"Raunchy, sweet and slyly funny ar. auda :i idle of love found and lost. Full of quirky humor and love for the dark side." <• ! ■ . 't.Mi RIVER KEANU PHOENIX REEVES MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO H •*». F EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! 1 - r 1 «.n i A DutUn btrxj . I to potent n could DRUGS r$l ll '14 " • V; , AU V 'V TODAY is the EMU MAIN DESK STORE OPEN HOUSE 9:00 4:00 r H FREE SAMPLES • Dole Whip • Pepsi [ • Ala Carte Mag B »r & ' ■ :: r • Paradise Chip & Salt a 4 and more! i 1 ENTER OUR DRAWING FOR 2 nights at Driftwood Shores Dinner for ? a: Oregon Electric Station Roundtfip to Port and or Greyhound E MU Computer lab pare f. MU Recreation Center Bowling Hult Center tic kets LT Dtokens Pepsi and more1 1 Como and ioin us1 I £ u k ' Drawing to be held at 4:00pm ^ Just deposit the following entry form \ Get a free sample of popcorn e and much more1 < w I I I t mu Main I Vsk St<>n ( )pen I k hist I )i>n\ nu; \m. I I 1 MM 1 \iliiifss:. ( _ I ’h< >ne ^ ( )nc iiii/e pm < ustomer '4 I I I HIGH! ON !AHGEJ! Emerald Orff*'* Daa\ , CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 ENTERTAINMENT Oregon musicians to be honored By M ng Rod (agues !l ymi’ve never l>< rn to the (dummies, thf likelihood id w : sch Mould If leithing strut of a miracle. there's a > haute Vim i unit) still Catch the iii:!/ and'glamour ol a Hollywood style awards show And it's all happening ( loser in hoi’it* til.,;, you'll think !i„. |.l.i .• to b* on Nov !0 , - ‘a i-i \ land V : ■!! Ho! I tor the 1*101 Suomi Aiuni.il I’ll f 1) It n it M il si A vs' aid *., w 11 (ire lla* (.rystai A vs aid Will la presented So the out standing afttsl in i nc h of t HH1SII t uteguries !■mfii rot k. blues and ja/J. to (oik, taji ami new age. the evening will honor Portland's finest tnu»h tans and draw rt • ognillon to tfie area's thriving music st ene ! he t er otnoitv will .list) award Ore gno imisii tunc that are regular l“nftlaild performers, even i! il-iei're not Portland natives I here's very rich musical Icien) in ihii community." oi I Michael Berkley awards lomdirialni "Think i ! Iot a! inusii urns like Han Reed. ! hrew . Network and foirtis Sidgiulo. and tel get the pic A-. (or ibis recording bust nuss we hav e aixiut four inde pendent labels that lift’ doing n •>( well lioth n.itionalh and w tirkhv Ititi The night promises a roster of lot it! celebrity piusentcrs sin h .i' Officer tony (Zion). Ld Who I an (KO!\ i A ) find Heather VV imi. r {Portland Utnvnttn\ncr\, plus perfonn tint t-s In a slijr-sitidd! d cast of .iriisls including Thn Daddies, Cra/y Hs. Btuhlnos. Mnl Drown, v,.fus Ruutf. K row d Konirtsl anil A Touch of Soul, to name a lavs ftuc;iuse of the tii’ii.' ndous response and support the show fiK.ivi d Iasi year when :! was Sirsl set up as part of a ! ; id r musical celebration in '.t i 1 ■. liic Puri!, rid Mu'!’ \v. .ini' '.sil! hr staged (In-. Vi-.ir .in .m event of its mvn rui Ihr organizers think It's liomg to hi; .in ■ von bigger -bush. This is going to hr ,i won derful show. ' Urrklry said “It vs.is packed tin: hist time, hut (here'll be a lugger and brighter i :r.t of characters this year.'' Proceeds Irorn the show will go to benefit the Music Industry Relief Fund, which acts as a safetv net for local industry people in times of need. Showtime is t> p.tti and ad vance tickets can be pur c h a s o d at all (. 1 ii 'i' IK kr|Mister mi! lets ! i MU Songwriter's Cafe offers open microphone l’> i " W ;e U -.... tin-! it ii ivi’ Im,i n emit itit; In !».»v ir ln-jfd Sting, II*st* t)y I -,!i ,iii; \V i. :i. Ave , tor its Songwriter's Cufe Pr em i erod close to one month .i:t i the ( • w Mini's lulu •, jM.ii r ;. 1! 11‘ sei uni i .i:,. i f11 .:; i, 1 u mI.iV (if e.it il month he tv. is>n 7 .mii 11) |) in '1 your roommates do show ;•• -n:: - t.ike thrill with you .Uni sign them up to perform i ht« open-mu rophonc series is for songwriters, story (tillers, poets, short-story authors and .IMVOMe else wllii \\Olks W till Ot igl Mii 1 V\ I It I i s tile stage .0.1 mictophone are open to ,tll interested word Wt im-!- hut on i sign up h is;s only Sign up lor performers ill-; -is .;! t. to pm u.-td IS dole on a firstnim®, first served h.i sis Ui- were jus! tiymg to !imi 1 ’ CAFE P. - BOOK SIGNING Ji'siph ( <>ru a k’r.wlu r ' ^ I 'ns crMf\, am! the Inivcrsitv . Ou-^tn He i iifTcntlv livc> m i an.! icj.Ivs at Orc^vn Slat. JOSEPH (ONE WII I HI SK.MVi Ills M U Hook IKE I'NDER THE SEA H-- I.): • \ n* :!.< M, tst | \t.,.i-.tidinar> f \ iumhjhm:: “h l-anh \ okamc Springs on ihe iac.hi Horn \ I I HI l () HOOKS'TORK (ii’iuT.il Hook Di'pi., 2nd Eloor I rida\. \c»\. S I2:.i«-I:30 ihf itntt'ftr •>( the ttiifn?f .jifs Ugufjfi . *nr’.j ••«*<•* •«fr*k'.ls-w^ I vwj p- . S t!:il ■ : the so*.' — • v fi -I ;*.?>#» *r*i «.*. unddiumJu-ig o' thr U : o* uua atee them ’ ’ - 1 i o ;• . , • o . . . . i . V. *.-* .. tr -»••?• <: *• . •, • plu»Uv*tfHl oijutjtmcnt It u ti»> • lestammt u w>r;«r mi: ■•■•'ashmjj !u:a»»; * -• 4 r»• o **»• : k- > I . . . - the • U'k '«-» ■ . * - 'i ■. .; f; ’■ ir.Bkit'4- r: *aJ |*es . a*. ■, forca mmurnJ b> UO BOOKSTORE Mth & Kincaid M l 7:.MM. Sal. 10:00-6 (JKNK.RAl. HOOK DKPI