EDITORIAL New civil rights bill ploy for re-election Imagine that. A new c :ivil rights bill, just in time for re-elect ion ‘02 — and all without sacrificing the good »1‘ white-boy vote. After two years of civil rights legislation battle be tween the White Mouse and Congress. President Hush said he'd sign a compromise civil rights bill ret ently passer) by Congress The bill makes it easier lor those experiencing job discrimination to sue their employers, somewhat inak ing up for the 1 ‘189.Supreme Court ridings that made d harder for minorities and women to prove discrimina tion The measure doesn't allow quot-a hiring prat lice's. Hush's main stoking point on past civil rights mens ures and prized habv for staying in good with Ameri < a s moneyed fol k Non-quota and increased legal-power reasoning tads right into line with conservative ideology, ■ ap posed I y empowering suppressed groups with the means to help themselves out of tlu-ir "lowly’ post lions What ■-those supporting this Sedef don't realize is quota hiring is often necessary to get minorities and women a job in the first place. This country's conservative popular <■ likes to voice the "everyone is equal" dogma stating everyone even minorities and women are on equal terms This being true, something like quotas isn't necessary Quotas, however, are- often still necessary to force open long-locked doors I'nfortunntc-ly. t!u-'< can also lead to the hiring of subqualified people to id! legislat i'd holes The answer isn't i 'ear i at, but one thing's for sure Hu: increased legal power wall give minorities and women the authority to forr.e employers to treat them as equals once they re in th• • door The measure also added protection ag-m st gender bused job discrimination and sesuai harassment as a :;cw 11 I-:.-,! item no doubt res ".fl.cn the utte: ■ on to< used on these is ui<", via the 1is hear mgs '!... > bad tin- b:!! < o-.jhin't go a" the wav with it. though. i ollci tible cash damages to o -e Suing these eases was < apped a! ts iOO.OOO Is d possible the approving crony < ■'>. ever dome 11 by you know w ho. r< ally In lies e-. the integrity of a woman (b.-ca .se in most < ases it would be a teu.a. :s worth an amount equal to one third of the -, • (Irni-i.ii Motors paid lobby.sis -r -i .-tw funis to oppose ( lean air amendments from 1'iHl fib':' :.()n tile at Tire Con.gression d Office of Records and Registration I Hush i hums the victory prize for supporting the tii!!, saying it defines him as a true vappoite.- of civil rights without selling out on his Republican stance f he hill hits too many holes for it to be considered a ;e step forward in civil rights, it . ■< . s more nh= a re election plot Mon; harm than. go.-d < ou.-i m.ve been done \ ia passage of this halt-baked h .. It it it's here now it's imped women and m uority gro . p\ will use Tin* : it did est. -.' -.. -. h to >•• ". .-mg road to equal represent .’,-c Emerald p & »ox mi luocwt. o*iaoH*7*oi !.»»i •••«»■ t«: . ; ’ •-* • ») i$ t , U *• t, *• • .1 *: I ’ ‘ ' j **■«•. • •• ! * " *1 •* , ij j { >P "H» 1 ‘ i ‘ ■?»>-,, • f I'-U i *«} ’ <» «f *!•.. , " «i . rS ..I i ».*.» • .i if .!• *> ' «» A i««: »*»€*• !'■« I ’ tl ,tl! . »,tu p I * «« !<* • *1 . S . *» Manning J drtor J ditortal i dilor • t drtor { r?t#rtair»m*nl I dilor A**.->{ >jt» \ drier» I Jrtor m ChM»f . r KU . • t .v « rx»* Ju" \ v I N«w* l drtof I diToiuil I don ■ • •• ' i • » T i > i. *! * .1 ' «*a l ■>«;• •• t ■: ,« > ‘ ! » i - . . , ► ■ . *. * • . » <*• * ; Copy l ditof 9 ' a . •* • i i ! »‘ . , ■ .. ' 1 * , • * Photo^t apn»Mi A JvariuonQ * ■ ■ , •• • ► ... ■ . * l la ft-. .fm t 1 .. * *• '•* - Ptodud >on • * • < Aj.r*. • n ; iSr*. H •«?.«* Off*-* Vi- 1t u<- 1; M . A !»*»1 ■ S> U'/.iHj ,*,> ■’« - ’ A* > TW. »;.** -V. T * . ’ • • ; VAWV, ***£ v%i.A \I1 (' { Sv.'V**. Wn-v 'I ( f V."; 1C V * 'V*’* • _• ' // If* "* X Jv-jr To? \ TVV^rv k*oT . . i t r r ■ & k ■ v'r »V^AJu’ T NN'-M *V\5 j LETTERS ROTC defended i! has cttint! to inv alien'. ■, tH.it ,i spi i 1.1I higher edm .1: >. ■ 1 1 sisinitsston has In 111 formed in att.u k tin- KC)'!'