The mud squad Carrie Vincent (with the tin!!).runs lr,■ m Note C\ r ... / in front of Swcetser Hail during 3 tec,. nt g.vr.e ot;; . t football. F3ho!o by Kim Nguyen Deputy marshal hit by his own partner PORTLAND (AP) A depu ty with Ilu: 1 S Marshal's S« i vico find two shotgun blasts at u fleeing bank rubbery suspect and ondi:d u[> hitting another deputy Sunday afternoon, au thorities saiti Deputy U S Marshal Larry Kelley saiti the gunshot injury was not serious and Robert Brodaia, -It!, of Portland, was arrested iur violation o! a pa role on a bank, robbery < enve tion. Lo t: l-'BI agents and four l' S Marshal's deputies bad Staked out .1 northeast Portland house and waited for Brodula Hu pulled uj> in a i .ir .it -I p in . Kelloy said He said Ilrodulu tried to run over a deputy That dr; fired two shotgun blusls and ricochets from the gunfire lilt another deputy in the lower leg. A loaded tlmm p istoi w as found 111 his ear. Kell, y -..ud Tfui injured deputy w as h, , pitah/.ed III lair 11 '. a dy else was li.: • I Be a paid volunteer and get a free check-up. Try .I totally new form of feminine protei lion. Wo are participating in the ( linical trial of a now monstnial protection product. I level oped to be more coinfoitablo. more come moot, and more elfective than traditional methods of menstrual protection, yon may want to trv this new product yourself, for t months, hoc of charge. To he eligible, you must he 18T>T> years of age and have regular periods As .1 partici pant in the trial you wiil he paid $a0 per visit (for up to four visits), and ret eive a free plus it a 1 examination (including pap smears). The number of participants is limited, so call to ensure vou're included, don't delay. Please call: Woman's Clinic - I niversity of Oregon Student Health (503) 346-4449 'During‘This ‘festive Season, 'Hie ilO ‘Bookstore Is ‘Pleased ‘To Offer Our Customers FREE GIFT WRAPPING On ‘Your ‘Bookstore 'Purchases > A ^ ) 8.00 P-rf'v *:* TICKETS ON SALE NOW $11 Students, $15 General Public: t MU Mam Do K Store CD World Face the Mur. c Record Garden Environmental Awareness Workshops • Fall Term 1991 OREGON FORESTS — NOVEMBER 22, 23, 24 i, e $15Of. u ; /. V travel • 2credits (L SS 408"508) fhis workshop will provide .1 dove up look .11 the environment with an ipi>orlumiy to sludy the relationships, concepts and s anely llut are pre vent in < beguns lutest.s I’arnc ipants will gam a better understanding ol the plants, animals, history and geology ol Oregon s forest lands RISK AND LIABILITY — DECEMBER 6 AND 7 Fee $75 * 1 redit (i.SS 4 . Hits workshop is ile signed l ■ >t guides, leaders and rev reation jiersouiie, who ileal dire* t ly with risk arid liability issues I he workshop will cover areas such as standards, negligence, adventure recreation, protec non issues, insurance choices and purposes, litigation, risk reduction, permission and ' ease tonus, use idem reduction insurance, and contracts and contracted services NORTH COAST — DECEMBER 18 TO 22 f co $225 plus $50 travel • 3 credits (LSS 4 . Investigate the tide-pools and headlands ol the t begun Coast Hits workshop covers history , concepts, recreational uses, plants, animals, and the relationships which create tin* delie ate web of this coastal environment flits workshop creates a unique opportunity lor learning as we s|>etici four days and lluet- nights at the field lab site Study will take place in several environments, including, dunes, be.nlies, estuaries, tide pi *< >!s and the c bush l lisiois . geology, geography, plants and animals will l»- investigated, all with c om ern lor tlirir interrelationship w ith the et ■ ironm rit ■ jister for a* tdd n. i' ; t;, " i* li ' ' •' ' : • Hi <■,’ eg ca 346-4231