Heoause ul llif lengths ills
i ossicin over the athletic fund
trig issuer, several Hems on llm
igenda weie |>.i'.tpulled 1 In
senate had planned lo disi uss a
molion railing for a resolution
wd delense department rhsi rim
inutiori agninst gays, lesbians
and bisexual* I he resolution
will lie pi,ii ed on I )ec emlmr s
.Si-ii.ite !‘xrhamentan.m Ki Mil
Kir hard an.' ' Jill!' • • 1 that h (light
Library hours will he il« reused
11 ' !, i :• ,\ i" up h an I In
.-■( i ' no hours A hearing, <>! a
: ,-sii|, 1 r inn a sing l< ■ the hour
!'i he re.Dsla'ed bad been la