Thomas continuation worked in Gates’ favor With almost no fan faro and little rancor, Rolicrt Gains slipped into the CIA director's chair Tuesday. The whimper of a confirmation process can be at tributed to several reasons, and is surprising in light of the furor his nomination caused. Gates and George Hush's Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas were both put in front of the Senate at pretty much the same time In the beginning, it looked as if Thomas would have the easier time getting a job. us Gates was saddled with new scandals from the Iran-Contra affair, claims he "colored" intelligence re ports with his own political philosophy, and the over riding specter of former CIA director William Casey. It didn't work out that way, Anita Hill came for ward, Thomas was pushed into the nation's spotlight, and Gates slipped quietly into the background. While the Senate Judiciary Committee grilled Thomas, their counterparts in the Intelligence Committee had quiet meetings, getting little press and attention. Hut Thomas weathered the storm and was con firmed After the long, tension filled process, the Sen ate was m no mood to get involved in another brutal showdown with the administration Public backlash against the Senate lor the Thomas hearings could have onlv helped Cates Hut to nominate Gates in view of the negative test* mom against him indicates the Senate screwed up Again Cates had been nominated (or the job before — in I'.ifCi’ by Ronaid Reagan but pulled out because u! his shadows- connection with the Iran-Contra affair, which worked against him even then, Washington has •m unwritten rule You only get one shot at the big time, don't espei! another one Rut Cates, a career analyst, another chance. This time, the strength of a (>-< il Senate confirmation vote helped him out Sen, Joseph Liebermnn, a Democrat front donnecti t ut who supported dates, said the question "is not is he the best person in the world to fill this job. but ts he qualified to fill this job." From that perspective ves, dates is qualified: per haps even more than his boss was when he took the post in the earls ’70s Hut whether or not dates is qua! ified is not the whole storse He stilt hasn't come up with a credible denial to the ( barge of "cooking" intel ligence reports about the Soviet Union to reflect the hard-line stance sure to please Reagan, his (Sold War nor cabinet and the military-industrial complex that made billions producing "peace keeping" weapons, lbs past record, his slippers answers about the Iran-Contra affair during the confirmation hearings, and his Cold War mentality in a time of emerging peat e should have kept him from getting the job. It didn’t Score another s ictory for Hush and do. Emerald !Nj 'I*j {> -» > ( *'»» AAt -* ;> •* • 1 *■' >■» f »A* *1.1, • J* f ■? J !'m* v * *» ,u.v »vx3 1 »«wlily 4't] t'v ■-.tlii'f vl • 1 j " « 'n»' &y M'« 'u*w > • { m , I • <» .**3 iVJVft**- '-g Co I-**. ♦»: '.f'm Un-‘..'y ol Oregon. I Ougor T>*» 1 opw'a'ir. xk»;>*»nd«>'>i*y of |h*» t fe- .vl * c^iin a! S lo 100 Of '*« I 't> M««* 4? t> a*J •■% n ' “ *» V -~,x -r*«j P-m-.i Tn*» | •'#■4*3 <» {>.' • «m l>« •• f I.'gwcut! JacoOy »«■ ■ * ► «»; v V K l - at l •-» M «ga »*.•>* > ..<• g Copy I ditor* O'-v.-. '-«»*. 0» t **' r..f« ■ i ;«i f •*• rtegw' Pa tii • 1 -k-i M *^.1 JV***. .• a M ’ .i M:'‘4 «rT Photographer* A v!'** m_i . Advertising Juwi E *.••*» *. ■" i ■ «. .« iw. «* * m 1 ■' i ..1 Eeg Krtr«! 1 ' M «»•» « K.-, . i *:«»•..« T w .1 . i" '» * ToC*'\ '•**»• » *v Cl**»rt»#d W '.f * ► ■*. 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UtolD fcXUSXS TO UIH sroswtfw sent LEO y&mijsm m m io'j W6 GMAPAN&HED KiX\teT laaowgx cwu txovns AC.T Ot ?0fuUtWS S'MKoWtTtfc WFTEE *\U.