( fur Us tut ing/ns rutting jir.rt !io‘s Ttiis is .in (mirage as there is ,1 t niver mIi em!utsed program that t ijn'r.h ilisi riniln.it' ■■ when h 1 - mg* l ie University ami main students should ( lean uJ) then 1 : . s s t , fingers U ! it; ' t gross offender here' I he ( ! \ . organization is m t only t nd-.rscd hy the 1 mvi . t\ bol hv n.-en students (my self ini.lothed). .on! they jier in! Ill .1 Vitally III t .led ser V Is e Oil jit with jinhi e and fire jir-1 n t \\ !. . hi !•,■-.■ il h 1 ,ns ill with siii li Vi.. J >. > 111 ns and still !te seen m a positive light' Proj.'i t Salende i ! \ . lit tit .lit ms weals take t , ■ ! ! :; * .1 -t! 1 ■ r 11 .It' rn rolling posters you ssill set tin s will only consider hit i; w .men Now I tin let id 1 i : : 1 \S Oil; an W I, - -.Ik..: 1 safe r ide home may he uni 0:11 fortahle In the present e id a man, but then again, the men and w . men til the CIA it: ! KO 11 in.is he equally uncom fortable m the jm’seui e ol ho mi)' equals Idle question is Is being un i t a;dot table .1 Valid e\i uso i. r refusing to hire a 1 ertairi sag men! ol society ' I say no. hut it should also not matter what subset of society is being treat ed utifatrlv |oi dan ( I und f nglisfi Repeat it and his irritation with ill tin n ■ whitnj ring it ut ( in mil-.; s [()!)!' 1). ! It's jur t. i * * •: v tn \ .tiisi' it! j i ’ 1 > j>iir .. k • • ye;; trial the debate over Ci lumbus lias |e arisen id. : Nk ot how S . .ar an- HI out And v,. Amo i!-4!; ■■ - ■ verse Mi. re them Tim m,Ti till’ll' wax ii It Cwlmnlius •!.. A. k M.iu U . l». t I it".!ish No concept Om i- no ' i'iI.hu ji.-.)).!.■ ftr t dlUlJg till- Rex.-vr lino I :x Training ( [m»gron lu !•>• jnirl. ha\ i' till In lit I:. I IM.I p! of vs ha! iti Hi I ■ > .i::i !'■' K1 • i •! <"•• i<‘>:v ' ■ -i ll.il v. tm !. :! : : Thu next Htni’ . si r .m KO I ! , ul. t on I atiipus. !,-.•! Fee !.» ask . ,.t IIS " ;;! the ROTC program t id. is ate stu den lx > . ■ . U .1 1 e here to h um and earn our lit grees 1 am personally mom than happy to !■ • M quest: iix from iinvoii" who i no enough In ,r k Or if you really foci daring. * 1 V . ' yoursid! It is wottfi I'nivei-..t v 1 reiiit and 1 .irti’-x mi obligation other than 1 nmpleting the 1 i.txs This lx otn- vv.iV to uUnil ROIC, am! idliH: to .111 informed opinion ubou! it Find out lor sourxi'li w hat Kt ) : t lx a. 1' AXk Dili' it! ! I ■ k '. .v tr ex per li'IH l* it lor vout,: I ittii r wav. \ ■ m will be gl id \ ■ i 111.i Kim I iai per Sin tilings Read . i;is is in response to N! ill k k x- x letter. \()0i:. (hit. 1 ! was surprised to rra.i that : e m ,, history major after read 1 no his comments about (.hris toph.er (ailtimbtls ! : ' the “alleged genocide" i e ifixi iisseii Was not only : , it i xi 'tuii.iv When lilt: its Army donated its small ja : 1 ■ d 1 . u. 1 ' s !; < tile N.1 1 ve i:i;>!e native) Americans, it View they were diseased That vv.is true in a tde This had : : L i: • ' > : v\ ah any male isty , ! Native Americans to deal w ith . The government tool them repeatedly to move ‘ 1' id y ' ’ • Had It not lieai I,it tile N'ative A e a lie-, ! * a ■ In's! V, I; 11 e - a tins v\ . i have starved to d'-atii Thei, were given tend at - ! i.lid-t I. a.v to Work With A !- r tie : straggles cd ''star' i . t a n I w < tan : , el a- ties to deny th.it they • s i ’• : They exist in every i ..tale id the world You tail to mention the Native Americans Ufa! time and tune again to sit . i w n and i. n.i ana agreement with the 1 arnjie.ms so every oil'- i aid live ill t e peat etui iy Hut somehow the newcomers i ml|d n a he salistled with sh iruig '. i, they a. anted It all. 1 h-,s IS til«! ... a i.it I iialige, this - hi i As an Atrican Am an an student, 1 tail see disturbing this history :xt t*. tor all Native Amen i.anx i , re.i i vs nr r lustoi v ( a Man I (Inlemau ( iHinseling 1’sv i hology CORRECTION The sis ond part ol the A . AS series w hir.h ran \\ : to'sdav i untamed an orrer t statement attrib uted to White Uird Clinic Coordinator John Shoe mux- r shoemaker «( iually mi 1‘re-seminai, seminal m ! vaginal fluid all have th'- virus in enough con centration to expose sorne 'i’he It A Is that ran in the Nov ti issue of the lltnt'mld were from a previous day The l.'mrnihi regrets these errors