SPORTS Ducks may start 5th quarterback By Jake Berg i " >-ni a-St**t$ t Boh Brothers < ou Id bw onie 'h■ httli ior• i■ r"t>.is !> !<’ star! fur. Oregon in ns mutiv; games Sat uni.iv .it Ari/nna State Serious! v But no one will know !>! Ji • is mu until game time. " V\ ; v\ ii. [ K i!. ( r :ii - ' :: ill:. and (Brett) Salisbury and see In vv .t shakes milt I a- t ivri-k s t t 1 i In aia . to Stanford do pp. CUegon'.v te ■; ■: .1 to I i ;r.i ttn i‘.i h ’!!■ ( amferi'iice. and t-'S-ovi fall void shook out Brothers ithe top i. ir!*:: Mtk [■rtm'.’iiii .Was itlrfh < liv. in ins first < olli j;tiiti' start as;ainst thr t anil Salisbury has been nut fnt tin' last two (♦aim's with a shiHiliirr iti:..r\ Hr .th ms list tin* I*utl.s 1m thuir oni\ ti...!i hiluvv n last yv rrk i or tin'11uist part, tin' Ori ifon iilftinsi' tiuivi'i! i hi' hall im \\ hutr last i\ i • i-k ami toil hi I u - '■'.('!! im-rr profil' iiis this is• » ,s l ill ! Ilf .lllsrri. r ui tailh . s S, an fliirwril Th<- sophotiiorf has riot hri'ii running a! full s| - is!';s':ill-1- siis' , him; ai; .Oik : inpary thr. . works into thr stsi ■" ti It: . ... I Miss : ' i i U .;! 1;.illi<• this '.vi rk ' w h sits, ()r op. •.• 11 '■ n s i v t . s, ; \ 11 k. ■ ‘ it . •!! I S . ; ' t; ti! of ,t concern '' B rw- .. vvh- .iti >1 !> ' i j’irr a i 1 \ : I s . • •! w • • » will he replaced ire the starting ; ! • I ;■ I V I K h> e. 1.11 Mu ' i Despite the rtj» ollerse. ()ri >;i m s drlense pul in a w m nm'K effor! last week I ust la! the I h'n k defense In , I An/ i Slate In 1-1*1 \arils ! uffi i m Site final three periods. and Orepun delensive iAll rtlilia'-tui f)i nnv Si fuller said the Sun Devils, losers of three til i : w ’ I m tlie I’.u In and l I m . t i:: a aid !:e :W! Vi' d- tl'.e iutitJ! duakes th ■ i ivcei if You' V Women's volleyball team faces tough Cardinal By Jayson Jacoby Alter tuning fallen below the SOI) mark for the lirst time (Ins season, tilings probably won't get urn better tonight lor tin Oregon volleyball team when it faces top ranked and undefea! ed Stanford at 7 to in Mi Ar thur (aiurt u *1 U ^MpS %©% « RECORDS 2S8E.13TH o342 7975 ncv« u4«d i!I .m l J 1 1 in the I’.iiihc-Ht Cunitir unci'. h.ivr lust l.l ul !(> match rs, afltrr setting .1 school record ■>s itii i '( t) start : 1 v Mi lir.ith .mi! M.irne I’rn e l. ivr inis...-ii cimsidrr.itiir iiction this I In- ( iirtliiiiil. nil lii hand, in if* thif midst u( M'.iion I'vi'f Stanford i till rnuti in's Urn si school record, and is lho I’.h ■ 1 () is. v Odi v H i • < > 1') GREEK ORTHODOX MISSION of EUGENE U)<> |f.nlev Hill Kd • I ugl-nc Applicants sought for EWEB Board Vacancy I ugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is currently accepting applications tor the Board seat representing Wards 4 and 5. The Board seat will become vacant due to the resignation of jack Delay December 31, 1991. To qualify, an applicant must lx*: • a registered voter; • a resident of Wards 4or5 (see map); • a resident of Eugene for the past 1 2 months; • available to attend Board Meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month; • able to run for election to this office in the May 1992 primary. The term of appointment will extend through December 31, 1992. Applications are available weekdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at Eugene Water & Electric Board, 500 East Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 10148, Eugene, Oregon 97440. Application deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday, November 20. For more information, contact Krista I Tin< Assistant Secretary, 484-2411. Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue r^\ A/CipD Eugene. OR 97440 LZ.VVLIO 503-484-2411