CAMPUS BRIEFS IFC cracking down Student programs Willi deh (.its in their stipend M i mints wnl he suhjei t to u per- • .’it budget cut next, ,e r i,rd to .1 unanimous Incidental | re Committee decision made Thursday ( .1 ups U ill h.e.e ,i»P,d tie .f site iilled ll'CJ bu.le. 1 healing ■dates to nlfiiir iiefi< its mid avoid pi s 111..!,; t i up. nun 'be o'. I f redden by a ni.i !i if it y lit viiti" and are subject to appeal in nasi , ul speu.ia 1 < i ri urn stain e. iieciirdnp; to the j. du lion Budge) tlefil its are I. I •. t ( ■ ill 'limn m stipend and lundi.n accounts, said lit! metnbet Sara podge who iiitrodui id tin? resolution Jn another n ;ul, >n, the I! (' (in ided it Will let h i;'., vote oil budget .ii!f i;r.itns V. nil! t S hi into th.s category are the LM’.; and the athletic r!• parttni tit, wliu h are traditionally funded a! !i ii i with s’inien! lei s Also, at Tlnirtuhiy's inn ting, the II (I denied a s|i< , ial Incir t reijiiest; by the Amuii/i*ur I fit: A in nil an S in d • n't I In ion Al’ASl r, ,n | Vi-tu id to •; tail r v ent, v. i;h ti » | J . ' v. i • keijd and mi ! i....•ith'i. in,iin v\ith I.;ji.iia ■ American a :in t 1 ,nv'.on I i: hi.i la Ai’ASti co dit' ti/r (hifv Hi.ii VV-> lie .ji|a.lilted .'ll the lit ih.n to transfer hinds hum ,t i-tt;■ r event to (over the f.s' 1 V\l !;> Hill saiil A PA SI' is ! ur rent Iv ut its bight st iv.i mhi-r ship Hi five years anti th.i! its program budget is not rqircsen lative of such membership. Library news proves) a resolution rota m l<:> min ! Jim i :m! v I’ll . il l,! iifiii, i r i ; n- 11: r r > timus Id prt*vious levels Tlsn "Resolution on the Rein (if i ; I i i V e I s i! y of ( !: . :i V Hu r s" M .IS j ; ■ si :.:■ 1 to .-tin* Senate Tucs hr, hy Dylan (.miller, founder ol (It it it erneii Students fur Library Hours "■I l;t* group is : il!y < on corned about the impu; ! of de t : j • i o! rxr v Iosifs on w ork nig • '.. !( :.‘s w ith tight v in ■! ub-s. and on students who ii • pcnil on tiic reset ye m i turn for n -pnred readings •;,: :v iioui s have boon i ; fl.- ;■ .n.iti .os wi 11 lie a thro .>; i I ri>i.iv. \’ov IS Student directories here 'i ini Iti'Jl '<2 Student Diri i • t e ;i'h .;:i' t’.ovv avail.i: .e ,11 toe Lounge. ASLO OUice, 1 niver sity li.inks', re, Information (ill'll Tour Services at C): .• ii I: ill, mid the College of Ldut .dion Dorn s Office I'm ulty-umi stall in.ii' pick up copies from the KMIJ Administration OILi e in Room MIDI, or from One of the above locations Tile directories are free. 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