Hungarian women’s team sprints past Ducks By Erick Studenicka i morale! Ccntnbuk * Signs of a changing world Capitalism in tin; Soviet Union, German reunification. a woman from Mississippi on a Hungar ian basketball team She was Kuthie Bolton, the former All American from Au burn who drove through the Oregon defense fur Hg points in Tungsram's ‘Hi 87 victory over the bucks Saturday night at McArthur Court, "After I finished my career at Auburn, I wanted to contin ue playing basketball," Bolton said. "Since there is no profes sional league for women in the United States, 1 chose to move to Europe Currently, I'm the only American woman playing in the Hungarian league." Besides play in g for Tungsram, Bolton also plays on international teams lor the United States, such as the one that appealed tins summer in tile World Unit efdtv.t la;: Bolton yvasn't the only im pressive "Hungarian" as the en tire Tungsram squad displayed great team speed while running their wide open, last-breaking offense In addition tospeed, Tungsram had a slight size ad vantage, with .ill five ol start: :s checking in at over six fed. Tim Ducks found themsefves in a hole from (ho b< ginn. quickly Sailing behind Id J Or egon tried to slow Tungsram down witfi a lull court press, but tier Strategy ! w kltred as Tuirgsi am vs .1 s •• t., break ‘ pri'ss and store some easy lay ups Oregon Used Si.u.a inipli . sive three-point sf,noting by M issy SumsT and Te : '< S watle ;r er to ! r a w even at I St, 1: ., ! I solos id I )s l - d l a: . :u i > post a double digit lead 1-or the game, the Dui.ks committed iffi tan;,ivt • s, ne trly all ■ 1 vv!. ii led to easy transition points lor Tungsram. Debbie Spun tell, the Din ks main offensive threat, scored the last five points of the hall to ; (): .n to vvithul sis at Si. m -si:, w ...) : :s t:.i 11v to lose her deb nd.-f utr d :: idi t:.• ■ ! *u t.- to. :. d ti.e |. . '.t vv lib to;pa i ■ ures. scoring k.l points on 61 percent shooting. Tin: Ducks (.ontinued to Sput ter in tire second half, fulling Ini hv as many as i 1 Star i W.idenhur it came off the fit :n tl to spark llie offense with 16 points and was also effective in st ipptng Tungsram point guurtl Dana %.who had fr ;strafed if,-- Dt. ks all rnglit with tier piaym iking skills With five minutes rein.un .r.,:. the Ducks still found thum selves down by 10 points, out tie- delu it v, is quo klv cut !;i ! . r on 1 f !-• hy Kelly Blair, (1 I ii d y M u r p h y a n d frenzy After a missed free throw by M . -doIna C- k With ■ ' ■ • A RECYCLE THIS PAPER. > American helps lead Tungsram to 90-87 victor/ ontls remaining; tho Ducks found themselves with the Doll .inti .1 (.hiiiu e to w in the game W.illcnborn took .1 12 ‘ t shot from tint corner rolled out A wild scramble fur the re bound ensued with the (i.ill i' vt;nt lini I y ro I I ing b.i; k to U.illunborn She passed the hull1...buck to I’eggv Swudener, who took a last .second three point shot that just missed, in suring Tungsram of the v it lory Aflrr tho game, Oregon i i,.u:h iliw m Holny sad ho wasn't surpnsd with tho m sult "About three years ago, I took a l’ac 10 All Star team to K u rape and w o p I a y o ii Tungsram," Homy said "At halftime, wo wort!down by 30 points Sura, I know they wouhl bo a tough team. Ruthto Holton vs as awesome, probably ih't! U-st player wo will mv all Visit I thirds she lus .1 ch.lIH l’ tu make next n Olympic squad " VW li.iv ii lii , n pr.u ttcin# fur only ft'iur vs miks. vs htin Tungsram has already pi.ivcil Mutinies this year I think that tlui primary dllfrieiuo tie tvs if ii thi' tvvo teams, they have more seasoned players I think if we were to play them .n; on at th.e end of our season. I lahevo vse VS 111. lie said (■Niea by '-'t» N*j )#o Duck basketball player Steel Wallonborn scororl 18 points against the Tungsram, Hungary team Saturday night at McArthur Court The Ducks lost 90-87. NOV. 11-16 UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 Sal. 10:00-6