Create your own £ FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS from your PHOTOS® ARTWORK HIGH QUALITY IMAGES A PERFECT GIFT Available • Volume Discounts kinko's tfic copy center Campus location 860 EAST 1JTH AVE EUCENE. OR 97401 >44-7894 WEEKLY STUDENT .. » m ... , JM SAVERS TILLAMOOK CHEESE _$3.97 FRESH FROM THE DELI KUAS1 \bjU CHICKEN $3.99 fur Hpuw CINNAMON TWISTS 5/$1.00 | i& Z PAPER TOWELS ! ^ 38$ fina tuH) ! i'ip. 11-19-91 #9S 17 COHl K(i Kl) 'i HliK'KS WEST OK ALTZEN 683-8(j()9 7am-llpm 7 days a wkkk Al) KKFKdlVK 11/W thru 11 19 1 <>aKiiui U»i .1 Oi <'• ;tin I ),iil\ ’ ’ KimcI 111!' I nifi .iltl i Kissitiods Gypsy bares show-biz backside By M ng Rodrigues I r"-«» .1 i-J ( ■ ■ If you're looking for more to t licvs '• n in .1 musii .il than vour u su.t! song .mil <1 >in Its blend of (Ir,im.i and .i I* hind thi'M i'nps po f .it show business endowed it witii an enduring appeal. ever since it first hit Broadway in into "Though the songs and ilimns .in’ an intrirailr part of thr show . f-t/isv is .i very dr.i mat ii mu sir.,it dialing with ■ 'motions and thr relationships between thi’ ch.irai tire said Melissa Wahl publh ist at I mi ka Organization. thr produi turn t umpanv putting f •v/'V on its national lour "Thr m ii s ii a Is intiTrsting also hi-i an sr It • \ poses the blood, sw i ,it and tears that goes on hehirui the glamour of show business. Wahl added C.yps\ is all the more t.isi i natlng he< ausr it 's based on a true stor\ (. V p s \ Rose Lee raised the ai t of public disroh mg to a tease that was artful in the tu.'Os by lacing her ladylike burlesque with witty banter (i Vps V ’ s i h I Id llood takes plan1 when vaudeville is on the wane and the la/./. Age of flappers, speakeasies, gangsters CouMcty photo Pushed into stardom by her ambitious stage mother, Mama Pose. Gypsy Rose Lee (Joannetto Simpson) attains fame and notoriety as a burlesque performer m Gypsy, the classic musical which plays at the Hull Center Nov 15-16 and molls is mming on strong ''Home" is a flealrag ho lid room and family" is Mama Hose. the ambitious, aggressive and tyrannical stage mother PRIZES Tournament T II U R S I) A Y NOVKMBKR 14th 6:00 p.m. $2.00 KMl Recreation ( enter ■ V| 48-1 A USED M MCDEflMOII cut who pushes (o keep her two singing .mil dunt ing daughters moving down the lough of show fn/ June, the < hlld "slur” is the Shtrlev Temple moppi't und the f.tmilv's favored breadw inner Louise, on tfn> other hand, is the gawky, uglv duckling” older sister performing in the shadows Hut when lovable June turns her bin k on the fam ily and quits the act to elope. Mama Rose is determined to mold Louise into the next star Who W - ,,j ex pet t the ado lest enl to blossom into the slat uesque and talented burlesque dancer, (ivpsy Hose Lee, who eventually finds her indepen dent e (iutsv. tender, bittersweet, rousing, highly theatrical, these .ire the words t ritlcs use to de scrilie this t lassic about family pint k and pride in show busi 0 ess Showtime is it p m Tickets art- available S k* 5, S22 Tit). S1H 50, and SIS at the LMl Main Desk, or tall the Hull ('.enter for the Performing Arts at t>8?-fi000 Limited student and senior discounts are avail able GO TO MEXICO BETWEEN CEASSES. \ * »• ‘ ' r:■ • " r.' . i r \on ! uCiidojn »*,«•> «>u reed .i break ■■ head u 1 lead 1 V". rati.'- * l ? trer Doe a hw r \ c > \:";os :: ; n d K t ^ V V. ' ar:;u ra Da .:>o don t make vou walk n s to get here D I it Mexicos never heen so close 'i', >>r>v i * r>-' P" •■ate. Pat?5 iuo rfrr^Mrrc. *" r r- A, - .if nos PATHS MEXICAN RESTAURANT jrs 1219 ALDER ST. me*' *n 11 am-7pm sa? 11 30amC>pn Bring in this ad for a free drink with the purchase of any ’GRANDE.