YOUR GREER OLD LOOK! THE f NIST SERVICE ANPCUSiOM PtSiCN WITH LOCAL NHOUSE ART DEPARTMENT SCREEN PRINTING AND EMIROIDERT THE MltD DUCK SUPfUES YOUI WILDEST NEIPS N SH RTS. fACKETS. CUSTOM DES1CN EASh ON a [All ►ARTY ITEMS CAPS. WIDGETS. MUCS AND MUCH MORE fOP rHAT SPEC At f JNC CN" A Sit DU W.KK REP U/TIRINKMAN Al IAYIORS COllfCESIPf INN OR c A| t J U, -ft. 343-7045 / 344-8476 Ethnic, Vintage-style, & Contemporary J Natural Fiber Clothing, Jewelry and Folk Art Set* our (ireat Select ion of Socks, lej^iiij^s, lights, Cot ton Sweats, Hats, £4 Sweaters for warmth from head to tm* ...also Hooks, I ajK-s, & the Kculog) Corner 0 ^°pen Pa8|y 10anv6Pn?^<^xk^ 2441 Hilyard St. 344-0450 Music technology still on the rise • ; ' ! ‘ tl«».«!’• ! A pi'iyo” *i>d v >• dealing a ny C on ■ ,jfnof, .i>t* now .it i* to buy discs rwp'Od.e 1 sound at •••■»•• o' .1. • .• k y ■ •■• t’> ' :•*• .IV. 1 .thin on v V ’•■ v 'd', r 1 '. t p»• ■ t)..t " t> f|.,■• i'.n t over ye! Appro*. mate y lour »•• !'• ago a now sound was • troduci*cl Dig t.i audio tap.* ,r "■••y (Villi' ! nd. fin Old sound just as accurately as i CD but 1 • tead o' aser writing if.. method ot recording s tn nary vm t.lf to ot a com puier disc Now !’’i.’i> is yet another forma! ■ the ma* ng dicpta compact cassettes W :• i the-,., pos' t) 11" ava sibl.. to the consumer wr < ti formal s the best7 The CD format has become extremely popular in music: sates CDs pr ed between $10 and %":> are ava.iabto in almost every music store, and most record tabe s are now produc mg many artists on CD At f ace the Musk 806 l 13th Ave CD sales have surpassed tape sa two to one Wtule this is not an industry wide reflection, it is a good mdi cator ot the popularity ot CDs CD players are available lor home car or portable usage, and price , start near $180 and go into the thousands tor a complete sound system Recently, manufacturers have produ< ed machines capa ble o! recording on CDs It sounds great, except there is a ,a: k - i rv. i or one Tto. • ' ■ : ; a,.-' ' S.'H md .1 t ink c!'< i : ’■ i $> ’ io $ '0 T ■ . •• . .i•.• the 'low .1 i I . 'A !.i;,e‘. ..)A : " l • • ,ro i •••..( > .. •• o ■ . i .liter " ,i! . v o ! o ■, 'to; c: a " .i" iv f m.i; ’ n« i .! price o! r $; r'uwever, u~ ke CD', the only thing you can do with ,i DAT player is record be cause there is no pro recorded muse available in the U S on DAT A-' sts' unions have blocked pro recorded DAI tapes being I ill; i. Ml si< I’.i.v nH -i How do they compare ? 1 p Compact Disc Strength* The mate rial on a compact disc is ,i better reptosenta (■on o* the musical parlor nuinni Also a CD player never rn.ik.i-. contact with the dir» apt by way ol lasers .irvd so wi-.e and tear prob lems are minimal Weatme**** Although Ux:h ndtogrcal advances are anbc* paled one still cannot record with the CD formal at least no! without a tot of money Cassette Strength* Cassettes are widespread cheap and easy to use They are pot til Me and regardless Ol any advances tn CD te r.rKilogy cassettes will be the major part ol the re cordirig market lot years to com# Weaknetiet Although ro cord companies guarantee lifetime use a cassette can be worn out through oicessrvo play Even the dearest cas sette recordings have some trace ol background hiss which increases as the cas sette agirs Vinyl Record Strengths IPs have then devotees who behove they grve .1 musical performance a moro real is DC sou fid Weaknesses Today the puce ot a name brand CD pi.iTef s often tower than that of a turntable IPs are bulky and difficult to store and noo die reoord wear and tear prob terns frequently arise Digital Audio Tape Strength* By combining a CD's digital technology with a cassette s recording ability DAT gives a listener the best of botti worlds Weaknesses DAT stilt occu pros a small part ol the mar kel and can be difficult lo fmd Because DAT is still a cassette some shelf lito and wear and tear problems can result Source Dave Dolby Video Audio Systems A cut above the rest..._I CARE’N FOR HAIR Ml I 13th AVI IUGINI. OR 97401 (303)4R5-4433 OMN 7 DATS Haircuts ONLY s1000 I I I w/coupon Reg $13 00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through Nov 31, 1991 IPLflV IT TOfiin For All Your — Winter Sports i Equipment NEW or USED! 50 E. 11th Ave. Between Oak <1 Willamette 342-4041