EDITORIAL The Magic of Johnson continues despite HIV Ivarvin Johnson will never play another game of professional basketball. Never again will a crowd be able to "ooh" and "aah” while watching Magic dish off an assist, drop a three-pointer or fill the lane This part of his life is over, existing now only in highlight films and memories. When Johnson announced last Thursday he was re tiring from the Los Angeles l-akers bei ause he hud test etl positive for the HIV' virus, tin1 news crossed genera tional lines and international borders The world t.ol lei lively shook its head, wondering how such a terrible thing could happen. And for the first time, for many, it brought home the tragic consequences of the AIDS epidemic. Other celebrities have contracted the disease: Kot k Hudson, Robert Mapplethorpe and laber.ice, to name a few Hut never has the announcement come from such an unlikely source and with such an unexpected, sud* den impact. In the past, it has been far too easy to dismiss AIDS as a disease contracted only by a stigmatized few It is a guy and lesbian disease, a drug user disease, an un lucky blood transfusion disease — or so convention.il thinking went. AIDS has leaped across all boundaries as surely as Magic Johnson stood on that podium and shoc ked en tire generations It is .t ( Ik he to say a good thing might come out ot tragii ( ircu instances, but in this rose it's true. If noth ing i'Isi*. lohnson has pushed himself into the spotlight to promote awareness of the disease, promising to fie come a spokesman latter, he will speak to President Hush and address (amgress AIDS will get a nationwide fulling like never before lohnson did not have to do this He is comfortably rich, courtesy of salary, endorsements and shrewd in vestments. Magic could have just us easily faded from public view, cloistered himself in some hideaway and shut out the world. He didn't. No hair-pulling or moans of "Why me?” Simply a prompt acknowledgment of the virus and a refusal to let it get him down. There will be ramifications — statements from id iots who revel in the stigma of the disease and refuse to accept its true nature. Public scorn from an unenlight ened few will surely follow. Johnson accepted this, and in one brief news con ference exposed AIDS for what it is a plague, an epi demic, as undiscriminatory as an earthquake Magic deserved better than this, as docs everyone with (lie HIV virus. Johnson should have gone out on a i rest of unabashed public glorification. A farewell tour, like Julius ''Dr |" Krving enjoyed, receiving accolades in every NBA city, his fans getting tile chance to pas him.back for years of entertainment He will never get such a tour Magic's memorial will be done in newsprint — a hollow legacs Jim Murray, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for The Los Angeles Time* said AIDS picked on the wrong person this time Johnson, he said, will not cow er in front of the disease or fall victim to stigma. It anybody i an beat the disease. Murray went on. it will be M.tgic. The omnipotent smile is still there, though tinged with wears awareness It is an unwinnable game right now. but anvhodv who saw Magii on the podium Thursdas. displaying the kind of class few are blessed with, knows lie will not go dow n easily The basketball Magic is gone, but the M.igii ot the man remains Oregon Daily PO BOX tUGtNI ODCGON074O3 TK-U Ony\y l>d > I rs pijC^iiNKl lla *y UX’XJtf) " flXjQf' > MOily 0-.,• J vNw MKV And I 4»wUr» A i! TnwnkSfly 0uf>ng ?**» h*™*'-** &> ’N» f\».> I m»a« Co Inc a! !K4* lXfw*r*Sy of O«gon l mg«w ! *>41 l • •Ki»n) O^K:l'i* fU* !'*•» l>' •»» '*• ‘f * o‘’-v»»*. .1 « < . O' *' I rfc ,1 l>^y *-»l a a 'namtxi? of :K« A*. •«.* * «fc2 P'***.-. I ’»'•»'a*il ■% p'"« «■« pro0*O P'*» »«** *.« •-’* ;•*>,«» ' a p'o*u* ;ir><* f d*or m Chw-f n^Aioi}'^ B«t Managing l dHor Pa Ma.-*' f drtortai I: ditor t>ar' *»-% Graphic• I ditor Jw" »*<%*. ty t ntaMammant f cfetor l uy'>« l m**’ * N#»» t art of t ditofuil f ditor Sport# l drtor Night { ditor v r-r % bourn*" Doo \ * • # Bov.'wu^' AMOCiii* ( onora Community IW « ('w a Studant Go*»inm*nt Activrtiaa Mighar I ducafKm Admifvatfat ion .»'•«»!<«» *>" Haportara !,»" ’ * !