Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Say goodbye to fair
non-resident tuition
It's ,1 good thing the t'mversify > ■>!;ite run end nut
privatel v owned If it were tin- * r• i11;>r s won it uv e
removed the furniture hv now. the employees would
h.ive flocked to night manager iobs ,1! loca. ' I iesenv
: • re would
l:i ti i- midst o! Measure i cat . shr: k : g ! ■
aid and ab\ s.mal leac hing salaries, the I ;uVersit\ has
an non need that non 'resident t u; tion might - (Hiss d> v
mavl>e OK. probnhU will ou,reuse in the uei.t few
years lit tint, the plan goes, non residents w.i be
footing the entire cost of their education
1.1 mu y.t. t i >. « iin ny. i
The I Tiiversits and
the entire Oregon .State
.System of Higher I,dur a
lion i annul continue to
prit e students out of an
ediu ation The time is
i oming vs lien only the up
per middle to m h classes
of tins state vs dl hi’ aide to
afford college
Couple that with the
increased need for college
degrees and the trend
takes on frightening over
This is a state si hool.
and its top priority should
he to Oregon residents,
This is a state
school, and its
priority should be
toward Oregon
However, non
residents already
pay nearly three
times the amount
of resident
tuition. That is
quite enough.
Hosvever. non residents already pav tiearls three tones
the amount of resident tuition That is quite enough
The need to make up Measure f> indu< ed budget
shortfalls is dear, hut gouging students is not the an
swer Nobods is going to want to pav exorbitant fees to
go to ,1 si hool suffering through department restructur
ing and budget woes f uture non resident students will
either sta\ home or go to another out-of-state si hool
w ith more amenable tuition prit es
There must be another was The condition of high
er education in this state is jus! .1 symptom of Oregon’s
overall economic problems A ness tax system is need
ed. It something is not done, the Oregon higher educa
tion system svill (.ill into shambles, and a generation of
future' leaders ssill be priced right out of an eiiui ation
t )rriit>n IKul\
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Racist issue?
jo Son pi \\ atsun in not tin
i>nlv uni' who has done wrong
by stealing htxikstorc imm ban
dive I iim. Unan H<h>|). ASl'O
Student Soniitor. hoy i• stolen
In-flirt and spent Him- in jail (nr
not paying .t bn vt 1c in k< t I !*•
11<• y i ever \ unc lias v ioluted
s u rn i1 la is s 1111 n n i a n d y ,
smoked maniuana. broken the
spi-i-d limit Noon.- is innocent
II tin- people instigating llus
y n ions rat 1st <itl.it k nil Watson
Intend on upholding integrity
at tin t-nty i-rKttv, 1 i iiulienge
them to (Insk tin- police ret
ords of eyt-ry ASl’O and Uni
versity administrator and begin
ret all efforts on everyone who
lias broken the law, starting
with me
I y\us not i ,night stealing I"’
I a use I have the privilege til lie
mg yyftite I am not lolloyvcd
around in stores Ins ause of my
skin color My t Ins ks to buy
groceries are not second
guessed by i !erks bet ause of
my skin color I am not con
slant 1 y stopped and questioned
by point bet aust of my skin
t olor
Yes Mu hue] Colson, ibis is
different from your alleged
note tampering with the lit.
last year The note tampering
i I ifges yy - re din i lly related to
tin integrity of your responsi
bility as an AS! ’() leader Steal
. t:g t and y bars, sp. . ,1 mg and
■ :m king p. ’ . I. not d ire< 11 y .li
fts I one s leadership ability
;: flu- pi ople yy bo sign the pe
: ’. -. against W at son believe
tin y hay - uey er some,I they
are bee to t ast the first stone at
me and the hundreds of other
University leaders yy ho have
•.min'd Mtch.ii'l ( nlstm, vou
and vour friends attar k is noth
ing less than r.mst and politi
rally main ated
Hi Ian llnop
A St () Studi’Dt Senatoi
That face
Do von remember Sept 12
registration lor orientation in
( arson Hall' The International
Student Asm* latlon orientation
started, you had |Ust met a nice
person while waiting in line,
hut unfortunately you had been
assigned to another group No
time for exchanging phone
numbers, now you pist rernem
tier that fat e
The other dav at KennieN. we
were there with a bunch of in
ternational students, and he
was there nice, beautiful and
interesting forgot to exchange
During the Inking tour you
met other people, not from
your own group, but as active
as vou are Because of the
sweat and energy lost though,
you forgot to exchange address
es and numbers again
Don't you wish you could get
m contact with those people
again' friendships made
should never i>e forgotten, and
the ISA is going to help you
with this We .ire planning to
make an address and phone
numlter list of all international
students We would like to 111
elude a picture of every student
w ith his or her address
Please send your pu turn to
the ISA oll'ice, lAll suite 21H>
11 you do not vsanl to have your
name and address printed,
please send us a note so we can
lake . ate of It
Wr look forward to ns riving
your pit lures mi we i an make a
great address and lelephone
1 isi'ttf Sens
ISA I’ulilic Relations
In the Nov 1 edition of the
1'tnrrnUI, AM O Vine President
|o Sonja Watson said the theft
related incident she was in
volved in "did not at am time
affect her role in student gov
She also said, "Well, you
didn't know about it before
then and you didn't question
me, so w hy are you questioning
me now
The theft was bad enough
W orse w as her grossly irrespon
sible w ay of rei tifving her
crime Watson s repeated poor
judgment combined with her
statements in the artii le lead
me to believe she does not
comprehend the level of irre
sponsibility and immaturity bet
ai lions and statements convey
I must question her ability to
make responsible decisions that
will ilffei I the student body 1
must also question her ethics
and those of ASIA) President
Jennifer Bills who said in the
article I knew afxmt it. but it
was line Most of my friends
have been arrested lor some
thing or other in their lifetime I
knew it Wouldn't Ilffei ! he! ;oh
perfoimanc e
Integrity, maturity, honesty
and overall t harm ter do affect
the job performance, ladles
Kii k Hall
History and Ai t
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