RIM football season ends with small Autzen crowd Ry Ross Hubbard ErrwraM O ■ fir:- At • The !<>•( reatlon and Inlramu nils football c hampionship game’s, played in front of a less than c apac ity < rowel of about 1 ri in 44.500 seat Aut/en Stadi urn. cainducfi'd tin* season Sat urdny. Ore,gem tanks on the side lm would probably have her goes) idea along with the dec ision to use the whole fa Id substantially larger thiin the regulation KIM fit UK 1 rorn tin OlltM't, It W'.IS utjUOUS till’ it'll siotn would play .1 big tm tor in substitutions ‘inii pifiv-i ailing ilii isions C.tmf orv of ill*’ five i biimpi unship games. pith’d the tram u( Sigma Kappa Sigma I'hi bp ■.lion against tin- Irani'of Maui J 'lilts game was a high st or mg affair with fin- of tiir seven torn hilowns going for tr> yards or more Mayi. .’".uimped -n top i ar! > t>■<); !nil everslualiv v,n ( um!>< si In tin Sigma Knppa'Sigma Phi Kpstlon i ffrnslve atlni k ainl was viand iv 1m i!• -n ).! t> The sc< nnti gatin' of chnmpi omhip das had 'H'li more of fenstve firi wafk'- Sij>h;i S.m Omega and Della (..1111111.1 tan.* • ill il Mjiir.iko M l.’ .1 r ( hi isrliiimm.i Phi Beta in iln Ka/y.le Dazzle Division ! fs 1 hum pin it ship 'I he- Mel ;■ !)jv .* II .1 game vxax the i ontrmersia! game of flir (lav No I’i.iV Was fori i'd In forfeit when onh six eligible pliivi-rs stmvsi'd up for the game on lime I >i rek >. The Doorknobs were HIM-n the championship but agreed lo play an unoffh ial game with Vi. In amount I prop In No I’i.iv was thr w inner id the garni', t '• t t i here W.1 s One ' w on t he t losest game of the da\ i t i> over Lambda (.hi in the Dive Mon 2 final This team It'ti the wav through a playoff field of 22 teams to wtn the crown It finished the season with art un blemished ret ord of 7 0 The las! game of the da\ was ,i mati hup between Kappa Sig ma l and ('.R s Revenge for the Men s Division 1 title Dave Pi >,■ v ami I .re Smith led till wav in the Kappa Sigma s 2 1 t> victory and Division 1 Chainpi unship Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS A XLl Barn Dane# Daiaa gat ftrad up bacuj «*a arc going to raga on f r*day rught Only faro mof* ciaya May I naad your tnfo >f you ia« an »ccx}«n(l af Akiar 4 1 Sth on Wad 10 ? 3 Call MS7JH or atop in at •.widna IhanAa Moaa Sigma Chi a .