AIDS Continued from Page 1 I'lii' thuversilv s Student Health ( enter offers either modified anonymous testing, which means the doctor knows u patient s name tint the nx ofds won't, or confidential testing, where the names of patients are taken but not released HIV antihodv testing is available Mondays through fridnvs with an appointment. Lane County Public Health offers confidential HIV counseling and testing Tuesday by appoint ment and Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday at its sexually transmitted disease clinic The three health clinics are required by law to give the HIV antibody test results only to the per son who took the test, who must personally arrive to obtain the results. Shoemaker said the more places that oiler test ing, the more options people have for people who test HIV positive. Lane County offers many services and support groups More over. Lane County may soon iaiast of what Wil liam Warren, executive direr lor of Shanti in Ore gon and Willamette AIDS Council supervisor, calls "one slop shopping for AIDS when WAC and Shanti in Oregon merge in l't‘t2 '['he two groups will retain the same services they provide now WA( fcwcuses on education and prevention of AIDS while Shanti m Oregon provides prat tic a I and (’motional support lor peo ple. who are HIV positive Shanti in Oregon offers pr.u lie al services lor people vyho are HIV positive, which inc lude shopping anil child cam live urbanization also trains emotional support volunteers who meet with a person with HIV one to two hours a week., saui Emily Heilhrun. Shanti in Oregon Client Ser vices Coordinator Shanti In Oregon also offers the IHxlv I’ositive ('.roup, an informal support group lor people who are HIV positive There is so much isolation with HIV.' Heilhrun said " Thev re isolated from support ser vices Especially in this time of a lot of budget cuts, this Is the only way some people can afford those! services " Lane C.ountv Hospice Services Ini sponsors the Ai orn (duh. a sis lal and re« reatmnal i lull for people who are HIV positive The i lull is run on a drop in basis Lane County Public Health sponsors lie Well ness Program, designed for .helping people pro long wellness, Joe said l or more information on HIV antibody testing or services for people who are Hf\ positive mn tat t • Acorn Club Heather Ml ' .’1 tu • Lane County Puhlit Health f35 sll Ave . lift 7 40-11 • Shanti In Oregon t I ' ' L Am m n. Parkway . 142 a itlH • Irm erst I y Student Health Center tit- till • Whtie Bird i 11m< SOtt L 1 Uth \ve 4H4 S Council: li’ ' t Ama/or. :I42 r»0HH RECALL Continued from F’age 1 problem with the person o< i u pving the office now Wilson said their ik lions are not r.irist, ,is some have insinu ated We knew that some people might i onstrue it as rat ist." he said "For anyone to even tiring that up shows a serious lack of responsibility It's pist about in tegrity in student government king said some of the stu dents w ho approat hod the peti tion table to ask alxiut the situa lion signed the petition without km 'W mg W a Ison's rat e Although she skipped a i ourl hearing at one point in the pro ecedings. Watson says she hi-' since taken responsibility lor her ,ic turns bv paving her fines and performing the required i ommundv servh e When the artit le lirst came out, I didn't want to come hat k to school at all, hut I dill." she said "That shows how respon sible I urn I t ame hat k to work, I was m the ollit e, 1 went to my t lasses | think that says a lot Watson received a letter of support Nov, 1, the day the ini tial story was printed, from |im Williams, general manager ol the University Bookstore I have been ill manugnmrul .! I thr l nH ersil \ ilui >k since mix e January 1 '• '.uni have parsons)Iv overseen our slorc ■. security program Inf the entire lime, In* wrote During those to years mi r l lion tndlvidu .ils h.ivi> born arrested lor shop liflinj* "The vlist majority arrested vvetr students just like you, thr letter rontinurs I hr vast majority were liasioally lionrsl people who tti.idr .1 bud error in judgment Many of those stu dents have gone on to promt nent o< i upations i am ronfi dent that you loo will go on to great personal suet ess 1 Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds. f" ~G~Ji T A R~ST*Ri NG S | 50% OFF ! \ OUR LIST PRICE ; i Music city I * 210E 171fi (A! 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