Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Continued from Page 4
Oingo Boingo
Best O' Boingo
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At first glance. ono would
think (Jingo Boingo's
compilation of a dm ado s
worth of nvuslt should have
Ini'll ( ailed "Soundtrw ks K
Us.” lilnvcn of the 17 songs on
the 7*i minute compilation
have appeared in movies
ranging from livvrrh Hills ( up
and f ast Times af Kiilprmnnl
Hiph to such screen gems as
W'rinl St it'll! e and Texas
('hullis.m Massacre II
Oingn Molngo mav not create
a musical style that defies
conventional descriptions, but
they certainly tr\ Idteir efforts
vary from slight I %
tintonventional technn-|H)p to
,i mad scientist approtich.
tossing standard guitar bass
'drums arrangements in with
batteries of s\ nthesi/ers, all
punctuated bv ii horns section
Sometimes, the results are
quirks daiu eahje romps surd)
as Dead Mini's Party,'' "Only a
l.ad." and "Sweat", songs that
sound like .1 meeting of James
Broun. The Dead Milkmen,
and Ikepeche Mode Ollier
times. Ideating trumpets and
enrol lonally disturbed
keyboards produce a result
only a true Doingo fan could
The group deserves i redit,
though, for never ceasing to he
different Oingo Boingo's
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quirkiness, intelligente and wit
an' a welcomed distraction In a
must! industry full of suu ess
through formulaic mediocrity
This hand marches to a
different drummer
By Scott Simonsen
Emerald Contributor
Continued Irom Page 5
(or at least the media's) eves ti
the disease'
Nlonson said it couldn't1 have
happened to a mote rocngni/.
able person
"There are ITye.tr-old kids
on t there who '-don't know who
(ieorge Bush is hut know who
Nlagh is. Munson said
The most amii/ing aspect ol
this terrible realltv is hois well
Magic has handled it
The day alter finding out hit
sure that he had the virus,
Johnson broke the news to the
world with a grin and a solid
steady voice Not not e did he
look even close io tears or to
< hoking up
Imagine finding out you had
tin- HIV virus Just imagine how
vou would feel inside Then
imagine standing in front of the
world and lolling everyone.
Not a lot of people could do
ivhat Kariin just did. Munson
said " He has a lot ol i lass,
composure and a lot ol guts
And I think he showed thill
As sports funs, it's easy to as
sume athletes are invincible
It's e,is\ to assume that any in
|ury or illness is not going to af
fect a player for more than one
season It's easy to assume even
after retirement, an athlete has
ac cumulated enough money to
live a prosperous life espe
(tally when that athlete is Mag
ic Johnson
Mugi< may have a prosperous
life and live another lit to 12
years He also could die tumor
row Hut then again, so could 1.
so could you, so could couch
Munson, so i mild anyone.
If M.tgii S illness gets the
point across that no one is in
vincible, then it will have done
something good I guess
sth smrr
r iucc Doaanowmuoaut
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