( PIN - < PIN ( PIN ( \KI I K PI \NM\«. Wl) PI \< I MKM M K\ H I CPPS=JOBS Register Now at 244 Hendricks 346-3235 < \kl I K PI WMM. \M> PI \( I Wl M s| K\ l( I - ( PIN Nl.l > This Week's l uncheon Spe< iuls Seafood lidon Upjncw V»rfitr Soup $4.75 Steamed Rue vs Sesame (hk ken Wir^s $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT hy out dinnns. too! 879 E. 13th • Upstairs. Next to UO Bookstore Be a paid volunteer and get a free check-up. I r\ .1 tolalh nru inrm til feminine prulet lion. \V- .lie 11, i! I if (! (til- ' If: ! lilt t I i II it . 11 ti i.il of i new iii.-ii-.tru.il [!:•'!.■' t -ii pm.lin.t ! V-.v! oped !1 Mu'll :iiul J111' * t: i til'll, VOli 111. IV U .lilt til 11 \ ! Ill 1 ■ \\ | il i ;■ I: i- t \ i l: t-!t ' : H11.11! 11\. 111 -1 ■ 11 i 11.111 ’ i ■ In In- i'll ■ 11 j11 . \ .11 lllll-.t In- lit ’. i M-,lh ! and have ii"iil.ii | - i i I ■ A- a pattiei pant in tin' 11 ill \ i a i will I - - j ■. i. I .> it i pn-I vi - it (Ini up tii t< mii visits I, and i e< *• i\a1 a Ins' ph\ • ii a! examination (tut Judins', pap siihmi.s). Hut iiuiul'i'r nt participants is limited, -.o tall tn ensure von're included, don't delay Please i all Woman’s Clinit -1 ni\mil\ of Oregon Studenl Health (503) 340-4449 ENTERTAINMENT Griffith’s album soppy, awkward Nanci Griffith Late Night Grande Hotel MCA ★ 'h • «•-»«»■ ~■+**> * •• «*♦*»-.* * • • * • • • ( «>ri73 Wniameite m GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 FREE DELIVERY: 484-2799 I * minimum order/ limited delivery area TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Hlvd. 484-2799 BEST PIZZA i a <> *2°° OFF i Oik* Coupon |H*r Pizza jr_TRACK TOWN PIZZA Not \ .i i with any I other ofW I I I I I P OFF W ! One Cou|x>n |H*r Pizza TRACK TOWN PIZZA Not vui.d with any othtT off, I H TOQ FREE , SALADS (w'minimum 6$ Order) * One ('oupon per Customer | TRACK TOWN PIZZA Not v;i I id with any other offer. iiIhiuI Griffith sounds more bored than anything else. and the album turns into tttt> musical equivalent of a sociology le< lure Nanci Griffith's attempt is an earnest one. and you don't want to dislike her Hope for the best Your mom might love this one (or her.birthday Turn to REVIEW Page 8 RECYCLE THIS PAPER. PLAY IT AGAin SPORTS We Buy & Sell New & Used Sports Equipment 50 E 11th Ave. • 342-4041 School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave Q JOE GENUALDI and £ VICTOR STEINHARDT y Chamber Music Benefit Music tor piano and violin by Brahms, Schubeh, Dvorak and Beethoven Gala reception after the concert Tues., Nov. 12 8 p.m. $15 Reserved Seats ALL THAT BRASS! UO Brass Choir, Trombone Ensemble & Tuba Choir Wed., Nov. 13 8 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors GOSPEL ENSEMBLE UO Ensemble Thur., Nov. 14 8 p.m. Faith Center, 1410 W. 13th $4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors l SCOTTISH FOLK MUSIC Guest artists Alasdair Fraser and Paul Machhs Frl., Nov. 15 7:30 p.m. $6 General Admission $4 Students Seniors For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School)