Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    IU: I m;ETi'«
Louisiana civil rights leader to speak
By Carne Dennett
: ■' eci ■! A', j l’e !!’.»
As thf• voters of Louisiana
prepare In dec uii- Saturday if
Republican I).iv»11 Duke, former
(.rami Wizard of thr hu Klu\
Man. will In' their next gover
nor. tIn* national vu r president
d! NAACl’ will fw on rumpus
10 (ilfcr her insight into this and
other issues
Rupert Kir harilsdii will give
An livening Dismission el (in
11 Rights" Thursday at 7 p in ih
Room 1J0W illamette I tall
Kir hardson. also the pres!
dent of the Louisiana National
Assoi iation for the Adium e
merit of (iolored I’eople w ill
address issues of national mi
port.UK e such as the 1 hike * am
paign the (ihirence Rioitvas
hearings and the (livil Rights
t.reg laans ol the liugene
( hapfer of the N A At il’ said it is
coincidental that Richard son is
visit is SO tllTH’lv
Ur had planned her visit
vs, i\ Ini l in August, ' hi1 sun I
It h.is lii'uitiii: morn tfmelv
now m light of thr rlti tnuv If it
vsrn'n ! for this v isit she vsiiu|d
probably fir in l.ouisiana right
stir i ari offrr somr insight
into vsh.it is going on in thr
m i in Is o! tfir voters atlil vvfi.it
stir is srring .is ,i v rtrr.in (if
I.UUIM.inii polities. l.V .llls s.lltl
On the topii ot the rfmni.is
hearings. Ivans s.ini !<tt hard
son will hkrlv ifisi iiss the .■■fra
sons the \ \ \rr , pp is.-.4 Jtir'
Stir vs .is. v rrv inst riiinrnt.il
in helping shape thr St.Hi.I tfir
\ \At I’ took In S.llll
Kv .itis said Hu fi.irilsiiii ;,,.ilsu
: s' n a stand that thi
Rights 111 it going through ( on
gross dors not do enough In
protei t vs oinrii a! u i i h 11-! t r n
Kit ti.itiison it i v r r si- t'.o k
ground iin lintes prolrssional
rxprrieni r in; all oliol and drug
abuse ire a! men I and < tvti
work In promote < ivi! rights
atui drug prevention She was
named Louisiana s ( th/enol
the Year m t <1H‘I
A !'*Sgraduate oi Southern
University in Baton Rouge, i.a .
Klih.irdsur went on to re. eiv e
Iver master v decree in edm a
tl.li; . ! ! ' Ml- \i'l'.e St.e. n
v ersjt V , and additional stiidv at
several universities, irn hiding
ihc i tuversitv u! Oregon
in her ivvo dav v ivlt to hil
gene. Richardson will also
speak to three . iasse-. tiie.'l
with Iii.i rrsili l’n i d n t
Myles Hr md and ' have .on
with mends rs o! the Id e k V r
(iell! ! limn
She is a veil down honie
and .even earthy .pc iker md I
think students w ;:i like her
sens, of hail I I v ans said
Kl. hards- n s visit is spoil
sored b\ the ! niv ers11v s ()ffit *■
( Mult nd thi
I.Ugen. ( hauler o! \.\( 1’
► Ml H u 4 nl nt I) i r i* • lm « It u u « r
( ^mnulln1 a • ►.'
! M' H- .irtj K •:> * >4*- • .’«> : ' •
Inlerndliinul Student \«i« ulmn a
■ ■ -• • ’ ' »' ' 1 ■ ' •' W »
( *j . *4*. 4 l« ' 1 ■ :«•
Par lln Nnrlhwrvf PrlMinnrl MjlUiirl
\ «MM I jl ton A ’
p m ;ft Ri.'rt c ' i •• t -i '4 * *'*4 '■
\«iart Pai if h \meri«*n Studiiil In ion
w ■..! rmnM l- ' at »• " * i ' H
l 4111 U-f (jUi i4f* M ' .4 f ' ■ ft
Pi (.uniiu Mu v* ' '•
in KM1 (jT'tdi H m H . 4*4 4*D» ‘ r
m> ip m (of mat! ri
Mud* Nbroad in l.nnum
meeting will take •■’->**» 7 -«!.*> f? rn i •
p m in I he t M' W.i • jt H m l .i i
14tv i.'07 for iiil'irnutln'i
► Ml Board of l)n n tor* Budget
t jimjnittee a .. it 4
KM! (jjdar W ..m H (-».* i4*. »’ . ■ 1 .
in formati an
Student* Ior I nilwl SuImiiuMiiiIpI t S
will meet t r k‘ ’ flt > »•» ; • W "
Willamette <4 14 *i J '■ 4 I f "
in formation
(JSPHK. A !u-n• orgy <«• . » a
take pu-e t •* *hl a! h Mi in K n i'4
f'a» lilt
( ullpyr Kr|>ul)lii an* a
M • K.Mi ' t *•; *. ir> H • • i * >44 I'.nl
fur mom information
Ihr Druid* »-.» >•
■ -.#!.• a! S I" at P «•*.»' .* Pir/a * •
' 4!?. St
Mist 1.1 1 AM I »! S
( a>m nr «jliofl with ptrl Dull K u**el| a
take pi.* <• t-..-. ft ■ t H
( hapman
Health (are \.li*.*t Pa.kel* a
i Ml today h '• ; '
4*4 ♦ ,4 for.
