go roor.ks Jt m I RY in SIGN STUDIO ! ', . Wllt.lMurlli ' j! Heyulaf 8u'.■; H..w- . I I • 9,rr •[)<-. I. (jr RECYCLE THIS PAPER. AJULf C video PUBLIC MARKET 5 W, ^AMES sw.v-.m 5th STM IT ^ W-8464'' *TIV |£r VIDEO ADVENTURE viLirrurvMMZi my n ▼oiru uai rt , * * fi'm'tn * * *»*' MP S .1.'; • f A^t’k JAI [>n «■*'» ( .‘wn/'«*.; Ian IVimoo Pm* tl V S ivy: iv 1992 Calendars One of Eugene • Finest Selections \l- ( ilr/s lw .'f Ifw < I »•! ■ •( iV I'fc i Ik Ni*th*f*4 IV Namjwn«n % MU-ft | m/ u'in < rlfV*i mg V. i *ikti * i • Sw* \4rr|r < K»*4 Aft < '.=»>. rft ffoin tV \ »*!*■« Haiti —iti IV livham i>f tV Ii> a-: S* .Kj-ih » r* t I ifr in IV Ka«Ui i *J«i* M . : if*. ! | t*- f ■ •- > * 4 nkli W • » ri I'rsk, A I mirt ( alrnsidii* {>*< *Uirc I «•<»•-a . in- i I .rli IHr j *, SnW i * i rt A » a»• |t * f ( *r« f k « 1 ' K rr/Tr In I be ^ 1 t ( hildrm i ( aU-mlar * ( Tui.iira ♦ < Uhhj IHf Original |*rjn KtHnt ( akf. Jaf (>\rr 'M/iti ( ilnuUn Ihr I'ajnhnjji i \.ui base not looked into som (reilil l mun Vi I I .me () 'business is‘.not eonriucteii ,in umi ,il Weollel a unique appto.all to hn.HU l.ll sets lees \n ,i i oojvi .it i\ e members have equal vole aiul sa\ m the manapemen! ot the ( letlil l mon I he lesull in an al tordable .nut Responsible seas ol provuline Imi.ukaal set s ices While- hn.MKi.il inN|ilulion\ .lie not mealed equal, ne ll.ip|H'ii to belies e that all memlx/rs are ( ome s isii I I .me < I ami lei u\ show sou the < (edit l mon ssas ol tliimp business Seising I ol () students ami employes. I nil & I i rr> • 687-2347 284(1 Willamette UO NCUA CIRRUS BOOK SIGNING JOSEPH CONE \\ II I HI Sl( aim; his m w hook IRE UNDER THE SEA 1 he Disposers ol the Most !• \tiaoriiinar\ environment on I arth \ okank Springs on the tvean Hour at i hi: i o hooks roKi: (•eiieral Hook Dept., 2nd Moor Friday, Nov. *S 12:30-1:30 C*NI icittng mnt >•! the recent vtd mo menu ms discosei\ of scafic-or sent* h\ comparing it to a detective* "Hi"* ;s the earth t* .ether ’ and ' Htm and *here d.d h!e Ixvw ’ (one plots the course of the inspirations. res oh-nonary Oicorie*, con trover -* jl ~m Joseph ( one is .1 ;:r.ulualc ot 't ale tan verst tv. and the Ini versus ot Ore iron lie v'litictiih lives in lueenc, am! teaelu a! () re it on Stale l mveisiiv mcs, nrraxiitrougns. aim prows mat icu s< .iv.iwn 10 me ve Jis*»or \ mu springs a:ui an understanding of the forces that create them Hi;s tv .i tale o! sert-t. pits. p .. t greed, involving a x ast o! bnl hunt and vantage.ais thinkers. explorers, and i: 1 %c*iU«.>r> • »* incredible s»* plmticated equipment. It is also a testament to some astonishing natural phenomena as seawater circulates through the seafloor, it’s heated to temjvratures exceeding K»() degrees l ahrcnhcit. it then gushes out into the cold. dark ovean. hud dine toners id mineral and -astair • g re marka’ e improbable. and prev:ouslv unknown li!e !orms r.nrt .red b\ «. lie mo synthesis UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 Sat 10:00-6 BASKETBALL C • uni from f 5 Starting at !hu f t.irwafd j . .:: Will I sop! more Clyde Jordan Jordan is !i; only other Dm k who got 1 x sive p laving ;;;!>!• iasl year wn : l.e.averag -d I j . u.ts and 2 5 rcli.;.aids a game ji.rrian's biggest asset to the tram- nitty be his defensive > i !! V . > : W a . • slgm d lilt' task id guarding the opponent's big a no, and this yt ir. ;■ 4dan vviii t :; > ■ ’\ !i!! that role . : : i: , >. on i mild he the most diffu ult goal til-- train w i :i ; ha\ r to at cornptish this vs.it Redshirt ! r i s ! in i()r i a n. io Will 1.1s transfer 'An .:; s i ; will i its is : i hi k i in.!! starters. at litas! at tin- be ginning of tin-, season U . it,mis. who was tin; Ore gun high school pl.iywr of the year two veats ago. practiced w ;. the tiMiu ai t i ,-s \ t'M'r and know, s th e of fen sir I Is i >. a good, purs shooter with good -,!e. ngth tia a us 11ji. M.tits;h said Collier IS 111 tin- unenviable position o! follow-mg In the footsteps of brand' n. who aver aged ,:1| points .. g.um alui was voli d I'ac 10 Pi.iVi l o| the Year last season Collier averaged 20 points arid eight assists a game last year for DeAn/.a College in t :nia. and although Men son likes Collier's ability to run all oHense, he is realistic al out Collier's abilities ('oilier will not In- .hi to take the plui e of tirundiui, but lie will m ore points lor us." M :. Oil s lid He s pi.iveii m i ollege. SO he know s how to run an offense The guard situation could change later on down the road as freshman Johnnie Keet e and sop h o nt o r e A n loin e Sion iatmre could challenge fur pla\ :ng time. Rene was last year’s player of the year 111 t nlui.idu where he averaged .is points, eight a*. si-, seven rebounds and lour steals i game during his snout year Mnudarnirtg a transter from t... :,■■■!own las! year, will be eligible to play in mid-Decem ber Stoudaniire. vv11o will 111.0! os. i umpete tor tune at the off guard position, is from Port land's Jesuit High School where h , d ihi* state with 2-1 points and !-I rebounds a game in his senior year the cell lor position could be tic- touches! for the Ducks Id lili SI.using at the position will !n si III.,: Chuck Patterson, wo.) played sparingly last \ear Me :s the only starter m i t ti which could be a rebound mg problem, especially with Lucas gone As Ini the remaining players. V o -i freshman Jeff Patter He's all .lie'! i sive Kid,' V : . !i said Al-.o suiting up lor the Dm ks this \ ear will he sophomore ' :>!■• Matt ()'V-:I usd era van del keen, end beshm.ui Im .Velds ke, UU! !' ‘ ■ 1; Cel IHum on it-s Will be interesting ! r the Due ks uni Munson is ..nous lo see what will hap pen We need time unde! gallic iiumhtiuns," he said "We have a young leant and a lot of on thus:.isin It's hard to tell what tl.ee Kills will do when they get,.■; Mac Court."