346-4343 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place Cancel or Correct your ad call NEED QUICK CASH? WE CAN HELP! Aff*i<** any ’torn* untie* vm !f>o OOf OttR5^»o.«'*■ *’■**• wmt* -t -i* i»nd 'uf1 y«>.>r ad tor ■i' -** S day* FREE' Srg* > ad* CX>V (mm^v SO fWtyTVjfe So «*r V i Placa art* at Room 300 EMU A UO Bookttora 346 4343 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS I JEFFREY! JEFFREY! JEFFREY! Happy 19th B day' (Only 2 moro yoars ) toi PERSONALS i IK N f M.k > Aim fcw*'.' HIM Chi Owofli Dale* Xil I'*» Iw't -■ rtM*fy «r*J I of f *»* 0« y Of** n-i>'« iJiVj XU Wrtthts ar* l*fj< fc t>«vila at• r*<1. Saturdays parly •Nii anough to rat** th* dead* thank* for a spooky Halloween* Ostia Gamma .>» * Jw M (lay Greek *&" ‘ * »* ‘ • -s' . .i Order of Omega •* ”!'*»■ • * » G , k 1 p five r*«-y. Mj’i aruf ( >' *sa itt.. lo the * ltarn daim * 1 k Mk h*ll* IK Tonight you «w»tl know. Tonight you wifi *** t+o* fabulous it i* To be r*fat*d to m*1 In Styma. YOS IK Than** to th* gentleman of th* Delta Up*lion pledge clan for all your help at our Halloween furfy Whiteaker Community School mTYPNG SERVICES A 544 0-’*.$ U jJUN CHAO W.HOOt AWK)Vt 0 ,<**? t* **• • .. * i/'1 . ■*; T ... ’»r> * «i 1 .» i • ON C AMPUS' i *ci t i»( typinc i on Inc f «r*!U»nl !yp**t Pfo4*aftion»4 wont p**ra 1 and l **■*» Pf > r>l * r 4.‘ • 114 i I ypirifj h *.Ofd p*o< *4*1^3 ’ Printed text to computer files fs C/ANNIE RlSl 7474580 5i;oin*u«m'*i »J Ir* <>!>!• < luvMfw <1 .idurUMni; fn f«»f r v our r «»$*•' Tr»* W0«0 SPFOAliSTSI • < rt«du*U S. Jw»>i A|>f«»»vFd • HIM < nmpatiMclhafc < i«vfiu«i • 1 A*fl |>T)BlM»g,t >(«{4kh * ► 1 dHinjt Kfitmf» CAROLYN CJNOY 344-4510 4i rt\ wuii) mix »win«. • *io v- »»<»** »rr»o*«4> nnM ***4tvr1rn >1 i 4si w misnM. Hfrx’ r M < liM Umm> 605 E 13th 120 TUTORING Ufitlaf * 120 FOR SALE MBC. N'H!*.!. }. . i jj(H#» . < .»*«y ,i , i .%■.%> S .•=H' L. aII 4tt** }» t trvc# *. On* M4y l>> fcel on Unrt#d • itfurr of ( Tin j jo tor D«< ltt Ji 14 4 1 K).’ — II I il — Gontlemen's Encore W# |Miy TOP dollar for Man » and Woman • clothing 1111 Willametle 343-6179 NOW BUYING i«o PETS Hadtail boa. i'i * nr, ■' ■*'-'«?') .i kj '>o.» ’*‘y l v*. • ■ J g-vKk.1 I 0 i us CARSTRUCKS GOVERN Ml NT SI l/| D •• y. S f ...• U> PRELUDE SPOUT * fit Uf Of l UXI 89 ffl 5 V9#9 Mo Ait* i» MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 19-!?' M* ‘ * ^ «• ,-if4 i «s COMPUTERS ELECTRONCS Aj**fa Ik* comjml»i ► , • •« ’ ;f*.J • •*’«%.:•*! 1*0' W • a * S’1 M4> ■ V-4 Smdh Corona XD^?VO •f*tiro«*c 1)l*>Krrt1»f !’. . ■ ' » **' f,m <„ < i»0 SKI EQUIPMENT Dynamic V«?7 1»*> cm m l cok XMQ, • u*l cond porfact t>4ftes *.obo 14 V »rt *> 1 CHm tfci* u» i .» ■; • * M-U ; t •«.’ • # '-*».! 4 ' . - . . • 1. 1 «4, * abtie. Ilk* fDynamic Mr-'rte 1# c m Solomon 7S7. 1/ • Dan ' 4 ; •M Tra#c!.;>y Soon? Apply for a t racjft card fly any*»h*ro «n Iho U‘.A for S ift j t a I! TODAY 4»v- ftoli) Am t« fc*>l A »* * » S *= jr vrr m*'’ ! . I ia .?• «r% » J . / < « *■ A*»» * "* «r * ;| a *■/»■ ?*»■*; A. ' *■- » Jftil'v • . • • ■ * See ui on Cam put I November 13,1991 IfcMpaaBalMv ■*•<*, UM Council Travd nsu M»omrT» #eaC **br*i C* 9 V ‘ MMtt iw • too ns as# in TRAVEL Hound tup pan* s'.. S 200 RIDES 4 ROERJ 1 »s OPPORTUNITIES ttav* you • *#» bean f it*<4 for m jlk ir>g t?f OtK#f ftMfxjf tla»rti» cm ci n»»f (impui t>y arthar tba i Pcitc* D«p«rtmcni of the OtUct of Public Safety If *o call Garnt Koefjptng. (met aid Raportai at 14» SMI Ooflamentation ajijx.oeted NEW SONG CONTEST Wed Nov ?0 7-10 MM I MU SKVl IGKT Ml ClMMATiON STARTS MOV 11 I hear and I forgfl I vr and I rrmembtr i / do and I undrr\land STUDY ABROAD 'one or more quarters tarn IK) credit Use your financial aid For more Information, contact Office of International fiereicea. 