PEACE Conrnued from Pago 1 Hr '■'.ill rrrw-mhrr- a st^n over .1 puhlu ginirn ( ii iirlv laid . -it thr ofh< ul Japattiw.- opinion Sr. .rlmitt.m. to iioV> ..MrlChiU--*..' ^ H S ik. 1IIlot 1' •-.! 0i hf hiwrr ■-n.1:■ . i vvw As tiir t tit id of ,t f.ithrr who hill trairhil an. anil thr world, he It.Ill always .st-n fore him-;-. m. .1 till UV had irrv 1 'o .r 1 opto. woo V'.- :• r.:.. - and {Jilnoso." ho Mini R , ■:.■ m./.itiott lor p**.ts *• ■ . .! i. ais w. !l ill, it i Mil 19 * t U 1 1 ‘‘/i t ||i- was .1 spin i.fl follow it t o hr U. '‘it N. ! lv - . i ri I’.t: <’(i to Help Hit' l N lhni with hit lire problems rather than simply rear t !■> . riM-s alter tin- fact Sakamoto <’ to the- University at ti--- tin-:M t pf. the Sa\ ij»D •-■ holar wilm lion < onunUtee Hi van! on.- of t!u- mainreasons h« cattle to Ore gon was his hope of setting up an e\t hange pnv gram 11-,■ UotviVrsitv With.h(s. h.mi'e -university' -, vi'Vv ■■'iiiipfv'-'.' ’ii With thr t umerxity s ji,: u r VI Hit it p:. ;UI. lie bet ailso it ■pi ' ! In I inti 11! . pin : jn;. s' a t.0 exi-.l \\ h.ii ■■ the .thheien. e p--t«. i-i-r im- i", haStir'ii'ii!;, iami). ilviiij.: in the siuttiv" he .--ml ■ ■■ ■ . > : t -. 1 : - ; ■ - v''-!■ PoVtiti-.itii*:i b> the i-ib i’l-i • "> i! — rii ,r11 it.: TAPING Continued from Pnqv 1 no nthrr lo v i-.ji •*; !);ui' !■ . dm tor ot the Lam* (Aunty brant h of !in> A in i-r i ra ii Civil l.itinr 11 es Union, agrees with Bills as sessment ()ur position i1. that it s a bad policy. her aii'e it s intimi dating, it has a i hilling effer l on po I it it al expression. he said I- idarujue ‘-aid (iregoii stut prohibits law rnloti i• t;:• ■!11 agon, ms from cutliu.titig or maintaining infurmatiim about tbi- religious, social or political in-ic, or activities ol any per ■•on. group, organization or i ... -a ss Tho exc eption is it s . b ii:ii riliai n m direr fly O' 1,1 an i lives! igutiun of a , riiuinal act or there is reason it ilUl Ifl.l! il pefsi II i'nvoiv wi in a s rituin u it' .HhIhc wild UrmerviH i'i‘,1 h ■ ■ >x tie 11 t--i ! ■ ■ lo t(v ; committed. 1 al.ii, ; ■ > said ii .: i \ fii .! they d > • t: v Hi iiipt’s Drayton tfrat the erasing pm ( , - tie made piddle, i’n 'te-.tei now view the jlli'l it they want 1 don't catalog them of do with the mlonnation !! I! tapes iinh :e f i . lias,' vt hrn, then in an (lift »! i ' fit : : ■ . ' f ; . ' the v iiici >t .11>*■ .v. > r,.. • ■ ■ :• • : : : S jin ht*! ieId, ’.v is ,irri-ni.I by Urayton on Tuesday iuf his pa: lii iji.iijun in •) i .itn|>us j>rot. iif Central Intelligent r A|p-u< v m ruitim; S< hater was eha'pi d with second lii i'.ri'i' i r11u 11:■ i! trespass I * > r [ m .i!' Hi iiilfii U Hal! .t!f• -r b1 ■ « i ' ■.% ;ri: i .mii i ke 1 t< :■ ivr C!.\ rn ruili'i 1'iim I Sulhnne vv . . y. ■ 1! i I .1111J': j-i VVi'i in tl,iv but ( M'S cffii >T 1 loll ! i'll s.iiii protesters '-i fly q»t< 1 .mil then- were Hu mure arrests i.iid that tin' only other In cident incurred when jiaiut w . j11 ittered ( at m ( ot -i.l w u: ! Hi Mini In. H i :, (Hob i Si I V I a e\ii a \ u I pii 1 It was i Irani ii uji hv V. iini -.(lay a! td e.i ■, ai lie said ' [ [ wironmenta! Awareness ) Workshops • fall Term 1991 t 7 SOUTH COAST — NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10 Fet SI! plus $W travel tee; maximum 15 students • 2 edits •' Study ji the edge die cot ucnt u> gam knowledge about Oicgon \ spec tac ular a:..! varied coastline A i livilu s along the estuaries, June' and lidc (umls w ill pros ide insight into the relationships of ihc plants, animals, history and geology in enhance sntdents undeislanding aini appreciation <>{ how u ai! Ills lugcihcr OREGON FORESTS — NOVEMBER 22, 23, 24 In $ 150 t 'h js S.’V tr.n I • 2 credits (t SS 406/500) It,IS workshop will pmvulr a close up look at the environment with in opportunity to siuily ihc relationships, s oriccpts and variety llial aie present in ( hegon's forests Participants w ill gain a Inner understanding ol die plants, animals, history ami geology of Oregon \ forest la mis I Ik- experience of w a I king among the Kk) yeji old giants will cult i vale a tlepth ol appreciation for our lores! resources RISK AND LIABILITY — DECEMBER 6 AND 7 Fee $75 • 1 credit (l SS 400008) Hus workshop is designed lor guides, leaders and recreation personnel who deal directly wall risk aiul liability issues The workshop will cover areas such as standards, negligence, adventure recreation, protection issues, insurance choices ami purposes, litigation, risk reduction, permission ami release forms, atcick nt reduction insurance, and conlracls and ciHilractcd services NORTH COAST — DECEMBER 18 TO 22 / ee $225 plus $50 travel • 3 credits (LSS -108/508) Investigate die tide-pools and headlands of the Oregon Coast This workshop covers history, concepts, recreational uses, plants, annuals, and the relationships which create the delic ate well of this coastal environment This workshop creates a unique opportunity for learning as we spend four days and three nights at the held lab sue Study will take place in several environments, including, dunes, ttcaches, estuaries, tide pools ami the coastal bush History, geology, geography, plants and animals will lie investigated, ail with concern for their interrelationship with tlx- environment To register lor any of these workshop or tor more information, stop by the UO Continuation Center at 333 Oregon Hall or just call 346-4231 Coming Tomorrow rn / EMU MAIN DESK STORE OPEN HOUSE 9:00-4:00 1 ”' V-'s at 1 )rifiwooci Shores loS at Oregon Electric .. . | kilt t t-ntei luk,-,s . H,,.s . SAlSA f Rtt SAMPIES COOKIE jSCwhiteth€Y wt M()NSrt.R(OOKiist)Nn .»<■ .Vtul h. nun h Dairy Queen / ' i SALE! PEANUT BUSTER BARfAIT ;$!** GOOD THROUGH NOVEMBER 24 ' ;. ?hJ : I ■: * » j tf.: If .? ;• ,* *! ;# J * j» • • ; ) :* , • ■ ; ; [ iA)*<> uUUN* - • Wf TREAT YOU RIGHT THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 1 I By blending in with the ostrich s eggs Hare Krishnas are subsequently raised by the adult birds