Have A Happy Friday at TAYLOR'S with JOHN CONGDON Try our Super Specials 4-7 p.m. NO COVER! CARING . is essential. M f»v tSt Mk>uI fou' fj«t« ui ♦ ©» • *♦«• «*»» O* (rttiing • '»p© »n«^onwi %***$*** OfeyCC'n** ! -.'Vf* . t. ».„*■..•4 »">» ■ M >• **£*-*< III • I to . n* ll I r .- .W V f-r WHEN PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE, SOME PEOPLE WANT EVERYTHING. ( Hr think that's perfect lx reasonable. ) c /W Ir+tb+'i V/ f mJtS R-i »irmnit thou hi I i*\ u \ i hirt/*’ \ mi til r.uncil ll \% t Mill j l M- \V nil £'4 H »« I hr.iith. \»m mm\ spriul a tju.if trr * »f your lilt tlorn^,* flu t hmf \mi \ i .ilw .t\ < I f i*.» m»*il of 11 hr t f . ,1 n 11 r i [ 1 | >. , ’ . 1 i h ■ t hr t* \ I r as ! It.it \% ill m. ike \oui iftimm-nt l rui \ rn|u\ »ihlc* I hr\ v\ til supplrmrnt \ oui t..t>!, jifiMon .tin! Sot i.ti Sr t in it ; n rt lift* mrnt, .inti lhr\ oflri rr.il (irnrlils now • I in I miu ! 11 - • it !.n t ir it i ■ t i • \ l II O.it i 1 .1 nyi o| li io, .1! I. . r 1 h« >!t I■■ • \l) s.ilrs t h.n r% Hnsurin^ the future for those who shape it. \lttt>f)£f ll»«- lovers! i \ |n ilM's ill (lit ntMii.im r ami HHiUl.il f mui unjust f i«*s * \ \ ,»i u t \ **! \s.»\ * In in uu- iiu'omr, mi haling lift* turn- i rl u i-mriit nunmr merit s *»\ rf a f i \< • i }uu 10*I t»f .u i asl) I I \ VI Ki l l \\ III I I* MAKI ACM H l)RI AMSCOMI IKl I . \\ H !i I hr h«*i|> of I I \ \ ( HI I ; r t ii c Hunt ran U \ out i hum c to look ahn \ out'sell . v\.t\ \ on u ,il\s,i\ A.intrii \(t« i all. hoImmIs ilr-i i \c*s it murv Jwat tr (,l I n >1 H 1 Hll SH \ Kl I s; <* ♦» i»\. liitiri 4 » <»U uUlor Km r*! 11114I-i\£ M . ' I \ V t K J *“ lk |.i <,H n ,! \-. • Sr-.i SN : K5S ' l H00 H4 2 ‘27.11 « m HO If, rn < *n /•. V \ - , * ■ I #/ ( *. iU»( • In '* * KrjHWl* / I/VV' Vr«t4<- Mut u«) f un«i f'r f t< nuih r Vn*i\ »i» ^ J Don't miss a great catch... Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games. Women ready for season I !i■ Oregon women's basket ball team begins its simmiii Sat uri!a\ much like it (Ini a year ago young Mu! youth is m i netfissurllv lia : in the r ase of the i)ut ks They are certainly still a young team but bv no means are inex peril ns eti Oregon returns the core el Its 1.1 15 team from last year to Mt Arthur. Court Saltir day it -1 p m. for an exhibition game against Tungsram, Hunga ry. Oregon returns 11 players and has added live newcomers to the program Sophomore Debbie Spun a h. the lone Dm k to start all 2M games last year, is Oregon's top returner after av eras' mg 1S points am! 10 re bounds a game last season. i eat h blu in Heim . begin ning lie- It,th season at Oregon; sees positive things lor this year's squad iI it is abb to make it past three pre- season opponents w bo y i s 11 ed ! lie :A A Iinmiaini'llt last y ear II we survive our pre st-.isiill M I u -i u III. WO W1II be ,i \ * - r \ good team." said ffemy, who is only I t wins shy of r< iching .100 i areer coaching Victories V. i : tainting on exponent e a lot That's a year under our belt VOLLEYBALL Continued from Page 5 Kirin ami Amy and filth plai t- m tin: i*iii It) The Gold t-n H its tw-at Oregon in four games m tilt- earlier meeting. a match < .n-gul v said was tine the Dm k s slititi It! ha Vi won Oregon prohahlv needs at least a split this weekend if it is to finish the season above MM) Three id the 1 >ut ks' last livr in at las, iik lading this w- . k end s, art: against nattonalU ranked teams PLAY IT AGAin SPORTS We Buy & Sell New & Used Sports Equipment 50 E 11th Ave. • 342-4041 The Co|mj Shop 539 E. 13th Op«n Sat. 10-4 Jlefaw* tm M / mrrt - iJt*f 485-6253