Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 too BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Hafifry BMthdtV lo you Mm* Standi rtavia. you >• 77 Cool tattoo' Go**a who? 105 PERSONALS Congratulation* to flh-l’S I* f W I' {,««*> •[»'■» ii ’ f\r+F*t\J «^4, o» r -• «• Xfj '■.o' 'lay n*gt ' ant* tj . '«» a ?.-*»■•.; "■4* ’ :V«J Mil (J«’W AH |)a J a weahand Ntt g»»*t and th® laiigat®' mu a hit’ T hank a' W<2 1 r■> A - P**' •*' '•*» !■•-. ■!- #. :•« l !M > \ V u»- o-r, /•« -a-. <; « .» I fit • I Uyi \'u* y'♦**%! li.1 iHK ns TYPING SERVICES A )44 0.?5* MOWN ft GMAO 'K MOOt -V| D . ••.. .• * .*■ * 1 «>- ' «. -ah . .= | ! ; i . ON ( A MHOS' SOI VK I UK IM //I K He lhe fint pcr*l Appemrd l hk»rl lir *r * Viprit IHM ( *>nnp*uNf,I >uk i * I A»n .[*{>Ak t * 1 Jvhnjr, KMjimri CAROLYN Cl NOV O.T 344-4510 gi 4i rn worn* hmim »\mv, i,««m *?» w »♦»***! Tirtw **'4Tt'1ut 1.1 I ASI K n*INTl*H. , wrjzr.'KTi—. 606 E. 13th nsTYPMG SERVICES DIAL A TYPIST f>m nr? ! Af.t f l V( T VhW. I Of TING I ic#U#rrt fypt*1 I jyI' t , I « P*ygy • Typify ‘»*rvK* ;| M . (. *H P*ggy »t 14? 4AMt PH Of f SSIONAl TYPING A w • lJ P'C* • • „ i» • , • , • ■ ' •. k>t Prol***»cr.at word |xw*»**ng fiktllwd. £ *rirtg •d'ton*l h#tp lor tr4«rnalK>n»l itudtr.lt P»(mh« d<5»«'Ui(ont Grad tfhool ijiprovtd low rat** 14*» TYPING UNI IMITED H*rt>*' * l *f*< DOS S 4 W 4u*i l *»>♦'•' •- * |f i -:jde* lU'rie WiruJo*! Ap|>>-i •' » Pm »• *• t*i . • n iiftMM'f 34* i ;oo i JO FOR SALE KSC 0 P 1 (XX) 1 . - ■ 1*1 >•* \ i HKT.lOANf •*» *• S '>» * a i l*> eel Of> Unried Den* or ul llm ajoTor D*< It $1' U4 11.’ US BUY OR TRADE Gentlemen's Encore W* pey TOP dollar to* Men i end Wo*n»n t < lothing 1111 Will.imeltp 343 61 79 NOW BUYING too PETS us CARS TRXKS GOVI HNMI NT SI l/l l) »<►' on \ t >\ .. . . C *«..%•. . • t i - • »V *. - . rv i •' '. V* MUST SI l l Nt»fc«n itO. • * ' 14$ CARS TRUCKS tot %a»* tt. < i_ .v tor u #» • J •’ i»«J V >'X' « i i V ><> '■ ft'fi Os,*; */* V‘* ’ M.Hlrt. PRELUDE ' >♦'- r'.« or. 4» til f- « *' ’ »' 1 f .'*'€» •!«*■ | •, • . ■ •• *'/ %dtn'\ 4 , »«• AW < M • «»•" v *. **•»!■ • r. !-,* • If* ' *•» spoHumur Dfiuu *9 TMKtl HA I • M ..} * . Mi - U * . ’ ‘ * L • M M . All ! »V Aili- A', t •« • S’ MA> } Off! M 4fl4 *»4 < tMS I o»d f tcori ■ S. • 1W9 MoniJi '. I ‘ • ■- + l. » >>■ ■*■ i # 9 *>••1) Wagon .i< * ».* f » - 14' »’H i$0 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS im R»d Mond* ( m* mi? i* • • 1 S’ . n • r 4* <»< .1 <: Ku»«h«(< ?1 TO *p»*d . . ‘’1 * It -4> »**. *. I * s 4 1 fefc ?1 I.1 *p .1 •’ •■+ \ ;«*J ■* * W ii • *• ' i I “ A * ' • ■ S - * *- M. , 4M m COMPUTERS tLECTROWCS I ;>gan* PC Umi « Group ‘.WAP Ml l T ‘**1 , Nuv 9lh tOiffl 7 pm Santa C tara Scyuar* Hi**f Hoad at H*RUn# for *.»<•• Tandy word pro<.*a*of IA* Smith Co* on* XD6250 •Iwlforw t|f»nrfil*f .