I hr ( onq ue* / «*/ ►*«-/••*(
Ml 11 fit M. the thi! : r Pf . ■ " e
r M it .otn .M ( »4». 4 m
»r m*U on
J'w IM)S S *
! a*i jj«ral; : * (of •’ i v : ••!> ■•* lit
;■:*« « t-r.ifihi Ir tTi 4 «
( rnpulinn t citu • h . * '■ .' • «■
tn^iutuun t* l -i «4»- *>
h»!nj)r»w Krfit a ( *r v* ‘ a • ■ K -f
rtMWUng tofiiftht U ■ •' * v:
( jim FUdiiiiik 4lui PIa< Miiml ( H!« «*
Mimljliun a*«»ton * • *
!-,Kn *> H) to ft H) tn R- m . »* Merui
Knuitir wr Mini; «*ufk*hoji *%
pi* • iu*i«r - ' M i m " H ■ '"
iM) Mendrit i*
tturi abiujii [■'■< •• »* *■»*
n-day hum 17 Ml io 1 *<> pm > « !Ri
S.indcf Room a 1 it- r 4 ■ p iu K - m
12 liortdrii k* ( ail '4r> 4 f> : mote
tn (ormotion
11*1*1 n at MHI a 1 Nlud**' Map»t I*
topic of 4 W Tk*?;i p «»{ ► ' ' ■ ‘
requirements. i arecf i>pp rtutnlins and
4{*piU-«Uon ptoamiurw* ?'*T an 'f-lrttuitjofiai
Studies Major 'i * »•’ {
today at 3 X) p rn tri H »m ■ (>•<>, r
Ha.'- ('.a!! »4»- idM ! • Mi 'if • :
Corah SJwH at I ?.:!«-i uk*-s ; • » ■ •
vv«xjr. sday f.' ' I Ml l » J> m and .« '
n«*v»i met* (-a:. U \ M«20 ! >f '
"I* |r%u* thr Only V\ay t«» (»o«j?
!‘1J“ ? ■» founduble diw usvi* n H"" .
by the Restoration (ampus Ministry t »'
.it ? tn F M; < <-.* ' ary Rf •"•DC -» »4 • • • i
for mom information
Student Mass !uii *• y
Julian garlic broad wtii lan pi-* *•
9 at (ht (.he! sea fiouai, IHM Dnyi
»4r* 44ta t .r m ,nforr»vit. r
1 ookmq lot a qood tlc.il ' ’ Kt-.nl till
Ort tlon D.iil\ I mri.iltl t l.issihrtls y
Wednesday is U of 0 Student Night
For FHct: Beverages
and Popcorn
8*11:30 P.M.
Sf iSi 41***'
2222 Centennial Blvd
a.*.«• • Eugene • 343-4/34
Oh my God'
60s skins ate back1
li s u tut s .inside tint i<Hints
u *. x\
V shoelaces with every
| pair of shoes
S 7 W !W*»u*1wun |
I tiltn Mull |
I5uv 2 Used Records or
Tapes and (.et ()ne
or sl i() ()i 1 .tin (..'(impact I >n
Happy-‘Tiails j
> ■- ■ . IV r * . |
JV» t >* v > !
'u r< v i; -.t\! riH iT ! . >r (apt' ul is.i :.i. > >f ■ m t v i ;
We pav rash tor umhI Krt orals, I apes ( I's
^bl 1 . 13th • • I spires 11 27,l»l
y\ I pine? Import £>cr\sicc
T ho Volvo U p«»c: U 111 ;it
to your OvutlnuMun
pcastfo/ crrxsk
mm m
. 0,1
% r I c i a i
v/oi v«.)
f ja* fnry Of l<J ln-*l
t i i ti r/
726-1 808
lino MAIM CVT- OPHINQriCLD, OR 97477
Be a
paid volunteer
and get a
free check-up.
Tr\ atotalK non form of fcminim* prolct lion.
We are ; >, 111 it i| . 11 iii", in tin* ( linii .il tii.i! ul
,s new menstrual protei turn product. I)« - • *i
oped (i, In' iiiorc ( i iinlm l.itili', muh' < ■ >11\•
ment, ,uni imirr i 11.•( 11\.* than 1 r.t■ i11i<m.d
methods nt iiii'ii 1111.11 pi-if• *( lion, you m.tv
want to 11 \ thi- now pimlmt \mn • ' 1<a
months, tii-< -if t li.u•.■
To lie tili"i! |i i-'i lima In- 1H i.’i si n - !
mid have i' ■ nii: period-. As i p.u t
pint in 111» • trial ■ i will he p.ii'l at P' Vi '
(for lip to four visit 1 mini • a i • j '
i( .11 i:vai. r ! i: • u. >
The mutiher of p.u :mu' •• I.
< .ill to ensure von' Imled . : ■
I’lli.ise ( all
Woman's Clinit -1 niversitv of(freynnStutlent H> illli
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