or h p\ Jl Wl l HY in SIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette Si 343 2298 RtKjui.if Business Hours lues f n 9am 1pm ?p”- 5pr Sat 10am 'ipr”: Engine Service 1000 S Berlelten Ad fl Iugrnr OB 5/40? On* Btocfc north of W 1 Hti llolan Ind Pla/a Sr> ./ ' l ' • .‘,,KPr'S<'\ , ■■1; 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts Oregon West - FITNESS - j TANNING i l • 5 tans $15.00 \ l • 10 tans $25.00 | j *15 tans $30.00 j ■ BL ST HOURS { ■ 485 1624 7 Days a Week 6 a m * i p rr | I————————......... J Free [ ach quarter the Computing Center otters tree introductory workshops on a variety ot computer topics t or more information call Howard l oewinger at 846 1718 Call 346 1700 to preregister lor workshops x Computer Workshops An Introduction to OS/2 An overview of the new version of OS 2 and a look at some OS'2 applications Monday. Nov 11.3 00 4 30, 245 Computing Center Prereoistration require Introduction to Electronic Mail “Hands-on " Tuesday, Nov 12. 3 00 4 30. 165 Computing Center PretegisiraliQn required, call 346 1700 DOS 5 & Windows - A hands on introduction to the Windows environment plus an overview of the new version of DOS Repeated 2 Wednesdays Nov 13 and Nov 20, 4 00 - 6 00 (both), 165 Computing Center Prt»reQistfation required, call 340 170Q An Introduction to System 7 - An explanation and demonstration of the features of the new Macintosh operating system In 2 parts. Part 1: (11 21) Upgrade & installation issues and new f mder and System I older features Part 2: (11 22) Memory options, working with applications and network features Thursday, Nov 21 and Friday, Nov 22. 1 30 3 30 (both days), 245 Computing Center An Introduction to NeXT Computers An overview of NeXT computers (UO faculty, staff and students are now able to purchase NeXT through the Computing Center’s Microcomputer Purchase Plan ) 245 Computing Center Date and time To Be (You will be called when date and time are set ) J Johnson infected with HIV virus 'V,: woo:' < ,i-.? \i vo„. - ' 1 r-:: • Il; • . i’ ,ii ; : i.; ; 0 . ■ : ' i .i ■ f. :r !rv- -7 .»•S ■■ : is .uni is ri’tir tr,£ :■ . - ■ I ’:I i A I ,,i’.f a" i• - - -, ' - - n1. i !: >u ' •:< 1 ai : . i )iniM ■!; ! . ; ; - ; -11*. ts s;.iI\i! ,11 \s Imre iw jii iyr.i fur 1i i-sons vvi!ii *w;}■ • s Lakers ! j;ian un g'iu ;• ( !) livi’i,; Or -i : mi; ,1 r, 1 hj; (in wiiti m> life hi- s-ii-i i i < !!. .: !, ■; - : i ■ ■ -1 ’ .hnsiin, , onlrt ihn Min w as initially tested for an insurant a- policy 'ii'iiMin, who is as married two months ago ■ : his wif<• ti'sti .t i iptivr toi 1 {!\ ; ihnsori missed the Lakers' his! three games O’ s isnn hot ause ot what was deseribed as the ft On Monday he was cleared to Ix-gtn prat!. mil !• r• t:r■ ■ mi• nt and news of his .HIV inflation an as a sharp l»!i w to thosi' who know him w ati hod him and followed fits < nreer Its dev astatine to . i>ni« .i Mm ik<‘sn i) !