Volleyball team turns it around By Jayson Jacoby Emerald Sports Report** Thn Oregon volleyball t<-am rode a wave of momentum and a nearly flawless pnrfor* mnneo it) thn second game to u I’ncific-10 Conference win over California Saturday night in front of HO I fans at McAr thur Court. Thu 6-15, 15 1, 15-13, 15-7 win, only thn Ducks' third league victory this season, en sured Oregon would heller its worst ever I’m:- it) finish of 2 10 In 11)811 Tiie Dm ks' f’ac-lO re cord now stands at I-12 and 13-14 overall Cal dropped to 7-7 and 10 12 after losing Friday night to Ore gon State Thn Ducks started slowly, playing as they had in re: ent weeks, as California dominated Oregon ISO in the first game, including a 33H to .100 advan tage in hitting percentage licit the all-important mo mentum fac tor changed quit kIy to the second game as Oregon played one of its liest games ul tiii! s> .i son \\ ,!h f.hdiy <■ ir.iih si tv if ■ lilt; L)ioi.s won tii'c first i^ points of the game mi route to the 151 w in Oregon didn l commit a si11!«j error in the game and lot f<.r an . 01)2 percentage The' Oohh :i Iti ,irs managed only n ■ .lot) percentage. putting down one, two hills tho entiri! game Cal look lends of 11? and 11MJ in the third game. hut the Ducks scored the final six points of the match to win the game and t.ike a 2-1 lead in (tie mulch. Oregon dominated the fourth game. w.nriu.g 15 ? for its on!v i’ac 10 win tills season against a team otiier titan Ari/.ona " V\ i- g .-t si line i.tull. : mg in the set ond g.ilue," Ore gun i Oiic.ii (ferry (.n , .rv ■ . ,1 "\Ve had gutteli iiitu ' -n.e i I patterns in tiie first game, iuit niter that it seemed like every time we missed .i serve wed conn h.ii k vs itii a strong sideotit " Dawnn Oii.irroin i< • ] Oregon w . ;h i ki.is on .i 1 \ J. liitt c | i I f t . < ’ . ‘ * J j i 1 k J b l) I ! .|,i y night. I. ;. t against top fankrd an.i ui. fouled Stanford, It vs a aid h iv r taken a I,. : .a ,.n i f i victory Or egon had • ! r • t cl; t s i:i vs in. h it (huVi.'d . even! y With Stanford, hat unlike Saturday nights Hi.lt i h . the ... > . couldn't sustain nmn.in'unn Alter losing the first game la t, the Dm ks closed to h t in the second game before Stan lord scored seven, of the !,. i ' ..‘,t j.i ants to vs in 1 a a i he Uiil.ks Well also Up 7 t. Phow by Kim Mgvypn Oregon s Marcia Pneo (left) and Nicollo Hedberg (right) go tor a bloi k in the Ducks victory o.or California Saturday. '• • ‘ **■' linr.l but Iasi v' *r s Nt A A i' 1.. \ i-r o l l hr V- -if. ■ o ! put • ■' i. ' a ' •. • .. , ■■ th,;! "I>V thr W..\ ye.) I think you can toll hi: didn't look past thorn," Stanford coach Don Shaw said "One of the reasons for our team's suc :is tins soar is wo don’t do that." Wrestlers dominate season opener The On^un wrestling team dominat ed Portland Si.ilr 17 2 in tin* Dut In-.t male h uf the si *ii si lit Friday Thu Due ks lust no in.ill hus and lied only once in Iheir win .il Portland State The meeting was ti 10 opening; match of Iho season for holh teams L)atl Vidlak was one of Iwo Dud wrestlers to win bv a technical fall, downing Chris Cardner in the lilt pound class Vidlak won III i in 2 20 Oregon's Solomon Pulp tupped Jane s lieardemphl in the 1 <*7 pound class for the Ducks' only other technical (all I u!p vson . .. li tn <> IH Other Dm k w irmers in> ,i heavy weight (Jiri.s Amii-i i» edging out Ken Ionies 13. DH) pounder Si oil Hu//,mi over Steve ('.ox (I. lftH-pounder Dur ti n Gustafson in a 3 1 derision over Joey Hern-fa, DiO-puunder I’,it Graig over .Shane hake !i I, lit pounder ( . r v Simnen over Jason U .ihien fi 1, .uni 1 hi, pounder Jam il (Hark over Ariah i'asuna III i Oregon's only lie was an ti ll hxkup I elvveen Oregon's Jason M. . /v and the v iku;y;s‘ James Sim, n DUCKS Continued from Page a ti.ni snap, giving A:./. :, i Slate the on the Oregon 1 f*-y<>r«i line. The Sun Devils m on >i three j>ia\ s i r (.n Bret Powers' If.-yard t. ■ !. h strike to iio tin! gone !m ‘ ri■ t!. half. Tho key tor the game, I thought, the nine yard punt near tho end of fil'd half," Brooks said "If Wo get kind of distant e on the punt, w iifii'.ui bv a toucfiifown .it halftime But With Uio game tier), Arizona S went up 21-14 on h< ivm lasher's \.,rii t.au.hiiown run. raj ; a 70 ; lat nvn w as tho any e're itatu yard ti) open ill*: half. On;.' again, Kelvin stepped up for Arizona Stale coach Larry Manilla • ml. " l h.it was a run we needed badly : : g* t something going and to gain mo mentum in the second half." Muhammad Oliver got momentum go : L;r Oregon in the second half, too. Oliver, who attended an Arizona junior college before coming to Oregon, blocked a third-quarter punt and ran it -l yards for the tying score late in the third quarter. 'Oliver's effort on thu blocked punt was one of the best individual athletic efforts I have ever seen." Brooks said. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ( •!<«»#»** Bryan Pritcholl on tw.ng Ih# !u*l |»nun to COl'd Ify tolv* f Inlay ft C f Oft ft ttrOf d II* If>« l s»I ymi sort , attar 0 * m lo bring lfv« ftotvod croftftMord purf/lo to Hoorn 300. 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