VETO Continued trom Page 1 tail i .1 discrepancy t ’w •••> Brand s words and .e lions What hi’ doin' is -..iv I support and 1 am sensitive to thr rights of gavs and lesbians in this country, hut w hat t an I do? said graduate teaching fellow Ho Adan Then , when the 1'. M l hoard finally the irviti.a live that he wouldn't take, he vetoes it." fie sard I think (student I ait ions are wise, 1 think then actions are timely, and I think their actions are warranted. he said. It's time to< fell President Hr.Hid that we arc taking the higher moral ground TOKYO Continued from Page *• 11 ; r I Ink \ i) before fly ing : k to (begun Tin* iino i redd class is .i so nos nl i ight lot lures. given h\ seven different professors, t ov ertng .i range of lopii s sfmt m elude Sports in f rom Baseball lo Sunni S\ rest ling.." and Relations with foreign ITS " : Adnn.ssion tie the i hiss v\ a • not restricted to the group vv 111 J4*> to Japan Shari d ra ( unun l, a rail v squad rmunber and general sci ernes major, is excited ahout the trip and said the < lass is a good idea It s iriferesting I really like it. she said "I still don't reall.v know w hat to e\p. i ( w hen 1 gi t there, hut i'll tie aide to use some of the I art It II age >v i; V' learned (auiant said squad itiembers have Ini'n half jokingly prai tu ing the phrases ih \ Vo ln'i'ti taught, and she s surprised .it how rtim h they Tememher ,t s re,.., , easy (It pn k up, s! • s.n.l IVi:: . th fin,ii exam tor. Hu1* cl.ins will be (Jivimi tH'foru the group departs. some members of.(hr entourage vx ill take finals lor other, classes while in Japan ! ),iv i.l Hrrr.u k chemistry li p.irtini-nt head and Kalph H im ij.iril. assistant chemistry dr p.irtnit-nt in-.iii will go with ilic tram to prtx tor the exams Until (lien attended the \V. -.lnesil.iv night lc< lure I think It s .Ijijlinpr vie to Have I.n ulty along to pun tor the exams. said hi striii tors anil the ilhlet t h par to .Hi vs li I i !>• It. : kri, w trig that the tests Were not given h\ i o n lies, he said A lively question and answer ' TOKYO • ) ET ALS MK> i INCs Muil<-iiI Mt-dUh Invui uni t* ( I'liimilln r.M ■ K .'-m A l.i ' Un ; Kulf PlayinK'i* ( luh v* . . ■ • , : n KV’ • . ; H■ • ' *f -t y Soi |Hv < lo*Mi dl I JiiiHJK-* i ijjy m U Mi a m u> 2 »>> p ;r> ,n * ^ ( , i..f Rin ( t all »4f» f r M1SCEI.LANWm ‘S N h*«.k MgnutK J > ' 1 i im■ I t/w S«.*d a... .<*■’ »-• ■ • M (join 1.' Ml to \ 10 pm at the l fsivt-u'.^ ,i .m ic Call H'i uil h.t in ' ■ ittlol maUtftt ( M'dlmK an Asian Vnmi an Jdmtily ,* ti .• Utlo ‘i a Cfi-u c- a . *tu M !'■% AoM •* * Pl: : 1 ! : ‘ %'N' - * : uMi V- i •*-«’ •. » InlimalnnuH Hour <> \H (\lolol rt'Oj'llMll ■-% \\ h> Do Hdtl IliinK* llajifw-ti lo ! •■«•.*'; ‘ •• • f" H«“* n'-' *■ l • u> 1 4 > ' OSMt IK : 1 W MY \n tnl«T\ u-^ w(Mi«ii»|i a H mM lt-i Ihf («• i I.*^ mi:, V\ « k i fuj M.a«« » >4* 44<;1 Sh iblul Smu r ; . »’ l; ( si,'- I 4 »» M) a wv ^'u° usn * vi\V S "s! • swr,c:’rc.».*» . i " \i\v ■' USV'^ . \nU tolw'V I C< *N\ CA's I Sv»i a,’ jivini" ^ilV-nwn Rcvl«vlinv’v"1 • t*IW 'LMW»« mw> US)4,0 VOsuuon^ ,\uio reverb , i>>\ty •*““^.19.95 SOS5 TO*liV HTH AND KINCAID. MONDAY - FRIDAY. 7 JO SATURDAY 10:00 -*:00. PHONE J46 4JJ1 John T. Robinson, D.M.D General Dentistrv U2 I 187 2G) Hast 15th, Suite ( ' Hugene Close to campus Student Discount GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 a® THE WILD DUCK SUPPLIES YOUR WILDEST NEEDS IN SHIRTS, JACKETS, PARTY ITEMS, CAPS, WIDGETS, MUGS, GADGETS, SWEATS, HOO-HAWS AND MUCH MORE1 IHE FINEST SERVICE ANPCUSTOM DESIGN ■VITH iOCAl NHOU5E ART DEPARTMENT SCREEN PRINTING AND EMBROIDERY SU THE DtfK RIP.GUY BRINKMAN. AT TAYLORS COllEC,[SIDE INN OR C At l 343-7045 / 344-8476 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The spider Mafia at work