SPORTS Ducks face losing season after falling to ASU By Jake Berg Erwutd Sports Fdttof Oregon played its host foot hall game in a month, hut un fortunately fur the Due ks. every game looks thi- s.niii! In thn loss column Oregon clroppecl its fifth um sec Olive I’nufh.-lO Conference game in a 24 2 1 loss to Arizona State! Saturday night at Tempo. Art/ ‘Uni loss guaranteed the Duds of their fust losing sea son since finishing 5>6 in I'lHf. Mike Kichoy's till yard field goal early in tho fourth quarter proved tho dlfferente in the fi nnl scorn. ''Obviously we’ro not going to have a winning season, hut tliis is the first time that I can honestly suv we improved from one week to the nest," (In g in couch Kith Brooks said of fi.s team, 1 r> in the Put ’.(l and i <> overall. "It's tough to give u grout i f fort without o rowan), hut 1'rn still proud of tins tciira. and there are things left for us to u<: cornpltsh The Due ks were i rushed at Aut/.en Stadium last week hv Stanford. 3I U, and will play at tKd.A next Saturday before ending their season at homo against Oregon State on Nov 23. Oregon led in a game for the first time sin< a beating New Mexico State a month ago when free safety l.rh: Castle lurried his Intercept ion Into a 30-yard touchdown run, giving the Dm ks a 14-7 lead in the second quarter The Du< ks pit ked up their first sc ore of the evening when Boh Brothers, the fifth starting quarterback for Oregon in as many games, hit fight end Jeff Thomason for a 20-yurd touch down pass Thomason earned much of the yardage himself, weaving through ladders lie fore falling into the end zone Later in the second period, when the Ducks failed to get a first down, punter Tommy Thompson tamo in to kick to the Sun Devils, hut his punt was partially blocked after a Turn to DUCKS Page 10 V How American Express helps you cover more territory For less money Become a Student Cardmember today and get 3 roundtrips on Continental Airlines, for onlv $129 or $189 each. ()nl\ ihr \mriu .in I \ press* (.mi i >!lrrs .in r\t unit; trawl |u> r\i lusiwh h >i students me ludim; I tun-1. undirip t ri ntk aits on ( ■ Airlines Stulmtkh nuklink ur Inst It >. >k .ii tin- map ami pit k i hr r vi >ml likr n > umi It u s on >iir Milr t >1 the Mississippi Kiwi. \> >u t .in use .11 rrulk alt* I . , • f 1 _ l ' Mil K U I l| ' -l » ■ ' I V l \ 1 • - - > • i \ Mississippi1 u f iso tiaiiKlttip V e ha\e \. >ur pitk ■ >t n;■ re tiun 11 Hit"' m the Is i nit^tii uts states \nd \i . .m !h alnu m am linn tx\ausc i here arc nohi.u kout dates Bui you must make \our resetvat ions withm it .!avs t thetia\ \1 NIC! long distance i ailing every month lor annum- war absolutelv lax- And that s just one example of how the i aril i an help vou save Is >r nisi Jss 4 \ (.-.u the (lard gives u hi all these savings And it s\ h > applv lust (. all us i have your hank address and account numhei < >n hand > \\ hat s mtire with < >ur sjx\ ul student < ilfer, it s easier t> get the (hard now while you re still m scIkxiI than it may v uetthe Card And^et readv to cover new terri •or\ i >n fit her side oj our ivide ' i . ■ I . * i. \ < t -. » .'■■■' ■ j - ' • < I . • ■ , • • » ' • *•% i- *! ■.*■ a « i, - • k xrr ’ 1 i'jfrt V . ,»lfT • 1 « •* >♦ f«ri V W! MCI CALL 1-800-942-AMEX. TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES , ’• .1 ■ :ir;, .f'- . ... "i l'm ir.% Continental