Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 12, 1991, Page 8, Image 23

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News from around the country
But can you Join tho alumni association?
I .ilk .tlxnit |>.»\in- I"i \mui c elm aimu
I hr I o| < .ilili»i m.i h.»v uni *h «i wh.u
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Wist '(tolls
Two, (our six. el^ht you d better lose
t ha t extra weight
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Enter the AT&T
“It Can Happen
To Me” Sweepstakes,
OH K 1 VI Kl IIS V) PI K< II \s| \| ( I ssviO
iv ' l ■ t »V*'- * , ” • *■
‘'Al'H *, ■ VI AIM' ’Ah | * r . -u< ■ * ( • f \< a • f \ •
2 Winner* will be sele< ted in a random drawing from among .*11 entries received Drawing
will be conducted on or about January 15, 1992 by Media America*, Inc an independent
organization whose decision* are final on all matter* relating to this sweepstake* (1) Grand
Prize A 4 day 3 night trip for two to see the concert of winner * choice anywhere in the
Continental US, including roondtrip coach air transportation to and from the nearest major
city, first class hotel accommodations, hotel and airport transfers, tickets to the concert,
bac kstage VIP passes, limousine service to and from the concert, meal allowance and
sightseeing, plus a 5 day 4 night trip for two to see the concert of winner's choice
any where in Europe, including roundtrip coach air tr ansportation to and from the nearest
major city, first class hotel accommodations, hotel and airport transfers, tickets to the
concert, backstage VIP passes, limousine service to and from the concert, meal allow
ance, and sightseeing, plus one year s worth of ATAT Long Distance Service awarded as
SHOO in ATAT Long Distance Gift Certificates and an ATAT Cordless Phone (total approui
mate retail value of Grand Prize $15,940.00); (15) First Prizes An ATAT Cordless Phone, $25
in ATAT Long Distance Gift Certificates and five compact discs of winner % choice (total
retail value $200) All prizes will be awarded and winners notified by mail Trips subject to
availability and confirmation of reservations and must be taken by December 31. 1992
Choice of concert locations is subject to artists performance schedules, availability of
tickets and bat kstage VIP passes, and final approval by Media America. Inc Limit of one
prize per person Prizes are nontransferable and no substitutions or cash equivalent* are
allowed Taxes, if any. are the responsibility of the individual winners Grand Fhixe Winner
and travel companion may be asked to execute an affidavit of eligibility and release. Grand
Prize Winner and travel companion consent to the use of their names and likenesses for
publicity or trade purposes without further compensation. No responsibility is assumed
for lost, misdirected or late entries or mail
• \ . Vr A A Vi *• A *. 1 ' ;• >
4 For a list of winners, send a stamped, self addressed envelope to ATAT "IT CAN HAPPEN
TO ME WiNNFRS LIST. PO Bo* 5019. Grand Central Station, New York. NY 10163 by
January 30th, 1992.
I nu r the AT&T “It ( an Happen lo Me Sweepstakes.
It> enter.xiunplete this ft>rm and mail tn: I
VIM It Cm I lappen In Me Sweepstakes,
Knx Stil t cdai (ii'nve. New |erse\ (HM)1
Name • i ■
(a >llei*e Year in seh<x>l
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Phi me
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Cura-ni tailing uird (ompiny ATM MCI SPRINT OIUKK
On (jmpus stikliMU ()fi Campus Student ■-*r I
: ■* ''ri"'‘fS 1. * VI Si. jHifi tuv no rvvwv Vt ml wt*-rr [*t ihiNlrtl
> - - S \T »f M ap 4.4ilrr to min
c "■■MM ;