*»•.;« *• •»■**' ' * » i Mf ^ Wanted to t*;y ( h**p laptop C*J1 Su/ann* 34 S 170 SOUND SYSTEMS ktinwOOd AMI M .***««* • . • • A ... . * -..U a.i <>'•$ P>* * "-i s w •• '•» . • --a noSWEQUMENT Dyfumic »M,’/ 196 cm w took XHO. c* cl ( n»1 (Muted Imvi J. OO opo N**h if. (KM K.* 1 .*’> anowtMiard ..oj Ol.n it a . • .» • . * 9S> ‘ * j ’ J-- Ony nul 4 *, ,r : * ■ ;>’••■ *•*.• .io Performance Muii. like rae* Dyrvarme Manta 190 cm. Solomon ?i/. l.t)5 Dan. .'4/ •’ ’*4 mTRAVEL Moundlnp l’ •- *• j . j ->t .,<• . ! i.- '.u I *■ ■«» f*, . . '* ’«• ->* ' 3 -H i,-5. 4(M € . 1 Traveling Soon? Apply lot a c>*dit i j'd My any*»h*r* in Pi* USA fof pHitait Call TODAY " 4«‘> 86 19 A flu*# tick*! .*») - • I *> -.*r* « n V®- t ;m %" * ' 4 • si in Hound trip pa*a • Podia M l A I >, .. . f#,.» S' J‘ '»> • .».. ' On* way ’»«< I ;»» « Yon vwi I' - .t • tick#1. I* D X *u ( ■ H rO !'-p U-73 1?/? V» **» • K»*. <)4tt 205 OPPORTUNITIES M«y« you bm#n cnptJ to# jaymaibrng of oibpf minof dint j i n or (M«r corrifju* by #*th*f t ugoop PoHci Do-pprlmofrt or 1N« j Off*# of PuW»c S*Uty H *o. c*H ■ ,• rrrt Koppfjl Hpporlof j at 346 1 Documonution aj)j»r*r iai»d NEW SONG CONTEST W*d Now TO 7 10 PM I MU SK VI iGHt Mf GIST RATION ST AMTS NOV 11 .» [ MU I t - a f cw - n n‘ '44 4173 Hy (V'rt A AIRLINE f*»w» *-*«»* •> »v»> t'. it'%} ' r-i f or^fy K4»'«*•' .. •. -J-f !‘J iMK *» ’ M*u :*i Ton;; ? 303-441-2455 Extension 9A Al A'.* A SUMMI H fMPLOYMINT ' vf «***■<»•» i .4 i ■ • I ' !‘* • ,*34*m f»; '-‘.s' A*- -«r <» a Mg' T * ‘ My (Sc* up job d**c r pl«n» and appi* at to ns in th* ASUO. Suit* 4 (MU D*adlirv* nJpiti frtday. Now*mb*r 8 An A A f 0 f mpfoy*r Woman, bi »*iuai». j**opl* of color, gays. l*stM«ns. & dt»abl*d poisons *r* ail *ncoui*g*d to ajjpty 210 HELP WANTED fain ihouMOdi stuffing arwalopss R.x.’ |' **"' Ir i^.*'** t«c#p(iorwil opportunity !o provtda sarvK:a* lot sn sctrva communfly of oldar adults V*f*»d rssponsitahtist inc luck daity housa* taping, transportation, and t• I#y>horva Parmananf part lima position* avarfaWa for day or night ahrtt Apply fOOt Washington St . f ugana, noon 4pm, Mon - Fr» I Of Expand Your Resume CkJ**' oi^mca in puP <- r»>n!• *3 thoart puivna cards' Cast 681 1M >0 and «o V, toi'f you hoar to *■*»& ye-.-'M**' iMMUON OPf WING Youth Ministry Diractor f j«* *. f Ct?t*i«an C hurch Stixlorv’ pOt>;tit .pUn* Of Chris! ?>.».*• ground pro'u'rca] Put net roquinisJ 8 1 1’ ho,.'*, p«#r wtxOH Youth Iritarn. Middta School Youth t ,»g*KYfli f wsi Chf^rth Church Siudoni ponton, provsyo group laadarshsp, promo*® ()ac>pKA o* Chnst logon® rtCt y * «*. .'nor &!.£ -4 p'•«V»r'«* (J n, i>.t»s of Christ bar.aground pfotorroti Pol 'hM »**>.,-rod 4 *> hours i+f *tMW 9 month povion f or (tela* ft. *«4»-«.t >wf.--'a to David Waggono* M. H r { ;*» •« OR ‘h-4,;1_ 1 ha Oiagon Daily t marald m acv»p; ny app*oahcMft lor an tts&ocxKo uo to* to aw too! _ru* iv»j >n oapth 'h»*s Tha Si^xaasfui lippr, w d«r*(tjnS!rmtt • ow-.w t-ng tti>4fiy wxJ Mipoftoncu. and r’xrt! impocrt'^V. « * * ngn«*.