Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Millions’ new album is ‘rich’
The Millions
M is for Millions
★ ★ ★
* Hataa
* * * > M«m •••• «««)•> «v«<
• • • «•*•* • »•<
M is for Millions whs a pheasant surprise for
me. as it will prove; to be for fans of The 10.000
Maniacs or fcldio Brickoll. It is full of m h vocal
melodies and harmonies, which, when cou
pled with its pumping rhythm section, pro
vides a unique twist for the listener
The opening song, ''Guilty,'' is the ideal in
(reduction to tins hand It fades in with a won
derfully melodic and hooky buss line and
clean, airy guitars, and then lush vocals that
burst into a driving chorus The Millions vo
calist. Uiri Allison, puts her voice on display
here, with soaring, transparent highs
Most impressive is this song's chorus, where
her voice takes ori a subtle edge most apprnpri
ate when The Millions' sound ventures into
rockier territory
Another highlight is "Angus Dei. a cathe
dral-like chant that serves as an Intro to the
moody, string laden "Wes! " The over-dubbed
voices combine to form an elegant choir This
uncharacteristic piece is far removed from any
thing else on the album, and is testimony not
only to the supreme voc als of Allison, hut the
versatility of this new talent
Kn.roly is my first impression of an album
my final one, but Ibis is true of Paleface 11 i•• i
collection of 1(i songs t .ist in .1 folk aroustn
film's mold, all ol vv hie fi suiter from mtoler
.dili' vocals and uninspired. redundant tnslru
{-'oik nuisii often lulls .1 story or rrl.it. . sunn
relevant mk 1.11. political air ■ env-iroiViiiriil.il
message When l’alefai:e attempts till-. 10 songs
like Say it like volt Itie.in it World lull ot
Cops" ind Stupid U.ir Movies his v „ !,■
livery and I y rl( a I v ..idleness obsi ore bis nir.m
‘live music is shallow and pale here, unlortu
nately lacking the energy and passion that
might have brought the album to a point above
the inadequate vocals and redundant songyvrn
II vou wish to seek 1’alefai e out and giv ■
him a try. listen for the tunes mention-’ i
above, as well as "Lift yourself up slowly
These songs are by fur the best of a had album,
which is hopefully not the best I’alef.ii e o r. to
By Branao'’ I Hooens
Sky Masters offers good military drama
Sky Masters
Dale Brown
G.P Putnam's Sons Publishing,
510 pages
Hardcover price: $21.95
Available at the UnlversHy
★ * V 2
• |vmIIi«ii •• e *• •*!»*«»*
In Ix-st selling author Dali;
Brown's newest hook. siv Mas
fer.s, his heroic navigator-bom
harciier Putrick Mi Tamilian re
turns .is a crew memU-r of a
high-tech IK! stealth homU-r
that helps to oppose a Chinese
invasion of the Philippines
Sky Masters takes place in
June of 1994 The United States
has returned its Philippine mil
itary bases to the* country's gov
ernment In doing so, most of
its previous military influence
in the region is gone
The Spratly island c hain is a
group of islands whose rights of
possession have been contested
by the Philippine and Chinese
government* throughout the
past In a brief hut vicious na
val confrontation, a Chinese
ship launches a low-yield nu
clear missile .tl a Philippine
vv irship
in the aftermath of the evplu
sion, the vice president til tin'
Philippines removes tin right
tul president from power The
new government turns control
ot .ill the e\ r S military hn .es
to the (.hinese government
The l S government, afraid
of increasing Chinese control
over that part of the world,
sends !vv naval fleets to help
control the situation Alter a si
rtes of aggressive moves bv
both governments, the t S and
Chinese Imd themselves in a
full blown military eonfronla
.S'iv .Masters is a well-written
novel that, although lar king a
comprehensive theme, deals
wtdl with both aspects of a
modern military and the psv
etiological problems of the peo
pie tfi.it work for it
Although at tunes the plot
runs afoul of military technol
ogv. losing the reader in a mix
of military jargon and futuristic
weapons, this lends the novel
an authenticity that it other
wise1 might have lucked.
Mr l.anahan, who appears in
other hooks by Brown, is once
again the hot-shot airman who
gives us a grxal Irxik at the
mind of an aviator who might
he responsible for large-scale
During a discussion with Jon
Musters, an engineer who de
velops a new reconnaissance
satellites system fur the I S
.% i■ rrin>i■ nt. Mi l.unahun shows
,i sn|o .1 i umbel th it M.isl.-fs
never before realized "( omb.il
isn't .i serins of pre prtjjjr.irmrtf
parameters on «i i omputer mon
l1111 it's mm ,irui women
who are stared. niiii brave ami
11si^r\ and who feel hopeless.
Mt i..inahan soul It s not a
< Ir.ir ( til engagement
1 ).ile Hmwn. whose previous
hooks have .ill fallen in the
loin r.liim v (Tlw Huiil tor Hut!
()t tuber) category. writes ahout
the 1 S Air lone and the men
and women who make n their
(.ener.i 11 y. Ills novels take
(dare in the future and are
eharai teri/ed by high ter h
weapons systems employed lo
defeat a threat to l’ S national
set urity
While this newest l*ook Is a
good read, at times all of the
i harm ters are hard to sort out
In the combat serprenr es, many
times multiple viewpoints exist
and at times it gets confusing
w hic h ship is where and w ho is
doing what At points, the
whole picture gets lost it)
Brown's attempt to provide a
comprehensive view of the hat
Dale Brown is a formerly
(Itsorated navigator bomber
rlier of the U S Air Forte lie
has previously written four
best selling novels
By Darryl Berney
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