EDITORIAL Technicality springs Jolin, but it ain’t over East Tuesday, an overlooked law scuttled the eth ics case against Cottage Grove's Democratic Sen. Peg jolin, who is accused of falsely telling her constituents she was in debt when her campaign coffers were really in the black. A technicality — an unintended loophole • - and jolin walks. When Oregon legislators passed the innoc uous bills tjiis past session, they could not have known the impact. The two bills put I20duy deadlines on ethics in vestigations. Like most new bills, the measure would have exempted arses currently under investigation, such as Jolin’s. But somebody screwed up. That clause was acci dentally left out of the final drafting: the one the legis lators passed. It is amazing and incomprehensible that not one of the <10 lawmakers caught the omission. No one said a thing. The new statute wipes out John’s case. <.s it does the ones against Eugene Mayor Jeff Miller and Spring field Mayor Bill Morrisette. who were on the chopping block for accepting trips to the Independence Bowl for their wives. In fact. the law pretty much founders most ongoing investigations. The legislative members who drew up the two bills are claiming innocence, saying the original intention was to exempt current investigations. Ethics committee members are fuming, seeing their hard work go down the loophole drain. Whatever the case, it was an ill-conceived bill gone awry. A 120-day st.itute of limitations for ethics inves tigations is ludicrous Fraud cases (the civilian version of ethics violations) have much longer deadlines. Six months just isn't enough time to collect information, interview witnesses and give a fair trial. lawmakers sure tied their own hands on this one. With another session not scheduled until 1903, legisla tors need to Find some way to get these bills off the books. As for Jolin, her troubles — though temporarily suspended — are not over. This investigation is kaput, but there is nothing preventing ethics committee mem bers from slapping a new date on the old case and starting anew — something they should do for every investigation trashed by the two hills. Emerald Oregon Daily ' ■<>, i),t'y I ’ •#',«*3 ;•% p.-' . ■ <*J iIa ‘y ?«*■>•' fl'«i 1 -*K.Ol*-jr «»J t-t! ' 1 j »h«* fc. • ’ rtf '.‘-u o-rf ! ’ *i I «» -S* J , • ■ . it. "* h •, M- -v :«.*• « A - - ,I'M. ,5, I u t * out *2 '!• p‘ .au 'y 1 f-u .*«*' 'w . .t .*• ,i ’■ 1 (3,. 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Claatrtiad Advartiamg 146 414 3 Advartiamg Dnactor i N« «h »r wxn bwatnaat Ott»ca LETTERS Duck dew Shnugagoogagundu my fal low rubber due kies Just an or dinary ('HUD {Charismatic Hu manoid Undergraduate Dwell er) uiinin' from the under ground to tell y-i'li about uno'h »T sior v left untold With so mans highly intellei tuiil debates plaguing the ness s, my ln .it may gut lulscli I as th.il st.i ky, Miutlly, fist: ihis old. hut still fresh dog doo on the bot tom ol your shoo, hut 'tix funky Thu football team ss .isn’t the only unn gullin' svhoopod at thu Cal garno Lain in iho day, vs Hilt- folks fled thu stadium and Oregon fans turned off their boob tube, feathers ss ere (lyin' furiously on the side lines liven those pesky security guards couldn't keep the flu-, tered Out k from Minikin’ the Cal mascot around a lot Alter being confronted by the bus ish lookin' hear, da' Dm s let him base it (ham, bam) vs lift tsso i 1 an bloss s to the head A meaningful lesson to he lit.irriesi While most had given up, our mascot kept up the tight 'i he light for re' pel t, Use light lor our pride, the light we ah dt-Mte to will Tvs o it y i, Id , I ad i.ilion-itko, th i r -.! ip.eni make sa’ horny, hollies of Muim, Mmm Mountain Hess h r da' hghtin’ Duck l’leasu hoy COtt high mov le pill es Until next lime, Shw g ig.sogagunda yu'li! | list in /eulncr 1 ugem* Vantastic ) our paper is lacking one of its more charming elements this lall term, and 1 miss him. You might call the following "A Lament for a Missing Friend " Sing it to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the (Lean": 1 never subscribed to 7/ie I'.inrr old. 1 don't live on campus, you see My daughter would send me the (omits Lm a reader of Hudson Van d! Refrain Bring buck, bring hack My Hudson Van (arrest to me, to me Bring buck, bring buck Oh, bring but k my Hudson to me' Now Os, a r I hr h'rrshman's amusing. The world of the Weasel's Ok But I'd really muc h rusher read Hudson The others can all fade uwuy. (Refrain) Is Hudson really going with Hilary? Is Anthony still bis lies! friend? I'm glad they esc aped the! Infer no, But their story was too short to end (Refrain) There's plenty of untapped ma terial. New things be could do or might see So come out of hiding Mike Russell, Am! bring back mv Hut's, n to tile! (Retrain) Hudson could travel in Europe Or try joining ROSY! You could even send him to ( Lisses(') Just bring buck my Hudson to me! (let the message' Thank you. Susan I'ngern Parent Bitter lemon Regarding Michael Mellon's letter on health Insuranco [ODE Oct. 23): It is astounding that, in this country, health care is something oidy the rich can af ford Poverty is not always a choice Some people are puor because they ure too sick to work People with bad health histories experience difficulty getting work because employ ers find it more cost effective to hire healthy people. The total cost of providing a health care plan fur employees is less if the employees don't use the plan. Persons in ill health find it hard to get work, which makes it difficult to get health care since they do not have the money to pay for it Insurance is also expensive and difficult (or impossible) to get in the case of a bad medical history. All people have tire right to earn money, and spend it how ever they choose. But with those rights come responsibili ties We share a measure of re sponsibility for our fellow citi zens l or every chronic drunk or drug user that gets, what some see as unwarranted, med ical care, how many elderly people, people too unhealthy to get work, children who can't work, do we also help? Should they be excluded from the ben efits of living in this country simply because they lai k mon ey or the means to get money ? A sports cor is something you can earn, transportation is something we ull need. Health care should lx; an essential ser vice, not a luxury item. Kvalyn Lemon Senior TH£ MIDDLE class LOSING Gbou/VD VO CAUSE FOR ALA*V* £>£OPLE iAV 'rOU SP£M5 TOO run DMt -)N FOUH6N AFFAIRS THE ECONOMY HVdTiNQ) YOU THE polls. NE'QE KVIUDP1W6 AN ACTION PLAN OH NOW VOUQE CONCERNED Afiour THE ECONOMY. NO, NOW 7'*\ CONCEJ?N£p AfiCYT the polls r-*