SPORTS Fall, winter great time to visit Marion Lake area a INTO TOE OUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY Miirion Luke. loraied jnsi Inside I h e w c s I e r n txrundary of (he Ml f ferson Wilderness Area. is the largest Imi k enuntry lake in C)r egon not w < essilile fry i ar 1 )ur Ing July and August, though, till! 140-iu re lake often limlv hundreds of visitor, on sunny weekends, and .it times the noise and crowds i an tie as had as iit any roadside < ampground That's why fall and winter are the best times to visit this lake, when the i rowds are gone and fall colors and pristine snow can he enjoyed Usually hy this time of the year, the trip is made more dlffu ult l>e» ause thi> road to thr Irutlhrod is at least partially snowed in. turn mg .1 relatively easy - *> mile walk into a seven or eight mile Irek But this visit I Hr Hiker, r at her tHon (hr ( mss < ountrv sklrr or snow shoer. is in luck, Ixx ausr the rn m! spell of warm r.nn hits melted thr rarlv snow and the trallhrad can hr rrm hrd h\ cur I’o grt to thr Marion l.akr lake Highway 120 cast of Kugene-Springfiold In Santium Junction north of Clear Lake Turn loft nt tho junction, fol lowing signs to Delroil and Sa lem At Marion Forks, a small community IS miles from the junt lion, turn right at the road immediately past the highway bridge over Marion ('.reek Follow this road, whir h is paved lor the first mile or so, past numerous summer r ablns on the right side Four miles of good gravel, which can he dnv cn in cars without four wheel drive, then leads to the well marked (railhead, which Is at the end of the road where a large parking area can a< com module dozens of i ars The wide, well-graded trail leads southeast through huge Douglas l ir trees, following the Turn to OUTDOORS Page 9 SEAIRS cw&i presents brother NEW! WORD PROCESSOR WITH PULL DOWN MENU AND DUAL SCREEN CAPABILITY ■ Easy read 5 X 9 in CRT display ■ Uses standard 3 5-in. floppy disks ■ GrammarCheck includes 70,000 word ' wordspeir,' redundancy check, more ■ Double column printing S393!> W # iVf . * per month* on Sears Charge PLUS ,M US iMfr »iM FRANKLIN ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE MASTER 80.000 d fWimhons. tf*>s #U'iJOOC.l CASIO GRAPHIC FUNCTION CALCULATOR ki column < « IKK) OsHAli 69.99 >ROYAL M \ ROYAL DATA STORAGE PERSONAL ORGANIZER HokH pftone hsU. i’tefixn. 'xntkXjit-x mxxm (S) 6au» MOU .'Mti #II75J »*g *m SAVE $101 BELL SOUTH DUAL MESSAGE ANSWERER Answan Hv 2* Pwttnf lf> fOCHTliO^ 59.99 Tlwougl) Not 30 ntfft (MU SONY MICROCASSETTE HAND HELD RECORDER PoMoWe *» lectww fCVUKUCK 29.99 •Soies *a» downce 3000 GATEWAY STREET (503) 741-1110