\»fr PEOPLE EP^rf A WEEfitAT COKOHEHT WttWE) fcS HVSS MLVaA LETTERS Poll sitter .Hi example hum ymir t)cl 15 i-.Mii' which file,! pulls on the ( I.Hence Thomas nomination V i printed ,i report hum The Amu.oiled Piess lh i .iiim: Ai’ ,, i.Cx .ile use! wI the telephone polls national nr lust from a particular urea? These questions are not ad dressed itl the urtli If I’rotih ms with poll results are one reason w hy The Enter .ihl should lake a more respot! slide attitude to printing arti c les by influential corporate press agencies Roger I Harris biology ...ere ihe KMl hoard s dc ision to ban military ret rioters on cam pus another example ut polit ically correct fascisin run . hose tivp.M rites - i.iun ti ■ be 'liberal." hut forget so me o! t bass lentils of classical Liberal Ism rmnielv (lull all view |jinri!s deserve It^al equality i ■. ,iimsi- iheir powers in fining tlloir values on ihe stu ilent bids iiiul squelching the bee speei h lights of tins disagree with I liey flunn the military s pid.i V on homosexuals Is the re isiin lor iheir bun This is wrung ill'' homosexual issue ;s : . : i i.ii Many of them admit Ural even il the military u ere to r h a n g e their homophobic polities, they would still oppose military n c r a it men! oti i ampus Thm are forcing their i'tl values down the throats ot the stu n nt body, hoping student apathy will allow them to i re at" a mi e. clean polite alls 1:111 i"! t environment on campus It's ,1 humorous note their fascist tactics so 1 losetv resein * 11■ tliuse used by the Kefg ous J V; l aims !\ pi 1 ’. sersatives This comparison might bruise their st-ll-nghi euus sensiliilllles. but 1! I hey could see past their hypocrisy, they would understand they are pen hed on the same trash heap as tie extreme [ i ;ht w me ( , >n ser valises They 1 an put in then flash pipe and smoke I! Mu huel Seals ) 1 >UI luilism/l'idltii al Si lent e Explore this I d like to take some time and address Malt K.ikkeli : s letter ol (lit 2*1 As ,i historian. Matt, you should well be aware ol the (ad that from 1520 to 1 !>_'(), approximately 20 million na tive Mexicans perished due to disease and warfare against the Spanish, and during intertribal warfare generated by the Span ish Another fact The 1 S gov ernment, via the U S Army, waged germ warfare against the 1’lains Indians hv supplying them with smallpox infested blankets let! . ver from the Civil War: this disease nearly de stroyed all tlie triires aiong the Missouri N. , !I.i-si- p.- uplii we:ell't .due to adapt to such European vi ruses hut it look Eun ne until Ihr 1500's to deal with the hu homo plague, and to this day, w> stiil hidtt diseases to whii ii vvc havo no immunity As tor the political si heme. Matt, vou'ri- mrr-estimating !a,ro|io's and the Near Last's ah,liIirs to overcome thrir na tionalism tn (act. isn't that what's tearing the Soviet Union apart’' "Introduction of diversity to their shores' i think, and most would agree that diversity is something ensiled t>v sharing rim yvlutes brought goods like guns, horses and such, whir h added to the culture of the lndi ans, who on the other (land gave us in arts, squash and i ortt They also gave us a model lor the U S. Constitution. Societies ol ail people have their good and bad points who tail lorget the interned Japanese Americans during U aid War 11 hen- in Amen, a' til perhaps the genoi ide of leyy s ill hill, ipe Mil! e 1 t'C Matt, tins all is the human experience, so either get out there and learn with an open mind or gel out of the way I homas fir ossia 1iistuiy Chop it ft) Bobby Cox and team members My name is Misha Kassel I collect a lot of your team players 1 like baseball a lot 1 am 9 years old I would like to be in the majors when I grow up I am rooting for you You can win it easy You have a lot of young athletes like Da vid Justice, Ron Gant. Tom Gla v I n e , Mark L e rn k e , J o J) n Smoltz. Jeff Treadway. Steve Avery and others 1 like your team a lot 1 have a lot of Indian friends It is disrespectful yvith the tom ahawk chop and die chanting Would you please change your name, song and tomahawk i Mop and do something else' i hank you lor your time I' S How do you like the name "Atlanta Cruisers'" Misha Kassel Venela, OR