Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 11, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Roberts seeks solution to Oregon budget crunch
By Lisa Millegan
f aU RetMVtOf
If Oregonians waul to k ep
existing state services, they will
have to allow a ( hunger in the
I.ix structure, (»ov Bartiara Kob
erts told <t Universitycrowd
Under Measure 5 the
property lax-limiting bill the
state will not he able to him! as
many services os it has in the
past, Roberts said.
Tire measure shifted the bur
den of funding local schools
and comm unity colleges from
property taxi's to the suite gen
era I fund
"Even if I cut out all the du
plication and all the inelin len
i s and i". ei y hit ef v\ a | , ,,:i
find in state governmel.t
there is no Wav that I I an
c.osls far enough to make tip
the kind of change (cause d
M, ... ,,re she ;11i
Roberts u .is the k t v i,
speaker at the i c-nd am.
Oregon Student Lobby Conlet
ence fur Oregon College and
University Students OSL is an
organization promoting student
concerns to the stale Legisla
Students from private and
public colleges around the state
met 1 ridey and Saturday to at
tend workshops on issues in
cluding federal financ ial aid.
campus child c are and better
uu ess to higher education lor
the disabled
To explain tiif i input t NT i-.
lire 5 will have on Oregon m
l!u; tuluro, Kobi rts held uj> a
i ll.lit illustrating the shrinking
budget the statf lias to lout!
higher edtit a.litin and other
slatr serve ns
In • i 'i11 'll, .|:a a l schools and
community t oil- .;>'s mailt; up
less than half of tin; statu s gun
utai fund budget Thu lust of
tin* money was list'd- In fund a
variety of services, including
•'higher education, law unit ; u
nn tit. fire protei t:,m and ha
man services.
'•Some 'slate surv u such :.1S
drug treatment and road main
tumirua; are supported out of
separate funds, < i institutionally
marked lor those serve es only
[! y ! / r. 97, local si houis
and community coib-ees wdl
take up t lose to 7f» percent of
the gee,, ral hind hudget. leav
"1 his is one of the things
that's the hardest for people to
Uiulel stand," KoherIs saitl
Rufierts said tier first step in
looking (or a solution to thu
continued budget crunch is her
"Conversations with Oregon”
Hep,nnmg last we. s, the gov
ernor used till' state's interact
IVt: I'D N: . T television iietw or k
to talk to Oregonians at 29 sites
about what serve es they want
Gov llarbara Robert*, speaking of the University Saturday, explains Measure t> s impact on Ore.ion
In ni Stall! g.m-I I e
" This Is the largest
merit in participatur', i!
t i. pie! ,.!)lv Situ I! this
was fur til • ‘ i i, " Rube.
So far. eiti/.ens have
that they wouhl Ithe !
tain e\. .ting set vims.
I in thu
units ra
tuiinir V
Is il IiI
told her
u main
Kobei is
s.llii hln‘ ti. 'ii •. tJV till'
i'll I of flu) "(nmvors.itnuis'' iii
J -i; i : i i , . ( )l. i; .;., .11. s ui'! i ;
cunviiii < ii of tin1 m 1 if f 1 r .1
new t.i v '-v '.ti'in
t i ,1 !,.;•• s m t Ins ■■ I -i 111 t 1 \
Strui.lufll Uf I! lull;; 11 V 1:1 :i 111',
Kn!» i (s Sill' . I !UJ I.l X
’.Irui luri' iilli'i.iiiditx li.tvit lit-i• I»
i n ,i. 1 ir .line u Ik n mi in
riiiim I,i\ w.is ariiis ii
" Thi' u .jr 1 il h.i•, eh.in
|iii'lly <ir.i::i• 111: ally siih ■ • ii.ihn
Ruth xmin tin! in '-.1 v.ilu.iMo
;ii.i vi f .i.'iil . ■■ :i i '.'lit ! i ill, U
vv.i,i y.-.ir uM," ‘.tif ‘..in!
Confidential HIV test can relieve worry
By Hope Ne:i son
EnitXd'd he; -xt,.a
Duvi! is waiting lor thu r< .Its < ! hi-. AIDS t - .1 He
says ho !' pretty sure it will be in-g.;i v e, in.t i.1 v < 1 ti.1
less, lie is just u little nervous
Uavo Cooper, a University student, d -, .■!. 1 to take
tins HIV untitheln-s te-.t hr I:j' Ah > 1 . .: . ■. i
because lie’ is in il high risk gtin.p, In.l 1..: i;;s pe ! ■ u!
