I ill WIIOMI ( ( ) I I M . I M U M’\l‘l K ( lUiKMVN *Sfi HUM'KUI HlHM 'H»H f*K » Ml»> M ^ N i' f! Kl tMfl.ti M VS M.ISt. M»f1« »K H tnKMtMIliiiH MiiK indnuui \i>'. lv itn < tM >V» !>IB »< t i « Vwulnii • . IK. • i.N HOS WsNU.IJt NO *5. r U : > \MloS\l tin f Jt !t\IV< IMKHU •« BNltkl flM. M\SS* IK i nu .0.0 mu an ft IB < *f I I US 4V.HIA VSI »'!»>»« *' SIN* \> «K NSS Hi SM iM 1 » . k f**tr UAVNiMUi sm iS! SU HoVn Jjv .1 Slwi Vi:i I'tamwirt' SMI HU AID# M sUBIStVTKsTION (>j,i irnr Ntn^ibt (ovmuiju S n |UIM K . • it ngur : MH NWI I t l : *■' ■ l u puMtUifil !•' 11ntr» * >m t** \mriw 4!i < Sr-xt - r.i.v !‘«k »4»- | .« Niis* m • \ *a' M .MS' < •• “':'! hi S \ * « . v*-H£tw I S : h.' t.nrmi v.'f- ■,••> \ ' VBPA /Iru* Knit tr t Read the writing on the Ivy-covered walls IU M VKKHXHINK K . I hi f'hjih / - > T l i ft ! i I lx if wis t »iia » ;t nnn w I if 11 ;h« ; ■ *n • .iiii ml i < «»1lt v»r mi um\( iMi\ w in • l« ii in mi n< HR Ml N • *u lll .ii [Hi .! III ( h * V 1m r I! f'n/.-i ' •UNi.t l« ! it »t\ p.tl til lli.il !\ Xslu !« ,* I h I «* 11« s .tie i i ill* < UU *1 \\ lu ll lit t x H d I w.ii csl.tbllshrd > ’»< > \ r.tl > ,t^t > t in hiism* >n is simple :> * <-due .tit Sim r thru, tin HivimK «if uni\ n Min ' h.txr MM • mini Up iflti {•M m illH I fit'll inissn 'll has Iwru ha si a I ■'! f>\ 1 \ fr\< line ain 1 gatr i n ri|»ts Net II u\ mi iml its Iw 1 * ague- pai uins ha\e \fr< 1 tin 11hum- I • * !m • *n ,»n athU in team. i c* t Mills musf }>ro\r lust lilt \ .tit , a pa hie i •! handling i hr v li*»«»lv*» n k \ : u 1 si hol.ttships granted soirh on (he Imm> of Iflllt !ii lit HOIH'AlStf’lit 1 lit u l\ l it t lli.it lilt m m 1»*m»|s (So lift! muni »t lilt (c-s with m holatsltip unities i M fit if its of some J\\ l t Mi’ur Sj>o| t S if mis m it « f-iii (inns th,it milt h mote it * • ’► iii!c ( . ..it h IVtr t .mil s Print t n»n ha > krt 1^ill ! f mi fits li.nl .in rvttrmrlv :ii i <■ v\(uI uni *iw i lIk past iuh srat and I Lit s.tii! In m kr\ t o.ii ti Kotin l oinassoiti 1< «! his < haige •• 11» .in uiirvjK'i ire! national nth m Lis*i Uhiir o nothing tntnr ili.m tolls t * * think fh.i! ill m Inm»ls imI! follow ihm had h. \ 1 < agu< m h«»t ,1s should stand Itfin m this f I,K lit i< Ml Pul ft» s.»\ tli.it athlctn s* hol.itships .»ic e vil o| rsrll Vs I otig would also lx mislradjllg i. niii,; t \i rpUon.il .it It hies tlu me .ms to gam i highet edm .iimn is an admiiabh goal, .tntl mam student athletes sm « ro! .if tt i t nllege- and not just in tin pi»»lrvsioi».il s|* »its ot bto.nit astmg held «> IS flit sir! n »t\ {K But when high si li‘»*»l students who t ,m hatch spell S \ I l fpf.itf tlh take the r\.iiii using t«i hie-.ik 7(H) and \ou ge-t tun lot mcie-h signing \oiu n.unr the ir is a problem 1 lie se stmlrnts should m»t hr denied a i ham • at i olh gt- hen atisr thru pt unafA ami m i nrnt.in edm alums wet e suhp.ii hut the % should utit fw taking spois (hat «,the iv.is< ma\ go to m>ur a< .n let tin alls nnfl half I > K .»■■•/ {>\ < "• f ' "• 1 ’ fhr w ejualdied .i{ij»h« .mis While I he ! vV I « i‘< u< |>M »\ nit* s "in i vimiir with Ms m• at hie t n st holai ship p« >!|< V UK { i ►(hr! s« h* ri*U * •»!** eflf|-l’« III oft tin !