THE U Of O TELEFUND IS CURRENTLY HIRING STUDENT CALLERS FOR CHRtSTMAS AND BEYOND Gam valuable commgntcaTion and marketing skills, plus help raise funds for U of O s ocodermc programs • $6 per hour plus bonus • 30 hours poid homing Stop t:>y ana apply Sijn Ihurs ^(Ipfn a! 200! [rank: n Blva or cat 346 3433 iKj n pass Irnm junior guard \ndr«* Collier Tln-n sophomore forward lordv t yderi hit a three pointer, guard (iriaiuio UTi I nuns i.limed a ir, foot jumper. ; ;).»■ ’ * i n uu " is n!.o t ( ilk ! ’at lor hum : i: .it tie l i t) run With I t a! ;e halt i ! . t 0 : I II oil if-' Mill! • is! j was esj . I I.ills pie.os | i r and \V; i ; mis v • ;i . uhou impressive id the ih-w coiners ( oilier was solid at j )•.:.! d arid • ■ -1 ne. d Wei: suited to the Oregon oftense Hr 11nished with t points a. S .1 *)>, Junior guard Andie Collier scoops up a loose ball on route to an 8,' M> Duck victory over the Icelandic National team Thursday at Mac Court t hiding two !n*\s mi three at !i ! 1!151K Hr ,ll«) handed oui M'V i n assists i.yiji-n, tin* l>ut ks lop return rt (rum lust year s It! f> team, led (in 1*1 in with 1 ) points and Was i it 51 * III M’Vl'Il Dm ks in tits hie figures \ i I ■ ievett pi.i S er s saw .it .. .st nine minutes of actum. ■ il.ill l.llt t WU si Hied True freshmen Johnnie Ken * iMilton Rum,im and left Putter all played well for the 1 )m ks Kunlun had 1 1 |aunts, and Knur and Pi it 11 - r eat tl S! 1 .red 10 Runs n lias cm client leaping .ilulity and shared top rebound .nt; hrm :s wtlfi Matt O'Neil and Ionian. pulling down six for ttm gome. Overall, it ,1 successful! to a c atnpaign that has as mans <|uestions to lie answered as it does new faces (inly five oI t he eleven I) u( k s w ho plaved Thursday saw action hist year, and only two of those were regulars in the lineup I'liec played Irani and they diil what we wanted them to do. Monson said "It ulvvuvs helps to hit the firs! three or four shots When vou’te got voting kids you need to get con tidemi . and I think they got that tonight Th i 11 e I a nd it team lost \\ die, sdas night at \\ aslung ton >Hi M> OREGON VOLLEYBALL TV THEME MUSIC TRIVIA NIGHT Friday, November 8 7:30 p.m. Oregon VS Stanford i ans can win a year's tree subscription trom TCI Cables ision and a $300 giit subsr option from Kubenstem's Turniture bv recognizing their favorite T.V. tunes! _ CO HI I M NSTTINS l < It ,»hl< vision (. f ( hopi 'll IlK VI. i* k.:i. i« i n-'o • "«j G l l 5 WEBFOOT 2.