FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 52 Students protest Brand’s veto of recruiter ban Speakers say president ignored student officials By Came Den' <‘!! \fn ,ii| 10 pt;i! 'IrrvgathiS'sj nul :«l<- POs(.!-M HaU i ;si 11 t ■ •r.wT-.lvPf.' ••'s veto ol .( ’•..■ti ..a milit at\ • ti; if. t :.Ml SilVik'ttis .ilsii held ..;!ls il. iunit!! mg till: ( l.\. w he h was . e Tutting -.til! : v . w s mu ■ ainpus i and, \\ :1 . \ <•;! tier ini; Tuesday s pi > >test : ision to l m unlit,nv recruiters tiom tin’ I AH . because tint military tit', niuinutes .igutnst ga\s, lesbians and bisexuals was 111 >ii■ Its the l:Mi Hoard ot Dirt i tors at tin Ok! :it) meeting Brand veined tin; det t : ti !m-• (lavs later I'm really furious at President Brand. the i;M 1 board .in' dr. d student >’!!it • , ! See Oockslader, i.o-diret lot of tin- l.r-.’t in, li.iv at. I ■ ' uul Allianc e This I 'niversity ts here I t Istudetils!." she s.nd to a il . i (f onlookers its tilt tier, r a il’ jitestden!. who t ame from the Ohio system, one ot the W orst sys teijis for homophobia \i.r ■ VETO ‘ L— is ■ v . - ( ' O r cflninib Frank Milt's, ol the Residence H.ill Governance Committee, speaks to onlookers .it .1 rally to protest CIA and military recruitment on campus Disgruntled students begin effort to recall Watson By Daralyn Trappe f M i.-'aki Associate ! Scvtirul members ol thr I .!«•>•• • Ke publicans are attempting In recall ASIA ) \ ,i e I'reMcielil jo Sc:, c W itSiin b- .ecsc* nt her Nc vcmtxT I‘.WO shoplift mg conviction ami subsequent failures In appear in court ho on Wilson. College Kepuhie c h.arman. s.iui he uiul several other stu dents initialecl the actinii because they belle',,- Watson violated student trust hv iml making her legal pre ! : ms pub lit before she is-is elec.leci vice presi dent in April \\ i'lmim vs is t.iinl Nov ' 1‘i'iO l it attempting In steal worth of mi l ( h.iniiisn tmm Iho I -niv i.-rsilv Bunk store Shu later failed to at a hearing anti failed to perform eondi llolls of her settled! e issued lit .1 j.inu .ifv 1'»«»J hearing Her leg.ti problems were di-.elosed in two i ampins pidilti alions the Oregon (Uimincnhtlor and tile lunrr.ilti last vs ■ -■ -k Sfie Itas shown irresponsifiilitv in dealing With tile situ.ill III, and VS e our st • VI s were v ■ r v ips. ! !, • tin ! out about U I iso!I il;! U !■'!)'■ tb,k !', is » '; d ' ; f . 11 I i f. -.f . , 1 to* t. ■, i' i,i t i W . .on - i : I 1 ! I. . I i .t!!u II 111 no other iif st nil ruts .it i- iitn;r > em mj,;h ft > 1:1,IM I hi- fi ' .if. ■ Mi'll Mil , i -III i ,\i coniine In tin- A SI O ( : msl it lit inn. any student ricMrina the ret all o! an elected officer must notify tin- \St t > president, whit h lias fieen done, ami tile ASIJI) el ee t inns coord itiiitors, -■:iii;i llaiii’ . ::: i-id ..! f - pi ill I,. do today IVltlli .Its Will he ;;ae!i I •■! y In lie sludi ills imii.iUe.a tin- re< all In order to have a recall eli-i hun, HI pert > nt ol tho student hu,i\ sian the j i-titiuri w Ml. ;lt a t!:: ailh !( she lint nunitii'i ul siiin.iUiri'N .1 r<> gjlllnrrii, a -»[)i• t i ll itli'rlltm will hi hi! !ii! I ailrii I ■. !-■ i 11' i:iia Iu'lhi't U .a. Ii.uilil inn-iin ill hI'h ■ • • \'ii (I !’ii■;! -iiciili-r Mills salsi Ih.M Min i• thi- la w . i ! W iisun'-. i i.nvlt I it a i stir hiiaiii. - i: ■ I i,a rin nv tai nothing hul 1111 s 111 V i • ImH.ii k and Imlitiviis Imil i for Wnl • I >11 I' • lli'.i at! am I ■ 1 „H .111«Ii{>t l’li.-v hau- a rii’li! In tin that," Miffs said, 'i' ll IIIV Hill ti'ini is lhal Jn Sonia is going In rI'tliaIII \ it I' (ift-ttf«*111 U .! i ! Ill, I : ■ 1 11 If‘i ' II till' ill III.II Crushed ice The Duck man slam dunked the Icelandic National team 87-56 Thursday Photo by Sean Poston INDEX Remember_ with .i us.itk id .i Is the Iasi day to t hang • grade up! ur lu change credos sii ( nsses \ variable i rrtiiK There is a $10 per change Custom paint_ After pur forming in the opening of Cods Country, a play denouncing white sup re maty, cast member Kit h art! tvgan, a University student, dis covered his tar hud boon vandali/ed with spray paint. bgan also said a threatening mes sage saying simply. "You're gonna get hurt," was left on his answering muchino Tuesday It's unclear wheth er the two incidents are related. So* story, Pag* 9 Japanese culture class arms men’s basketball team for trip By !).•■ ' ! V d ! I..- imms ti :i] I.V. .! train ! In I < »k \ > in'\l month .ii \\ a a jap i it sa n: alii i fas ! ur - it. i I .. i.d s.indy W.i, ion, assistant aihlitili dim lor The firm sponsors dlth font Annul m r 1111 * • y; i • itsiiris cat ti \ oar U .linn • .i■! 'ho • sun v. .11 h. pan! M.11.000. who it . s 1 a.,:.! ■!.. lo till! inorioy i! would ■ .... for jdaymi; lint s.laa r Mi Oil lot of U.UU s lot l! o 's( - A A ; !: :) ; r S ; a\ t : il pilin '. Us ihi v\asAci.i! ;u 11Avo. mi; in lwirii (hit japalifso ail slars and liallis lrom hast Tennessee State and Northeastern Louisiana 1 he rfrouj) will also lake a v\ hirlwind Turn to TOKYO, Page 3