•) \ ,iul dash Hint ' than grade point .tvei.i^rv ihrit .in M»im haptn mediums I •«! example Ru« I m i 1 • * u s n u i i s ! h < sr t ond smallest 1 >i\thi*»ii I st hool m I hr in;ton vet the st hool h.is m.m.i^t d to t omjM ie it not always win with die hi_i» I* ns innmd it I isted is file best rdu< atnmal \alur m \llir in ,1 h\ I s \ru IV W -•■■■', li' {'■ 'ft',so v t .11 s i tin it in 4 Rli < is ih » shun h 'ii i he .o .ldeinit side » Ifhri N et tin st h«»td aigliahll ihe most ptesti^ious .u uic * III Jt I list I tilt loll III I lit Soiithwc '! ibises “lit .ithleiM s< In*l,ii ships I lie dtllei em c between Rue and oil HI i t dieses lh.lt "He! adihtli st lnd.il ships |s that .ithides .»t Rue must meet the same demanding admission sfandaids .is odiei students SeeiniligK Ru« has loiind a I».11>}»% iiinliuiii In not bud^m^ on the pualifv «»! its a. adetun piogiani while' maintaining a i ompetitivc aihletn pio^iam I In In! lemams. however, that even studious Rue si es no piohtem vsith sjm ndmv' millions on st hohiishlps lot the se stnait stude nts who aist. hapjK ii to Im aihletn alh un lined NX CH*1DA V, “S *\ Hill fhr ills <*t l\ I r.ij^ur UlNllUlllulls lotlj* ,lgO lie. left d lh.il flic V vs«i u I (i Mw fhi millions « 'I ■ S * > 1 i. 11' m mm! h.isrd ivs,»i d s thi.41 Ik i ishi lm^ht in planted f * * r (mn hflu^iis Iminc inns. Vf. I 111 ll l« .1J I 'I t< H i!>jM t « 1 K.uhn thru .ulmivMi.n poli< h ■ «i'xiiiium lo hr b,tM'd mi sii» h novrl nlr.is .in ijl.tcio trs! si uirs, « \l i .14 m in ul.it .if 11 v 111 r s • nu I titling .»t! i! ti m > inf! jus! In tni- .»11 t iv * I .ill wrll toll lid* d J>« I M Ml \ t if I tlll.iiu III .t if! i rm.iiih -i pi * * f mi to hr Jp thr ( lUllullliialH lUTliv .11 id . 11 .if Ul 111( .111V I'll ft «I \s pi t < > I 111 r s lit i ollr^i.tlr i! hlr I if s i < »nt i ii itc f*> >' .i W‘ i i !i< I i h.iti^f lilt lw | i i^ur vciih lit hr i i uiisijni i »i < »\n f i Kill lie \f 1 ll.iVf i IS! Vs till .llillf If S jt.lvMH^ 4 I.inm > 11 in In i ninUn m.thlr ( in uiiisi.uk rs < olumhi.t hmII n<*\n hr n.ithd hu thru sf.ii point uuaifi i » »i ,hkI !«** »f l>.t 11 plains .ii > ih will firs r i hr .UK sfrd h»l sht » tlm^ thru i • h tinmans N ( v the ihs< in i • >! .ilhlrtli m h« ti.n ships Hi.is hr .i hi! r\ln iik hiil si t vsh.il ''iif vshiiif s .tlx Mil thr millions of doll.us .illutird to .U hlr Ilf s III' Mir\ flu I » oiild jllsl .IS Kf II ^o to .ill r\4 rp!l« Ml.llh 1)11^111 vs tile I .1 plofii Kill mtisn mm. f»t ,ui rliMjiirni puhln s|w .ikn III I Ilf |\\ I f I. K |! s mt t 1. > M l s< h‘ »• (Is wh'tsf si.ind.il(Is mn mi drlitu d M \ ' mil P!i I) 11 • •' N1U m II M‘\ U. VIEWS 1-800662-5511 With AIDS spreading at (in alarming rate and fear of the virus firing transmitted punt health care professionals to their patients, the question of mandators AIDS test mg for doctors and dentists is one frequently raised. Should the results of those tests In shared with patirntsY (are us a call, and tell us what sou think Should it be mandatory for patients to be notified if their doctor or dentist tests positive for the HIV virus? Call our toll free number today to vote yes or no. The tricks ot treating