Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 55 Group speaks out for mental patients By Kirsten Lucas i M>*; /! iy In October Jung Sook latig. ,i id year-old I 'nivci .ilv grade ! through tin streets near i.mnpus, dressed in papinies; m i asi,>n.dlv lying on the sidewalk and dropping In her knees in pr.iu r After two nights of encounters woh Its.- l-lugene p- .md !. i crisis 'inter\ nit ion staff-.- u nr f i ■ . I !r a ■ ! ■ : - s ; a: a: ' v room .it Sacred Heart Hospital. Jang was examined at Sai red Heart, was tuund to la- i : danger rig herself. ami was involuntarily .iclinitti .i t. lam ( nunn fs\i licat;n liosplt.il in liugene hv tin' litri'c tcir ut I, me t uuntv.Nlenla! Health It was her sn omi t ummiimenl to the !a< 1111 v m a month At l.dl’ll, fang pleaded v\ ith her doctor When can 1 go him . 1 really need to gi t hat k to mv home That was Oct ‘l Jang ncvei made it home The next day she was found dead la. ■ down, arms and legs restrained, in solitary 1 oniniemrnt a! Id I'M Yesterda\ more than a sear later, Jang s death and the meilii a! practices ol i.( il’H were brought to publ u attention In a it k a I group Tun 'o GROUP Pa<;>t 4 Participants in a memorial candlelight vigil yesterday met outside the t ane County Psychiatric Hospital whore a Korean University student died last year Jo Sonja Watson Both Watson, opposition draw support By Daraiyn Trappe • <•>.«* a ki A: .< ■ av ! ' Members 'il tju- t Hi i: ■ Kepobb .h , - r, they colli* led about .."*u signatures I'uesdav about fa |)iT(t-iii i»l what they need on .1 petition llley hope v\ ill lead to a ret ail election of \Sl,() Vue President jo Sonja Watson Meanwhile, Watson is :ei eivme words ol support and encouragement from several Other students ASt'O men die :s ind even the general manager id the ' t e v or ■ :'v Hi*;k store ( ollege Kepuhhians begun its effort to have a retail elet lion after it vv.e. revealed two weeks aim that Watson had heen arrest ed in November f'lUO for utmmpting to shoplift $ ' J ■’ of inert handise from 'he I ini versify Bookstore Watson sa id she d id m i i i i m o trouble during fu r elet lion campaign be i iiuse she (i'll il would have no bearing on her (oh prrimman. '' Members ol the (a»l lege Kepuhlii .ins behove Willson'-, .i! lions .ind failure !u • loiiu students In Sort* the election are signs ot irresponsibility J.ison W si.n .oi l io: K” g din '■ ■■■ ol College Kepub'n .ms lour set up .1 1.1 bit? 01 ihr I'Al 1 li 1 . on t 1 rr■. .1 i\ was Ihr lirsl day of shrir effort In t ollri I 1.7(H) signatures 10 percent ol Ihr she dent body whk h is nrrdrd lo four 1 re (.ill ulri lion If College Krpublu.ms gets enough signatures, students will vote on whether W.:'... Hi ■ ' . .! mu.im il. oil:. They have until ' )• 1 1. to attain tin- signa turns King and W :! -.a..! they met w ith some opposition I'liesday. l ot most students win. approached were interested and signed the petition We w .11 Id jireh > lor her to resign. Wilson -.aid W 1 1) jnrIm Cot t h.1 ve to do 1 ll IN " W.itsun im 1 she will ms! ■ ,;:i Mv personal tiff is an |n• r*.-. a Imm tstereil, the blood IS tested three times using the l.lisa test II the bhsa te*,t re suits are positive or urn ertain lie West eril Blot lest Is taken Antibodies for the HIV virus don't show up until a window period of three to six months alter exposure. Joe said As a result, this window period means "the test is only good lor tin' day it s done." Acorn (Huh Coordinator Heather Henman said White Bird Clinic Coordinator Jim Shoemaker said the (linii asks patients to return six months after their initial text is administered At th.it point the patient and a doctor can discuss wheth er additional follow up tests are needed Several Kugene health clinic-, offer free HIV antibody testing The White Bird Clinic offers anony mous testing on Tuesdays from U to 11 a m and b to H p m on a walk in basis ' ■" 1 AIDS INDEX Into the outdoors_ Marion Lake loi aled jus! inside the western boundary n! tin- Ml )• • I ferson Wilderness Area, is 111 > l.i l bar k country 1.1 k• • in Orison not .11 cessible bv 1 .11 During the slimmer the t-U) .I! re lake often busts bun dreds nl visitors .Iliil ran get ,1 little overt rowded Thai's why fall and winter are the best times to v isit tins lake, w hen till crowds are gone and (.ill tailors and pristine snow 1 .in be enjoyed See story, Page 8 NAACP speaker_ As the voters of Louisiana prepare to decide Saturday if former hkk. (Irani) Wizard David Duke will he their next governor, the national vice president of the NAAf.l'. who is also Louisiana's NAAIII1 president, vvili he on campus to offer her insight into this and other issues Rupert Richardson will give An livening Discussion of < ivil Right . Thursday a! 7 p m in Room llOWi! lamette 1 fall See story, Page 3