• •hi' H!V virus *tnil w t; u i n t-.inl ! (''i■ 1 great !::! f,••;.!. iinin ! ■ :■ 1:., ' ■ ■ i :. ■ .; ■. • . us.:.i:.v transmitted thnuigh sex nr mtr.i?<‘n->--i.s iltuj; use Hti rrli rni! i|.i' .ibnift lli.il 1 . V v. ‘ : ■! ."'.I' 1VI- l: this p >inl, sjKicifit (IIv i.ihnsnti r>■;?< .11■ -1 i\ slii'wil tti.it 's.ifr v\ is the u iv in r * ;i■ ii. ij. : : :• . .»k« Iiw MIA »!nr j)i in-hips Hr is tin* ui j>; Iiiiiic iii Aiurrii an to .urn..>itit v Ins iii!i-i tn ii with imm.m imnumo .!• : ■ k ‘ i i.. .n :• !.n-..ii .tppe ifi .i nervous ;it ihf mil'> ! uf ins iinnuum cmmti, hut i.it r relax* : find smiled Ih ; it, rniiiij !, ■!,, ! fit , in ,i! H ,md I'm y'ltifl# !t» h.iVc* fun. li*’ U. 1. il sv. J > i.l VUig snISii' n! i!n ,::c|ift ssiiihi zest I.it which in- brought ,i ■. : :ii. bed " . j 11ui muun. too guy lias not : y liiiui sur:h i gri’.i! pl.iviT. hut he's buen such i ' u:': . . : u l.ir the garni- anti ryrrything i 1 s i ■ (i- tl.r Ilnur of (amgros.s, Rrp Dun Burton, K :. ! ijri laii-ii that this just points out out i- again ■ ■ ■ : tiiit {!■:•• AIDS tuns is probably going to tin, t: i-vi-tv siiigli- tainilv m lire i , unity," siui • it.) In was looking forward to rutin - ' tail w , a A * in i-.s prut- .siotuil baski-tha! i i : i! tii Aw .us M, t ii! 'wh.it I . is thu i itu.ii ■■ii-ri-- wilh thi- guys ii- saui hi- didn't ii-'-l lii iirt'iling: "This is not ; i \ :.!a is lita-t. in-, ansi it s r. ; I'm going to lit. a : ,; ; i ,]n was out iio o 11-t yth: i :g a In t Nl.l! pi'tsi i|i i at, tii 'oiirisnn iiis .-n anything hut normal in his g.ui St,111■ ti i t i a - \t A A in ti in 1 >17J RELIGIOUS ^DIRECTORY / A reader s guide to local places ol worship and counsel. I I I (Lrimpus JHuu«trir» 1329 E 19th 686-9972 Thursdays: 5:30 Eucharist Supper 5 715 Class on What * Is Anglicanism" I Everyone Welcome YOUNG College Fellowship Every Thu'ty N. jht .1: 6 30 p m. Ai Young Life House 41 7 F 13th 342-7513 I he VVesle\ Foundation l ruled Methodist C jRipus Mitustrs 17 *' Km. .lid St Fellowship Clroup VVed ’’ t)t) p in For more information on this directory call Scott Dana at 346-3712 julmaamj: 'imams **«■■■ 5th STREET C video PUBUC MARKET 5 W GAMES * *.» *Y >■ '**. I.X** Nt 683 S464 VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RIVER PUZA *«£*»»■•< ’>»• w.* t*t rr »* . >m mi YOU’U. LAW »T Vttttttttttttttti * * YEN JING Kr Cantonese Dim Sum :Sat 11 30 am to 2 00 pm: '•> # Ji 4 f., 11>, \pu i 1 hi. V. n t 4. . i i ss. am J t\h i;\ 'il Hr aurd l t>h ;\ f’ 'l $ 111 /,< n I ufu .**}•#*! Mivii ^ r»«ur Sauu f tfjjf IWx f shrimp or ( hit ken ( ht^* F un ft;!} Hi ( rup; !>utk and man; *oup f.M •* (im^-r A (irrai ()nn>nO;\itr >*■ .*&•' M-feS New Large Format Copier • maps • posters • drawings • variable enlargement and reduction 40-250% kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette 344-3555 Open Early * Open Late • Open 7 Days