Looking J'fV U, tv, Tom l verson. a mechanic at Second Nature Bicycles, models a coat ('d nylon rain suit made by Jackson X Gibbons in f uijene The ja< ket sells for $39-95, trie pants $J4 95 Rain fashion til tor a duck umbrellas For new students to the area O' . .e took-ng to up date the • wardrobes Shore are ••• riy p aces So buy .k:kets. p.i"T i• u 5 ither a- i e sories whether y o, bike or Aa* So class For students A-no a s * the umbrella ■ one choice should we say "s* *-v. !y Univer sity funior Ja'”o‘ McCallerty uses an umbro i nstead of i hooded jacket, because .1 s easier, he said You can put t in your bag if they .ay it s go "ij to rain But riot everybody want-, to carry an u" bre. a especially f :>iey fe r.d (] a b *e or rued f‘ «s warmth o* a hooded tacket For those who fee fh • way, there are plenty of other options M.r-y of the local b **• ■ 'ores C.rry m i wear suited for cycusts Pedal Power Bicycles. 877 E 13th Ave features ram gear by Sierra Designs This Ime in cludes |3ckots and pants that rol up into their own little carrying sacks so they're easy to travel with Second Nature Bicycles 44s E 13th Ave carries nylon coaf ed fabrics that are waterproof yet versatile. Deluding products by local companies such as ' he Burley Design Co Op, Inc 4080 Steward Rd There is also a Neoprene (wet suit material) boot that runs about S32 With a zipper in the I ;e hi .I ■.! e ’.i::■ .; . r r a . ) ' • ' B;/ , r - • at, $28 U'ld .1 .- ■: Over 1 I - • ■ i>.f- : w ’' -i oosor f ’ fl'O’hie , - 1290 O.i* ,i" *■ .i ' percent watu' coo' 1 tji• * e by Co-umb-a < on - st.-ng of nylon th.it is coated w i ' in- i plastic Costing $49 Of* fot both the jacket and pants this set is reasonable tor students \(>! everybody wants to curry an umbrella, especially if they're tiding a bike or need the warmth of a hooded jacket. For waterproof fabric that breathes, they a't.o offer jackets by Sierra Design; for $179 95 Rent* Kane, of the Burley Desgn Co Op. 'nr. says they use two d fferent fab'-t s a,, of it made in I ugene For cyclists, there is a safety yoiiow colored jacket We vo taken a waterproof fabric and vented it so it has flow-through ventilation Kane said This jacket runs $85 I .irri le < .F VK. P»^c 7H Natural F iber Clothing To Live In! ( (/«■«.;/ ( - inf‘ ’i I /hit ■ fit •ii t h ‘ihtni: h ‘i ( htLh t-n tii/tf \ lulls HmuI ‘ r\ \hi >r s £ sit\hr \ l. •« idll\ nittilf tin,I * ' V . It r' ■> w 1 ^1 XU l^\ an live r it 11 i #« ’inin\ it }i \yfh \ is> | | Numl.iys SECOND THOUGHTS d 'T' "T Natu'rai Fiber Clothing ‘or men & women • 77 W 11th • EUGENE • 683-6501 Mon Sat 10 6 Sun 12 5 *e purchase qua^iy used cloth'ng dai-'y THE NU U i moi i- BOimgi '!•:& R i1 si-k\ ic i: salon I (m Ml N >V WOMI N Perm I Cm Weaves, ac A Watj'4" HWj /to tkirptfiaA m il WOW W ... v. ... S/.\ V • /' 1/ / \///( ///11 • A \/S ■u Kornoni cis Ar.i.w; ;:i \ ■. iicinh . ms p.w FALL COLORS OF BENETTON. Valley River Center NEOSTYLE • RALPH LAUREN •TURA • • z < CD I < DC h tu z cc < 3 > H 0 5 z < h m 5c i 0 Selection? Family Vision Center Enough Said! 15% Student Discount w this ad thru 1212/91 Quality? Goes without Saying! Close to Campus! 1471 Pearl St. • 686-1237 Or visit our Springfield office 1800 Centennial Blvd., Suite 2 • 726-5055 r N 0 r > 5 0 X z m 0 0 x 0 0 > X > Z POLO SERENGETI • MARCHON