SPORTS Men’s basketball team to hit Mac Court tonight Young Ducks to face Iceland squad By Dove O.rtx • ■ . Fm.era i tiffc’.jfIS Rigs >fter Tin- Ori'Him men's busLr’Lall team will It ink pretty u titan : ii ,ir to most penplr this s ear The Mju.itl will !n '!ii pt’>i 1- otl:. or at!; It- it bv.].!■■! Yrar s l.i !.ri rut uni with only urn- returning starter and 11 players that have rat e! v or mi or played pc Oteg.i n w 111 pi ‘tits hr s t; 1.1 s 11 ■ ul not ion in an exhibition garni' at / it! p m against tlye Iceland nu t o uii! tra m at Mi A r: h :: Court. At a a if cl i rig 11) ttii astspri- season scouting reports. the Dirt ks will hills i hard time winning .n. mam games ,is tin- tout':-, li tlliJIU ' It is almost a cunsensiixethe • the i’aiatic 10 Clin ft rein e But Oregon Coach Don Mon in sees the positive suit' to that If we finish ninth, we will have (lon<; hotter than everyone expel loti. lie s till W ith a g; ill 1 Is se pll k ate title !. I at"nit, hut I lion 1 r> ally ke. >iv w hat they mean Oregon was rattled over tie oii-season hi graduations, an e it U exit and pis! plain bad ! nek i nine Itom last y e n s Starting live are l et |e!) Bran dels h el iii MlXi ■ Kir haul I u i as and Boh Fife Mixon and l.ue.e. Uith gr.uiu at- .1. Brandon let! li a tile Nit A and It In decided to tedshirt ties year due in part to an m ; i dent that men rred over I tie summer. l ife was injured ivfien a tool box fell on his lie ,d w hile w a■, a a kmg, Alter m, it •, he was unahle to lilt weights fur a couple of Weeks and tie lost about 20 pounds V\ .If Sop homoft* 4 j,.., !S [|jn !!H> .Hid W.IS IS. -Hi Ail I rrshm i iu* ii'.im will !i points •! ■ f : to (hr i r«Mm k n>, tvtlim flit }u nj s !i ir BASKETBALL I > ;. EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT 1430 ORCHARD v:; C • JJ v .V.J- ’ I O' ’ Xp' ■cl OBCHABD : '** ***. via ABO DROP Off LAUNDRY 12 5 30 MWT 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT! Mother Kali’s Books (■'cli-hutit}}! U . vjicn ' / (vo In All IW [%vcrsiin's / M7v lie * Ht’/v . vn<* i funkiuvBiv i #•> i u^ctVi'. k >R ^7401 Whc-ck hair A^rtaihlc ,w.ik . I d (V M • : I hu S-lt 10 Sin t ; . ; u ; RESUMES (.i\c \nur resumt' a pr()t(‘ssioii,il look. In having it t\ pt'st’t at I otter IVr ter t (iraphu v 'mile MX) I Ml J46-4181 9-5 Mon Fri 1. T L * ^ ' SSi *' nfcVt I £ IIOf 0 STUDENTS ONLY* If it 's Thursday and you see this man on your bus you may win a pizza party for you and your friends. ■ -t ; ' •■■■r ■■ 1 ■*. r.,ng ,»nd Hey 'Mnv linnwi A i"' i ;:.j/ i wr!y" rh»* tirsl pew ' H{X>t Tarsoefi nt’l! trt*.j!o« nuritrs, 'LTD Pappas Pina ' 94 3 the KAVE '■ ” i' .I'M h»-.i ••• i. a ,,T'- ’ i " MVE 95.3 KAVK PAPA’S PIZZA • PARLOR A Stv- of f'&mlly Pun! , OREGON VOLLEYBALL TV THEME MUSIC TRIVIA NIGHT Friday, November 8 7:30 p.m. Oregon VS Stanford I ans tan win a year's tree subscription from TCI Cablevision and a $300 gift subsc notion from Kubenstein's Furniture by recognizing their favorite T V. tunes! ,irT « .fit jAl’|\mC K t CaW«-vivK*nof 1.. N Onrfixi. iih. y. /« MS ■ *>*«« utli* * • - ‘ ____ rure:n Weasel s World Kraig Norris W»(AT », rrlt OUR * r. i iX St? '6 !HAT ' HjHs/Xf Vll' w: TMt fWtftAU. : 'rcx.'< HIM IN »HE Tj8 rz2> rsm A PET kx sc W: UXf, 4 THf K. •ff s .a.*.’ “a "iOf I ft: „ ..(i j »,* • x*.r. Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Go’'A *