310 Oregon Hall. 34<» 3207 I ta*«M pr**««b f THINK ABOUT IT! 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE 303-441-2455 Extension 9A A; A',*. A WM| H \ MM * '«■ [ AMH M Ul V I V . i Expand Your Resume • i n ! 4«*. * • IS' i|Mtn«tv<« l ug«r>* * . *« -' • i am tteuitarxia fluffing •nv»ic*f>«» I: S‘ A *J 'mi ‘ »*>': ir -aa! W\ ’ ;h«J < Vi. .HU V) { A.-,V -1 ■ { M t . o > (41 < '4."i tarn lhou»«rvd» V jo >•> .*>■ M ■ V 1 rt *! •»*« ' <«k! **•- -ji! I'..) * .*» ; »> , I* , 42 A. • t • M .. *«»’ ■* Vi* I *r * arOOd l ■” l .*> *> 9 ’4 ’ 210 HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY 7 ' *i ■ «m ‘.'.A’Jo'i f«rt-o v* A ... «• i\ I . • M Pfrcfc up job d**cripborta and appi* ationa tn IT*# ASUO Sufi* 4 I MU OMdiiiw i» Vpm fr«da>. Mo* #fn p#r 6 An A A I O Imployar Aomin. b» **«uat» |>#op*# of rotor gay*. I**txana & dual) Lad |.w;*Cn* ar# ail ancooragad lo *14>fy Tha Oragon Daily f maraid i -» • 41 60OQ _ 22$ APTS DUPLEXES A l A MCI Cl I AN QUII T . r>v- ’ t>* U o» O A. v * I • -j a.*./ o I'V* ■! ' . ! • C»«i No* For MOVE IN SPECIAL N«tt A Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * COVERED PARKING a WAS Ml M DRY l R HOOKUPS a fUROPI AN KltC Mi MS a RTNESS ROOM a CONYl Mil NT TO VAi l I Y HIVI R Cl NT l H 1811 Kingtl®y Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Manag«man! Co tocifib* ONI HI GROOM j * .«*> I . - ' »• fKf. •* ■<-} • S -V till • \ TWO HI DROOM : «. Si ROOMS . ’ 4 IG'ift' In jO«$ '*>% 0*1 ’ :<> ”du x3<* S' ms ■m . f Vu'> . roo^ *•«»-. gd'Sitj® 4 *1 ’N * ''V»id CKvy No wnDyri^-.'irei: SPYGi ASS ASSOCIA T l S 666 1110 Studio on# and two be'dro'om apartments Pool laundry ' facilities weathen/ed fiv* buildings 1‘>th & Mifyard location 484 99?? t UGl Nf MANOR .*}*. ■ .. V * i n't $4 • Bennett Mgmt 91 5 Oak, #200 M • I > 'i Forest Village APART Mi NTS Quint serenity Just minutes from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS RENTING NOW AND FOR NOVEMBER ❖ Wt iGMT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S <• SWIMMING POOL ? Bedroom, l i Bath $4n & *49*> per month 687-1318 S t [ ugene IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING! ft you are stuck ;>*yir>g too much for too little com# see our sfiacious two twdroom apartments located on the MiMra< ® we ara only ? bloc** to U Of O Pnvata balconies or fvatios A*k about BUY-OUT SPECIAL • CaU Don. 144 *.695 Mil l RAC f APART Ml NTS {Behind tra Cardan Avenue large. ? bdrm duple* V UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH Ml NT NOW l OR IAI l! a CEOS! TO CAMPUS a PARKING * ON Sill LAUNDRY 2 • bedrooms |i/b 3 tiedroonu from |t8*> Call 6A3 0729 NOW' Jennings . Co 683 4219 Woukf you lAa a really mca room all to yourself with a private bath room close to campus in a new building wt>ara your meals are pre pared for you? CaH the Collegian. 343 1?SS South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Kevins turn * C'hronu Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr )% F. 18th St. 683*9070 ,jj Student rates Near Campus Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU TO Bf HCNf^r M -V ■ l \ '!A\ 1 K > hi *f> vttJVA* ' a/ciflp’. CLtfgftfltfgxfltf! \H _ OH nxu+u ; jhouoht APKMU1. iOuufXt lAPv- 5Tm (ty /—| H fiMiNu