*» a ara looking forward to dinnar toraghft l ova Alpha r hi IN '«stf I IIUI> T o T hat a C hi Arvgala in haavan Slnwafa in hall T ha parly writh you Waa nothing tnd aarall lo«» Alpha Chi Oroaya no LOSU FOUND f ound tlfca k>Ch hay cnrlatda I AAJ Mon Nov U Call :U1 VUMo found T hura 11 7 Cor nar PI C • l ix a ry * i' it a ’ 4 * .i •» ( 4 4i".* ."M rt*orf¥5«» tv w»«* ■ !#» ' *y k> m TYPING SERVICES Paggy a Typing Sarvica I ■ paawrx od typ*»i ufW- vj a-onncm iv IHM u)mp..!ii «K’- .vvl ,»'«or prfvntsK IWt. * a!>o 1 .»'«* Call Paggy at 147-4*64 PHOf I SSIOKAl TYPING A^o aronl pnvmvng t«‘ ;.ng »•«*»» ■ p«J**fvak> fk*nO.-» M*> ' A***.-'--Mm AiUad, caring adiloria! hafp for irtfar national atudanta Papa 314) • . vv «!'••' i• '- It mi’o Bwg s»-l I hi t* hi’t-U «% ilh •* 1 JMII llll .III i n 1 hr ()i *n«»n lUitt I inrf dlil' < ull • 41* 4 14 < < hI4> ‘ Typing & word ptocvttirtg V ur;»«tJo !»4# *., .» .’4 " fl.W 'X1 f '!•*> . » -P i <>U4.*K> ‘ 4‘M ■ 4{i 11S TYPING SERVICES A 544 cry» MOWN n GRAD SCMOOt APPROVIO .■ f«M- "i#*. Ml u y;, «J T ty 1 ' WV"'ft M** ‘ “ 1 : 1 ‘v <~ > ON CAMPUS* DIAL A TYPIST Ml 7777 t AGl I I Yf T VPtMt* I OfTING I-, o»,** »' i ’ f I if •H*nt ty}*«l — *• » r , ■ . ' -4. . ,i :• V ' »*#*> 1114 CEEESnSSaESI C >1 N NE RSj 7474500 3i?o>w4U8M »J * 1 Iliduttt s» * l l\<-*r». * UIM < <>ni|*itiWr.l * I A*f» l*n«t»g,i « * \ Siting, V nurnt s CAROLYN CINDY. 344-4510 41 m V%<>fcl> F«»K »\MM, *ri ** i*** *muun Tirm "r'+TrUn }.i ^#rd*Ai**»«'i Jfrt*! « f\4 • Tfcu M..k.» 605 E nth . „ ... 1 130 FOB SALE MlSC Of ailing tabla * ^ * txyii«KTvpo ■ f '■ •’ • Krrcn .'.*•> [Hm'fl' 345 4.-4H OP 1000 »i .u»»*.wv«i 5 FOOUOV V .‘O » LLK.” •HT* $>‘> *«>0 0k»k kvrru d g-cx*) — fc«) '-g d -o *? ’8 «*.»-. «*. 4 W-ncHo* txm fc--'*1** * '• Mt> **h»»u*a5 ¥ .4*. ti ’ I *“‘I J AM V .' •• ;< $ •*• UM ' ’ klaal tof CkjO^» * tl i * *'* ' ’ r *1^>' '•< Af*j ‘ * ;•• " 5- 14*. 4H*.4 On# *ay Itckal on Unrtad #Mn#r Oanvar or Chicago lor Dtc 18 |1 V0 144 1102 Scfminn Varariy 10-apaad b* ycla 1100 ’ *.•> * *-*> ■ * ' f» ■> ••• *yi>0>* 11 i lOOd ( tx>; ■ S’**1, r-rt» .>*4' ' 145 CARS TRUCKS GOV1 HSMi NT SI l/l 0 *'• $ f . 'O’ M»* <«-«’■ Cofvuoc ' «'»>* S t '* < »**"• . . . fc. • :» 1 « . I* I »' ■ * -*•' us CARSTRUCKS PRELUDE i f*'» »*-. *‘a •-'» « »»*■•*» '* AM f M *jk *> c. o ; '*<" '■ > ■' * ' 0 1975 Dataon IIMO * A < • ,<*m' »* I ■ 5- 4> » «C *-A. . 'I Mer>da Civic Good condition 35 45 mpg M*nu*l Iran* 4 door hatchback DapandaN# 11100 U4 44 1V iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS IttAA Had Morvda f tit a ftO K k g-awf S'» ■ ■ a >«*' ■* .