•‘I'm id low t hut I've h.ul unpmtei.ted sex w ith
people, atui how sure ate \ ut people from lour
years ago?" Cooper said "I don't Enow their sexual
history, and (the testj gives tne something t > go by
some typo of anchor in rooky vvuter
Cooper said he also de; cit'd to la's ' the test he: .else
of tlie danger the liSV could cause others if he was an
ignorant carrier.
"Any risk is risk enough to find out.” he said
"(AIDS) doesn't only affect you. It uffects the people
around you, especially the person v-e love the most
Cooper made an appointment at the Student Hi abb
Center with a doctor and said he was surprised at the
confidentiality of the jiroi ess
You don't have to pour your heart out to the nuf-a.
Cooper said You don't even have to say "AIDS test.”
Ail you need to say is you vv ant to make an p uni
ment with a doctor And it's free.
Cooper said the first thing the doctor does is ask
your reason for getting the t a '1 hey want to get a f ■ 1
of where you are coming from, he said
"it's a time for them to talk about prevention and
you to talk about your questions," Cooper said. "It's a
time to clear up any misconceptions."
Cooper said there was a natural progression from the
counseling session to the personal questions of the ac
tual test. "You've already had some pretty frank dis
cussions on H So it's not like it's a shock when they
sav 'Are you a prostitute?' " he said
The list of questions the doctor asks are ex tie:; a lv
personal, and include questions such as "Any male
male sexual contact in the last six months'" or "Any
history of intravenous drugs needle sharing'"
• • y A. a 'Lj ■-*
Dave Cooper, who was tested tor the HIV virus tit the
Student Health Center, said it is the responsible thing to
Cooper said the questions were not easy "Yu i r any
have to sit down and evaluate your sexual history, he
said "And you have to he i. .nest he ause it Vou'f not
hoot -,t, you are only cheating your-.eil
During the counseling and questioning the pets n
getting the test must also det ide if lie or she W ants the
test results to he i onfideiiti.il or ic tilled anonyiitous
The dhcctor of the Student Health Center. Dr. Cerald
I' i. ■:i ! 111, said With II i i m i 11 a d anon', ;:..ue. tea.;: . ti.i
.! tor will know you, but the tei ads won’t
It you i 1 ■■ ■ ■■ a contidential test, tin :■ suits ■.: iv in
yc .r rneda al rei i.rd, hut are in a part 1 the naord th it
la kept separate. Mei-.chii said Many people who take
tin' confidential test are those who are n piired to.
suttli as for an employer or life Insurance compare,. he
Alter the qu< .tinning. (■>■< ; '-r sai 1 he n . uo - r
appointment for two weeks liter w! il, r !
h. test will i ace is. k In m i’..rt. e.d In t it ■ ; ant
uient. the doctor and patient p ) i,. er t:e : a
The actual needle procedure is n : t o ;
Tuition may rise
for non residents
By Cc ocn Bo: g
. illi-ill .‘i*i ;! I! l., vv .. I !i t at i i ■ ■ ‘
h, ;jt { tail h veal . i x state ... • i! i i s util < ul
i ■ , ,J fuss till! (1U t ! El 11 .. ; K ! i * i E i i . ■ ' i E ! > ■
[lull! mil ul '.t.iti! lijilidn In in.!* • 'i>!- i■ i1'« !
’ Will•: e VV!' i r lii-.ul i!ii■ is t: • ti:;i• • vv; .■ :.
ri-.iili'iil t.t ui 1 r I it s pay tin’ lull i ust f t ill’ll ' »i * a
11 ■ .... 1 IVi , |.; i r. i .1 vi
jirrsiilftil fur uLiiiii'iiiii .if fa a r s
It is nut j;ui: to 1.ajija-ri in line or two years.
i. ..t 1 suspect in tin' next luur ur live Years, the
ci .1 ul their is!... itiuii w .11 rise faster tli.ui mil.)
tion, mill i ertainly fasti r than resident's luilimi,"
hr Sii.ti
State Ulli Vefs i!; . anil iuili,;es inner, the 11 a
Turn ! i TUITION P.irjn f>
Yew count_
Thiovery mid ihi; need fur nn .1. ■ urate p- ; elation
count arc jus! two of tin; problems produc t d by n
cent v w (tee fi.ifvc-.tin}>.
Soo story, Pago 3
Another loss_
The Oregon football tea in ionlo.-d v.c.tiy improved
Sijlmduv night. but t!u- remit remaned tie- --.n:.
.. t-21 MpmaUr ofa K.-.stn Arizona State
Soo story. Pago 8