>, to or ** o »a ty 4fxx;! p*x>p<» 4r*. **• Bvt Ray ft S ' 9 ii' ■-■•uO Apvfcii- ’% rv.i\\ lm t )rv,i»rv!y si,*5«x' !*• Rkasisa air* Christophor I* a * a! 146 ‘Sit «or moro aitortnator App ’■ a' ->rvs tvosa P4>v 18 Vk3»o cUttk pArttwn# (o' M.»- -<»<> V*}*jo f)’“i W »» •«» u H>*j. lit-'*-'vj’.mh: No p'h-’-m WANTtD M.ir... u lo V? *> o i >t*u ' Mir'-at.j/u ’ •/ fcOfhtt CWOi ^VO O* C)' Hd C it * f ARN MOM! Y IW.»: ■ • V- . .1 t Ain thouiAods , * ... . «■ .» .4* A-M'f' ft 4*,rt‘, l ft'«*fO0a l r> t ,««r o *:e $4.ft ROOMS ;m'40 >tarns* Includes uNities and * Icbon uv» Or-'y ono room ava .ft «• 'or male student $18* ' 062 K means Very clean room $1*0 .nefodes water, garbage, and Mcf 'Non smoAi#'* only No pets fintwvn Dy apDOmirrsmt SPYGI ASS ASSOCIATE S 686-1130 Prim# l orations on Campos Bright cneacy ursque 1 bdrm dup of Pm* paint, vr'y •. hardwood tiotvtk and t.;i of charm Daftnio'y di)'u»rvtrt a %pn* ,«ii ioo* by you On»y 44 35 ♦ dap DnvabyJVif 1 7tn ? txJrm, ^ 'n pa dup»«* Sunny country interwv vary spaoou* and ' •■* of cnarm N»*«ir campus V'u"> ♦ d**p Dnw© by t04‘» M IJ Maal F stats Northwaat, 34 3 4 109 Studio, ons and two bsdroom aparimsnts Pool-laundry facilrtias wsathsn/sd F rvs buildings, 1 bth A Hifyard location <14 9922 Studio • nod/ U of O campus! CC b/vina Phona, cable T V laundry u*v»c© Prtvaiu onirante Ava 1?8 inj i si udant* walooma 4#4 1009. aftw /pm A'tSOtrx) UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH Hf NT NOW F Oft FALL! a CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING • ON SITE l AUNDRY 2 • bad rooms SS75 3 badrooms from 1685 Call 683 0'29 NOW! Jannings ♦ Co 683-421B $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124/ W 81 h 12 I i Bud room* I'on V •. ‘ ; • . radfpom I I *».•> f i I Aid 'NG . A V mi - a fi n) 144 '/rfj ‘ Jannings • Co 6 8i 4.’ 14 Cat) No« For MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw & Baautiful 1 4 2 BEDROOM FROM ISOS a COVERED PARKING a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * EUROPEAN KITCHENS * F H NE SS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingalay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Managamant Co Hot Show • November 9th11 Until BfitO St'O^tK a Sooss PttUZ Orc'jiS^^taKos StohiaOolMi i———i *—i. MNWH9NM Gosf» AM Ja:z GuW Aftsry Loot Ct^Great RxxKn* E^9ta^en rihffltoSpRRAMORSHNEttilOak Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 4 V> 'hXlX&T'-' fV&tBl * I l .'Nil' . iPANOntfi. XV 'VW i'M »n *>i *<■■ HEX. 7HA7*> t*iAl 7Hf MD Uu\> /S tHAJ rut riM71, how'p rWAUVct Tocny WU'U HAVE TOOti A. WITH Mr •kuXMMwr Al£A ' LWMQMW MAM, LQtb Of MJHt Y WAY TUJO m i ion euas IV'jAU 7Ht£l \ I TRUST you, HON£Y \ OF ccu/tse, THAI*’ PFt TAX