ET ALS ! h» | jpiii I iihinur and l«r*m h trs ] a’ ' * jve *n inlot itmU anal mMtint U>i*y from 2 210 fj rn u- 4 j- if. m lh« i.Mi' (-u rnv*< ■ m iji i Uf> 1207 for mute information Sludpnli tor I mini NjlHrti»Modi*l I N will" moel tomeht »t s JO m H urn l lo VV,.,«m«tte i »»i m; «,'M l.'i - e information Mon Ai(jinrf Kapc wiil rr .- ' r< m> »n KMl>' (Century K m t i h* brief buttnett meeting wiil lx? followed by * {.ri'MmidUon on our 'tJtpm ■■ ultunu by t Ju:* Kven And Jawr Sk.ihamV i ai! »4i» 4.*«»r f.»r mure information I Ml Hoard uf Dim Ion w ! , at 4 10 p m tn 1.MIJ A «*ntury K i.'in I) ( .i t I4t« J7 20 fur more information' f ilm Awh uli->n * have .m organi ra-sono] rrvoatmjt inflight Runt ft isi t • it) in K > >m J18 (.ilnort Ijtii 484 0001 j 14 3 »4 ( f r: rw lit? r RU'. n Pt l.jiTunt Mu will a " the F Ml B -afd Rwffi Call 484 48Jtl A«un Pii< iIh Ammian SlmJml l nion mill fTvw&t h-night at ft in tlwe (^oun*«l»ng ipMi-r ,p-iu;r» Student Health (afftU'O It plan f«>r winter «v4 ifxftr.g artiv-Ui** A all »4*» ftft.’ft (at m.‘tv information ( t>llri m<»r» Informal; ■. |o(>inr«r Slmlt’iil (hgani/alum mill mwsl Unlay at 4 10 tim In KM‘ ( r* K• 4i on I Ml Ho ard iif I) i rat I or a H u ! *■ mtUaw m..i moot fhulitiiy ( X t .It at s fa i j m i.ri KM’ (.rr.'ury K om II Caul 14ft 1 ?20 ' r mure information I nf*-t n j* i-.M 4I Mu«i«*nt \Mim itllHW M Thr ( unrnl l «uii m ( itmlu w K tft* \ b( 4 lir« h t v '• V.*=» l J ' }!•'•»«•>* 1 /JHf'-b ' "■> fr«m ll tm to W W jim'.n -v 121 Ptrifit tall MO 4()’« ! r ■ »f« inkitmjtton Hi M I imi’tiilt (Hitdixx f’nnitjnt v* ii V .« '.W.» » (4 i'Vy fAo K » 4 '• • *..>> 4; ' . Mj. p ri fit: 4M’. H-'-jm 4M'. (4.."U« 4 U5*» (->r men* ;Mcsrffu*ti<>fV vi:s< s i: an; i m s B Jhlu I K ; r\h . ctm-m i-’!4»••-»* taxing ■ - **• 4; > in i v < • a . 1Uoft &tu4»ftt on.t.jK ;• Ntms Npplytn* lo I jh *»* B<**l » : ■* «■> t ith- y Uy «(- > v.> •? :-V K ru 4 fc"1 t I all I 1 «•«* MM Ollfnlilltlfl . ■•£ 1 ;* !4S :•.* «• ; + v 1 ■'!.»1 f••.»rr 4 «•) .jv'm tii ft i4i p m *1 th* 4 puling ( f?»?’*»r ( All. Hl> I’M’ f--{ m.'.-o iniv'rmjU^iv . HnIJitiR fur thv ti)|hi«ini( 1 uMipanwV » liup pi*:#M4-»y i.V'744 • ' i \ 1 nV_ . • . t ill* » ft > (.M'Up • Unit . | A *. - n-h ■»'.» a *n ? Mt ’ t »nl4f H > >m A ( Jim Planning tml PI j* kiimimI ■Ultion Wit) V*l!l« }'!>«» ? |l) !:• :!! *> WUtli JO ;fl .MU i(un4[Ulkl l *» Maiui^ »%»U havc * M‘t the KM’ - U; lay ti«»m IP 4 m }» t» Mjii m \i hi nan ( t'f . 'i f !