* Ats4 .v..4:. MUSI SI l l • *iU 1U*3 Kiis '* * «>’ I »' | u ‘ V- H. S' *• 2 •„ J US BICYCLES - C »n •. ’ 9 '■ %p QOOO • tv •.)?or •»* ,\.*>hu fttCObO '<* 4 M4 BVW's‘>gt KiMthAf* ?< lOapaad i m>.t. Ov<» ’ll ,/%« i *. *» •>-' aond' h .• iMVu&a .t Y4^> 9m Min bill* C yt <*i PfO A - , ’ l « CTO ■'.i *»*"■’** Wu >*•&■' 'awtmi W Shimano «>•*’ ;*y *orvf* «#■ ) U kxA V.'.'*. 4b4 44 ’ 0VM US COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS For Mil Tandy word procaaaor Hka nw Lie i '*Mt -u«*. rt .V. Vi1 y ihiR r MMTVO • IHM compillito •»» *r+ CPU VGA —un-lev i» •' i» 5‘>50 oOO 4H4 4 4 tffM Sm«h Corona XD5?S0 •)« trontc typawrRar H j:-«vu «>• * mil * >,m 5'4 ’M r^v-rv4 ’ 170 SOUNO SYSTEMS Kan wood AMI M n» »- .»» 0*5V*..» ■..» 7y "-iivti a .>'■•- p.K * A i l »<»vo- ’ . '4 «• tick at on USAlM anywhara in lha commanial US or Canada any lima batwaan now and Dae 3t iw S4so sad mi 1W TRAVEL Aif1*r« * it) 11 in • | . * A • ■ i A ' «* i •o* * * f U* ’ V«»' .>■•-. jV ?o My rourxfli^} ' I . " .AX ’ • • 4 >w» * t * *t? W-’ ,i4* on*y \ t ,r» X4A ' 4 The Conquest ol Everest" LX). OlAdoor Program pr#*#nt» a vicfcao ori ?h* *•*> ftr»! a»c*nt of j I »*»••« rft 19\3 A rmul *•» *V#a*tJ*> f*ov 1 3 at I * 30 p m m fim 23 I MU 346 4 3h*> RoufUfcrip ' ’»; “ * .* • . i i*»t» «# f -g*» •> • 14 •* . * >bq 464 0/03 ___ . • f > t<% + Ah** *+■ \ • 1 tV. ATMT?* A JV«.J - * Sec is on Campisl November 13, 1991 iftj* *■ tai IMv Bmm, UU MIpaMMbVrw^ Council Travd ‘ 4 ***!*>«< ■ * Ml-tU-tfW • NO tU MM 205 OPPORTUNntS TIMBERLINE MAGAZINE Th* Uf»^vo-* f> M ■ ■>. y Pool?) ;opy \mjto 44 • I • *• . a, I\,S‘ ry t t> •• ti- ^ f »C1h. .* l.Uj.»Ofc *!.-•» M • • R C C v) -U " 1 I i floats u,. SA5I •*< 1f’ Al t 5UI1M. .S ->N', REMEMBER □ ••dii'io it Nuv ?’lh' 205 OPPORTUNITIES uava you tv»> haan cftad lor iaya»aiung or othar minor claim* • on or r>aaf campua by arthar tha l ugana Poltca Dapartroant or tha Ofliea of Public Safaty If *o. call ’ Garrft Koappmg f mafakJ RapoMar j at W6 5511 Oocumanlation aj»pf ac »a1ad INTERVIEWS ARE AVAILABLE FOR WINTER INTERNSHIPS Spnngfiald C ham bar of Commaict j March of Dimti Muacular Dystrophy A«»oc L ana Aria Council Waatarn Rivars Girl Seoul Council ; WiUamatta Wiidirta Raacua & RahabtUtafion I " XI ^ *• ^ ° **'• ; ,uu iVO u * ’ «» ’Of i» •ur-*hip ' *VO-.^' "« .row' 1 !*u» o vjpo If •«' -vh p P’ugfam Road ">ti pov'oo iJutt? p? ‘ : vr rvxyr»« pou*n»:*i DtrtitH {% ‘ ;«„■ tK> ■; ui* Y 954? Quactor of Plant Oparalions . m m ■ ■ «mt A 1 f>4 t>jc3 cxtfHt*? ‘i t! *8 I .HiOrtf'wr-' '».