^ UO BOOKSTORE « BESTSELLERS THIS WEEK S TOP 10 HARDCOVERS FICTION f i/£>J:. s p " 2 SAINT MA YBE'. Awe Tytef j ALMANAC OF THE DEAD*.:, • Vr~ ' S> • 4 CROWi WEASEL:. Ba~... :•?; 5 HARLOT'S GHOST-, *. ~ y Va •• 6 COMEBACK-. , D • "vr. , / SEAROADt, ti" . *. * AffFOfW THINGS'. K . 5 GRIFFIN i SABINE’ , \ • Br ' - W SIX BY SEUSS ’ ■ E' m non-fkiion 1 IRON JOHN:, P ••••[ , 2 REFUGE:, Te?r> !<•-- ;.^st r J FINAL EXIT:, &><• ■ v’”-, 4 SAVAGE INEQUALITIES’, . ■ r * 5 TURNING JAPANESE’ . D t. :• 6 STEPPING WESTWARD :,u 7 MONEY CULTURE’ . V ’ «• 8 PRAIRYERTH:. . ■ ■ ■•■ ■: V « UH-OH ,■ 10 HOMECOMING : . k UO Bookstore Ulh & H«led addition to the school. Katv made her proposal at Saturday's ':Dre.im a Play gr .nr. I" pub!,: input meeting held a! the s:thoi 1 l-'erguson's suggestions were among Ihov put forward at-tin* mi cling, sponsored by the Uni \ t ; ■ .ty (dunion' Si hool Play p: und Park Committee ami dm ■ o ! to solii it ideas from i bd.lien und adults about mi poo. mg the site's playground ' I -think it's fuii,' l.i rguson S mi of Saturday's meeting "1 .:, t it unlit I he V gel l! playground in." i in- i listing playground, dm ui d and built with private lends and v o!unteer la! or in pi lias deteriorated to the p ,nt III ha/.urd. saoi Kate:* L ;v ;n. child and family set v , i s administrator with tin University s OlTit.e of Human Krsmiti.es Kenovating the playground with equipment could serve ■ :h t'.i comniunUy purt.i iariv neighborhood residents i the 1 auversity. she said I lie site is n.ivs used by the University s Child Care Pro gram and community members, espei Otliy those from lire Past Campus housing area, accord ing to the University's 19th and Ay.lie Special Area Study, adopted in 1988. The University, which began leasing Condon School from the ihigone School District in I'm.I and bought the property in l'lii'i. stated it would main tain the playground, said Chris Ramey, University architect with the Physic a! Plant "This (meeting) is just an ex ten-,.on of that promise," said Ramey, who attended Condon as an elementary school stu 7 think (the meeting was) fun. I can’t wait until they get the playground in. ’ Kafy Ferguson dent in the 1 'T.(K 1 ! ■> workshop had a g id turnout, said University stu ih )■ dm I'ngarty, w ho, along w.th Kami V, jot!> d d vvn rei ommendotions from r hildren aid adults w Si o d I e w their ideas with felt tip pens on a p I a sth overlay m ap o I t he school. In addition, cl.ddi. u do. w pictures on strips of paper, or Applicants sought for EWEB Board Vacancy I ugene Wak^f tS. Hectric Board U Wl B) is r urrently at rtoting abdications tor the- Board seat refwesriiting Wards 4 and S. ihe Board seat will tree ome car ant due to the resignation ot Jar k Dr-lay I )ts emtror tl, 1991 To qualify, an applic ant must bo: • a registerixl voter • a resident ot Wards 4 or (set* map! • a resident ot I ugene tcw the past 1 2 m< mths, • available to attend board Meetings every ,’nd and 4th Monday of eac h month; • able to run tor elec tion to this ottic e in tht Mas 1992 primary. 1 he tc*rm ot appointment will extend through i >tx emlier i 1, 1992. Applications are available vveekdav ■■ ; at Eugenie Water Electric Board > t) I • ■ < ■ :th Av-nue P.O, box 10148, I ugene, Orison '* '44 Application deadline is 12 nn November 20. I or more informal»in ' u t ho-.’ i ■ Assistant Secretary, 484 241 1. *?*-*•. d> ■ ewEb Eugene Water & Elec tric Board 500 E as! 4th Aversai E ugene. OR 92440 503-484-241 1 cut out and pasted photos from playground equipment cata logs Most of the children's recom mended equipment was stan dard swing sets, and merry go-rounds, said Dennis Reyn olds, KMU child care ( xjordmu tor. However, "a lot of th.itm (also) wanted sumo kind of wa ter (equipment)," Reynolds said "To me, that's one of the most interesting ideas " Such proposals were exactly the reason children wi re solic ited for ideas at the meeting, said Bruce Me Kinlny, exei utive director of the University's '('muter for Advanced Technol ogy and hducation, which is lo cated .it the school, "They're users, they should have some input.” After the committee evalu ates the meeting's proposals, a suhi cunmlltee will select play ground equipment to purchase, McKinley said. The project's estimated cos! is STO.OOO, with the University contributing an undetermined amount. The committee is committed to installing the equipment by summer I'i'U, McKinley said The i’hysil al Plant will handle the site preparation and instal lation. C...I, ion School was built in 1UJ4 as iiieodore Roosevelt la nior High School. In the l!).r>Us, the school was converted to el ementary use and named after geologist and University Profes sor Thomas C fond on Quayle visit brings out protesters I’OK'll.ANI) (A1J) Vice I’i - lent Dan Quayle, who ar rived m Portland Saturday to rut • ■ iv11 an ,i\\ ,ini fur patriot, in. shrugged off criticism of his dr cisiini to spend tin- Virti .i:;i Wj; stateside it s the (>, ditical stm .. m, w a li.ivu to take 11.i'st.* things in st:Quayle s.t.d in a brief in ivs (i iift'ii ni a after arriving at r.irtlami international Air port. H w as to ns rive the Patri ot's Award from the C.oiigrrs i .:ii Medal of Honor Society at a banquet at lint Jant/en Df n.ii Ki-d Lion ii.s n.utoii adit was glin ted at the motel by 05 to 75 protest eis, many expressing displeas ure tieit Quayle Was chosen to ret five the Patriot Award. ' A lot oi people are v« ry up set t ii a t he's gutting t it i s award," said protester Hubert A ,tii, all. of Vain ouver, W .- l'. ''I really have nothing against Q iayie tiod forbid ho should it' , me President." Quayle. in another comment at the airport news conference, re; rated his strong critic ism of naiu naii\ syndicated cartoon ist (Liny Trudeau over an up coining Uoanrsburv conui strip that replays allegations Quayle used cocaine and Quau "C.arry Tu: iuuu has a person al vendetta against me ami the president," Quayle said, "liven t,,,r - as I, it w .ng as t,ar ry i i .it ni this is a low step.'' One of the protesters at the motel, however, touted a sign that read "Dan nose blow." in reference to tin: allegations