«« \a } r-.. ihl SI HOCKEY Continued from Page 8 tru |x• r11>< 1. San Just’ Slate was award,till a rare penalty shut that ()regdn goalie John O'Don nell stopped Idle game end 'd a tdiu-ple u! minutes Liter wlien San Jose State found the net The Dili ks won tfo only game of the trip Saturday night hut i ouch Sobol i ailed it "• me of the:"biggest victories in the history ol the program " Flaying on an internaiional rink-'-lin'd in front ■ I ii o it itlti rabid fans that Brown said make the noise o! about 1000," the Ducks never bed their composure \'i ither team scored m a v et v p h y si i a I fits! two periods Ore leui di li'iiM' Damian Jor geusen yy as hi! and eSI ntted to the bench lor nine stilt ties on the chin in the second period hut returned to score t hi game's first goal in the third The (.olden Hears tied the score hut suyv then lead evupo rate along with their hopes lor a win yvlieti yvirig Kit hard Tin k, : swept m on go.ii and put the pui k in the net for a big yvm 1 hat s the toughest link yyr have to play in this year.' Drown said It s almost twice the size (of Lane County Ice) and with the wild crowd, it's a huge win Hie y ictorv all hut erased the memory of Friday night's brutal H O blanking at the (lands of non league opponent Stanford Despite sustaining injuries to Kevin Harper (shoulder) and Darin V.irzuli (ribs), s.ibol ice impressed With the Dm ks, es pei tally goalie John O'Donnell 1 can't talk enough about how well John played .ill week cmi." Sobol said ’ i'lit- ford game could have hern null ll w Olsi' if lie didn't stop .ill thr shots fin did Over.ill I i .111 think of only .our word to dr m i ibr the performance of tin’s.' guys i ourageous fir.uvn flippy with tin’ •.s i', thr tr,nil rrspoinird to .id Vi I slty A I. i! of t’ti V s str|)|ii’,l up into a leadership role this u■ • -kt Mil. In- s.i < it rgtin guts it wrll-dusurveil rest 'Ills v\ .•• ki lid A.. lore In s! nig (ulor.ido St.itr lor t w o games ul I a nr fee Novrinor! It, 1 7 By ! ir this is the lines! pl.m , lt game t-« hind !!■*, k.-v ..... )rr S«i with .i record ol t 1 in league and i 7 overall In otfirr Oregon Club Sports nows • . hr (peg u i hill li .’ s cur (twin won at Mt H >od (7-m inunity College Satuni.iv, i 7 Skip Wrintrnufi M o: ■ ! .i g i.i I and had two assists, and Haarvard Waehre si mi two goals for thr Due ks The victory tipped Oregon's record to h .! t on the season •The Orogon club womon's soi t er tram won at Western Or egim State 7-1 Saturday A in v Johnson and k. a i Neenlllg both scored lor the Ducks, who Improved to t 7 with the win • ihe (trrgull clut) i , : team vs ill fare the lingerie (dub lacrosse team this Saturday in the Dui ks' hrst game ol the sea son I he game will start a! 1 p lit at How e f ield Women's 8-ball Tournament Thursday. Nov 7, 7 00pm __ at the EMU Rec Center . vuJ«d toy $2 00 ■ •.i* # i'-w» Ml ■.V0-' - • •• KM*'**1* 11 ^ W\ • VBJ» < * *: * on s< m u> * l|icP •■«**»» '* (Mftiris itfii 4NO»W.lfl< ,***> w *s v«r m 4*ji Mother Kail's hooks * » ■'#'•%«*•»I (W- 4 <* raJ^^TS A Used fMcomMon TCBV’ */», i *«»//y » ■ • • «r> h(* 'A*X \fl9M ?< nu** 1 Eo«.fr « < i.£AS TV*t V HAiKMU Dir • ft of 'K ' ' )*/,••, ) > Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen A I i I ;• * [)'J * A * ’ , ' ’ | f « ’ - t i i ■ i ' : } t , liW ;