-.ru. ()«nd *«*•%■ *»a • ff. ► • 1 -..i M «»M.t ttoon Nm»j • UE ECONOMY I ^ fc Darn, fomlv i HAD A 3M* WRENCH. OR EVEN A s/8". OR A CRESCENT WREA/C//. OR EVEN A SCREwDftjyfR. OR A PIPE WRENCH. OR A HACKSAW. OR A FILE. Oft ANV WREa/CH . OR PLIERS. Oft TAPE. Oft SOMETH/y*N IQ POUND r: /O with.. OR A CLUE LETTERS Pop quiz Dear brand As an in terested and i oni erned person on how muni'v is spun! on edu i «lion and sports ul your si hool and OSD, i have sonui questions concerning the sporl statues on the athletic building that -ire to be reloiated 1 What was the original cost of the statues and installation7 2 What is the < ost to relot ate them’ t Why -ire they being relu i ated7 -t Were the statues made by a si ulptor outside the state of Or egon? S Didn't the AIA firm that designed the building und the -irt committee have plans show mg the original location, and were they approved' (> Were funds lor the statues donated bv other people und not .i planned i ost in the build ing budget7 7 I don't know Hill llyrne, athletic director, but I hear he didn't like them and they him ked his view He should tend to his job -mil not Is- an art i ritu and -In t.ite the reloi ation It You could have spent that monet on student si holarships (>uy Owen Milwaukie, Ore Fantasize I commend the Emerald for committing front page coverage on ()i I Jr> to the first of a series of artu les on AIDS 1 unit hope the other install ments are tietter than the first Reporter Tamrm Haley de voted nearly a third of her aril ( le to air one individual's out I.indish opinion tii.it AIDS has •i "strongly spiritual purpose" to educate others This is simply the desperate flip side of the argument that AIDS is a form of divine pun ishment Please don't waste a good op portunity to get the true medi cal facts in the minds of people who .ire in denial about the threat o! tins disease And please refrain from perpetual ing ridiculous myths about AIDS l( hi- arc going to corn ha I this horrible epidemic , more of us need to he armed with the fat Is. not fantasies Hill Lync h ( .enter on Human Development What? We live in an age of plural ism The dominant mode of un derstanding the great issues of our times (religion, personal re lations, personal rights) is done via the lens of cultural relativ ism While it is heartening to see emotional issues dealt with in the puhlii forum, there is also a disturbing, ominous develop ment It is implied that all belief systems are equally true " At the same time it is also pro posed that one individual "truth" (i.e , that all lieliefs are equally correct) is exclusively true In other words, it is more "true" than the rest of the "truths " I bis is a blatant con tradic tion To give an example where two huso beliefs are in contra diction, we can speak of cos mology The universe has ei ther existed forever or it has not It wouldn't make sense to say both of these positions are correct, yet obviously one of these must represent the histo ry ol our universe It would seem to matter Kelatedly. can one take the position that dec isions of per social expression are exempt from moral or ethical scrutiny? I'm not saying here that one person has the right to c hange another person's morals What 1 do argue is as members of the same community, we do have the right to evaluate these mor als Them is an Important dif ference here, one that lies at the c rux id our moral dilemma A final question: Is it possi ble th.it there is a right and wrong independent ol the whims of humanity7 In the Si nai analysis, we must choose (to quote Alasdair Macinlvre) W luist' justice, whit h rational itv?" Kelly O’Connell Philosophy Sinking In response to Lori I’,irk. man's (OKIOtt 22) t ry lor help, let me just give you n clue If only 2 percent ol Ameri t iins are homosexual, that means there are 5 million of us Including bisexuals, we com prise by your own figures 12.500,000 citizens Is any ol this sinking in7 We don't care about numbers and ratios Our real joy is th.it for ear h one of us there ts an other Maybe you don't like to find others like yourself If we were like you, we wouldn't want to find each other either 1-eAnne Patterson Fugene Simon says Anyone who steals from the University Bookstore is stealing Irorn every student When the bookstore has to raise prices to cover the iiisls of shoplifting, all students suffer in the form ol higher prues I hope that when Jo Sonja Watson makes decisions in her capacity as ASL't) vice presi dent, she does a lielter job ol considering the effects on the student body, because every honest student is the victim when someone shoplifts at the University Bookstore Simon F. Blagg Kugene Restoration Jo Sonja Watson, your leader shop ability is not in question However, your judgment and ethics are Restore my faith in the integrity of the ASUO vice president's office find this con troversy in a mature, decisive manner Resign Ron Harper S(m iology