• • »►'’>**.'i! u*K“ *0 •% | •.**»*. rvg a Ui'vCUX of Putrt | pOAittV* 1 • -g n ,t- ,tgt*r t»r\! ,.'*ki.n.yfCK>ntl 2 Si'ong it^po^out i'xJ o#^tr : i a %.* :*> .1 • a 'o it * » &OCNg'ixjr*3 f*HU»'atY> ’■♦*»»*1- i» . ’#>*5 4 P «Jy«i j t '.tio'ii' , tKtSn y«#MC u^'w l AMN MO HI Y ffewK* g tx*>"> V * >' ' *» pt***’' a (HO. ttffl Y f icaptional opportunity to provida aarvvcaa for an actfva community of ottar adufta Vatiad raa**; naiUittiaa includa daily ho*/aaaaap*ng transportation and taiaphona Pamianant pan lima positions avail* fiia for day or nig hi ah if! Apjvly 1001 Washmgton St fugana noon 4 pm Mon f rt t Of Tha Dragon Daily t marakd 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE N-.w ■•«*«»* g do? .i-xrg'.v: i’" *0 n ,, , „• :ry «*,.* pOVt-O'TV .•a" -.a ary \t *,.;*! • ,'4K a 1K !'rtvo: two'S To.npp'y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A F ipomnfi I UQ*n* • imtr-1 sU«!« O’ ♦* a* p-av.i »»ruw ( a 683 ‘>430 .»>j wm •»» ,■ N:>to horfp you'Str? end o! 'ws 220 HOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Clurmmg 5 txJ'm, 2 bath horne 1697 Orchard St. fiw.tr • y •»*•* <»1 w*m tu,,-gorA,.o*. •. )vm ” >wrtv» washo' ^ryor m a /K!' ■ ■♦•y'Sr• ,nxJ S'. *5 As* atx) 1 i>. ■ fAivu I'- Spoc a -4-1 nocc IMS OAK Mwxr ' y f«moO»WJ and very cMm 3 DOfms s\/i!y toncod f 'wpMUJi $600 ?54 W 1®th 2 b«tf00m& ‘ 'opu* it soUV wfn $63*> S/TOem &y Appointment SpvflaKLs Asswoauit. ^ 3C 225 APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE . Cl LAN. QUIE T ? bdrr, 1 b* U of O Avwimbm r*g ''«« carpo* Sr»o*#ufn io*?i o* ptf'kifTQ •ao'xJ'y * 6B3 »9’9 ONI bt DHOOM '95 I ?4th CXj-<*‘ ^ark-fig rtw'KJ'y * MO 't»«> l ‘ T' l3SO I k.IuO*«. .t 1 3*0 IWyf !.,uoi’|f iiV. kJ'y parting l *>34 l '4‘.'! G.. u< uppAW itp l ttv> O'y L •*'. J' 4 | ' tfv 1 UHNfc .i tt 0 a-*j O' p?, *r v TWO Bf DHOOM ’ 1SC Wwv' ’ ‘ ‘o«hsk *■*«' . tjry " u V-. ' M‘_ »'* li^.'O'y SPRINGFIELD 319 C SI * tuminxi'’ ta *if> Pa-» ■ ■-„ L.'tic 1?5 0 Si ■ • - «».t %-i ROOMS .M40 >4*r'R* • ■ *k**v a"*: * ! Cft**' ‘41 •• « LX a* (JO”' t*>.» rtP«> ' X ' P . U4j V«ry _ o-i ftxxr- V' ' . XkP% A .l ll' d ll » ' 4* 'Nof i "-0* Oftfy No p**!& S'yj* n by appoo ■•’' **; ■ SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES W6 11 30 \>RIDE ' SHARE. h i• 111i•' soon ’ \rrti a ii«J«*> < Mfoimo i tide * i 1 , MIO Dooncsbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU