SPORTS McKenzie Pass closed; winter recreation begins J INTO THE OUTDOORS BV JAYSON JACOBY Highway ivl,t< it win !• over (hi- i\ \ t !e t .isl.vul ' Designated 'ill htsloru. high way, this narrow road follows a matt1 pioneer* ii by rn I ary settlers searching for ■* wav to bring rattle (rum (.* Ur i p: it to tilt- Willamette '< .ill' w It winds through old growth Douglas ! \r oil tin* west side i I tin bs in s vv j U, I) b«( k s up I), udhorse (Dade i .mii ii in the old duys when .i hdr si su ji jioscii I y «I r <»|J ji • d on its spiraling iis< eli; .old traverses tin Impn-•sivi basalt lava flows through tin puss bi liiri- dropping down to Sisters Tlit; (.ill i.oiors of tbr maple .mil .ildrr groves ol tin west slope iilr unrivaled in (iregun lUlt unlike 111. ■! st.lti- I: ell ,s i \ - I lif Mi K i ri / 11 i'.i i Iiim i! in is mif f In • f' I! i i!i!!ii u!lv in ►. . • ; i i ill muivs , .uni Ih ,i tin- ( ;.ir L.lKl I 11 toff .lllllSS -i i :■ M .If- I iniiliiflsts lo rn• • -- ih- miiim i.iin-- ins ihf I’.i-.-. ss ii! mil Imv ii.f 1-, !- : • \: ti iin nr S.ilctn i His Vr-it. ll'-f : ' i : ! • i 1 }i ’ obc f, on I- - ! 11 r ( i- sll ; • rs ef Iliisvi ver, iii' !• i • i • t i - n > ■ r \ * -1 fjl '.S ! .. 'it.- ! I ■ : .. •-In iff iif I rtissi .' ' f s ' i : (IlllM I si IhlSt 111. SV\ }Mlf .it VV !: , h Iifi!-' 1 " ; nine hull's In1!.■ H.ihr.s.iv 2-1 .• ins lion w -i.' !! . ’ . *i (mm lupine S|irii!i:h> !ii. is >i l ■ ii .• i/.i uf -a nilf ! i-1 i- iti- ■ • . o|i|iuftii fillies 1 ;: j’fl !, ■ llif sin -,s j.j,i!i , i!r is i i .i-.l ft l-u^i iif on H:.•!• a .i\ : . ■ ■ :' ■ M; K i ' . < i- . . 1 - : - j M • ' ' H St.ilimi. ss hi! I. • ii llif r;i:!11 side uj I hi- nun I. turn : ,•! ' it tin Mi Ki ii/tc !hi' .mi •>s ■ . h i will ■ • ! si^ns -ilertmj* mulunsls tu U.n • iniis closure i li> two i* i'• i • : .ox! tnn-t p :jr trips from llio Mimv H ■ ;! ■ h ! > hi M " ! 'A 1 ; i '?< n v ! .1 .; I! i ll;( i s i• ! ;:• ! tiI■ ' ■ ; I :> < The ' ■ f‘r ay I ifIs !\\<> miles up [hr high A ,;V : r I • • A h V.lTt . >. I' : tin .' .go • .n th • i : ’ ! s nio d! 11•,i• ru.s.i v. l ■. , , it(( ' ' ' ' I ' 1 V it ! W , If !, i r.i : ,ght *> uir The tt.iii ItJ.iiis through the . .( If'.V then -IIISO ill rp ii ! ! ■ ,!, t>i lure splitting > be tr.ui hi the :i f! if .i !< w humhe.i Y-iiiis ; i l'j prt |’: lulls •»s 11 hoot .1 single. c h.iliiiiileil flow i tie , i Wt I f .! i i s , I ii 11 .1 r tl . plunges 2 00 feel m .1 more I a i-rlui jet ()n i 'a m.ler ii .i \ s, the suns i A \ s (j Her through the trees ami glitter spei tiii u I .i t Is on the while ■•now ! hr round trip distance from •!. ■ ■ : w i both l.tIN, .s ,iii .! siv miles At 1 r> miles past the 1’ r ox y trail! < - o < 1 is Aid r r Springs (lampi'.rouhd, unci the level., ntn mile tr.n! to I,niton »i tr.; i is I • . ' .1 m ,inv weather .i pure while. • ; : »■ ■ : w v> ie 11 the lake sirs silent .ih;one the trees during a snow storm ! ;: ■ h.ike w as : r mi’ll .v.’oh : iv.i !i W (roll) !!,•■ near t v (his. n! e crest d ,i m m ed White Hr.ii.1 h (Ire'ek ! -at kmg up the waters to form a ,'() as re i In- -i.ik1 ,is an eight mile round tnp from the snow gale Both trips are moderate in din ultv when then s ; tile or I,. - sin w lint 1 .i!< r in tire year, when till' si,i y\ lev e.l lit ip.s lie low these elevations about Z.0(Mi ,t ,000 feet they are much easier on snow shoes or i toss , •;1! \ skis ' he lie 1st . s | •! |s the It-.jJ ti \! ken/ie Pass, which is about l.t miles from the snow gate, gain ing t.tttHI fee! in elevalion 1'his Burwell dropped from lineup to recuperate from injury No|i!iuiiinf<• S'-.m Itur well. ()r'si l> iditi^ rush it lliu l.isi I wo seasons. wiii : i play Saturday whi'ti lilt: !)u< ks vlsll Arizona Stall1, Orrpin coach Ku.h UriM > ,inl Mi day liiirvsi-ll missed two patties I'arlltT in tin1 season with an ankle injurs and 11.t•• pl.nrd it Ori'i;on's last four games dr spili* the o(li'< is u! ihr injurs "Sr.II; S l ondtllon !His (irlrM mated liii l.isl i i 11 jilr id vvi rk s. and ivr 11 doing him a dissrrs Hr 11 % pin s i ip; him Bn d s said When I watt hod Dunn \ an Mi ,i Hi' run \s ;lli a m rn-n pass Sate in she Stanford game i realized hmv III u ( il s pr rd Hurvsi-ll had lost IIursM il {•aim'd t(M) yards ' rushing and mummied fur -I'm all ptirp iM1 yards in (Irnsm's firs', t\vi) games, hul In- has rushed fur only i ’<) yards Min e reluming Burwelj ranks U’th on tin . > ■ .i,j time tushing list with 1 ; i‘i i . rciT \ ini', and is t urrentlv 17th nalionailv in a I i [iu t [lose yardage with .1 ! ilH vafd a’. eraye Moure tt.i walkcn ]i.nit.r win i start fit in Bui well ■ ah sene e. vv ill tala’ over as tailhaf k against ttu- Sun 1 )• \ ils St; A ROAD 7 Ik* CAromcir* of hiimtmonJ U IN ««rmM w mo«i K (>1 At H \ YS( nuisa Hostl Searoad is a sand> traik that runs between the town of Klatsand and the Pact fie Ocean Along Searoad you can meet the people who live m the little town and the people '•'.ho come to Slav for a night or a week’s vacation in one of the motels Hanna's Hideaway, the White (lull, and the Ship Ahoy If you lam east, inland, off Searoad you might come to 1 dy Herne's little ftouse on Hemlock Street, where she brought up tier illegitimate daughter, or you might find your way to Hill Weisler's pottery above the creek, or you might get a good lunch at the Dancing Sand Dab l! you went there in 1NS you might not find much but a lew nuKHi\ mreels, lot oi spruce irees, ana a neru oi ens. nui then they hutli the I-'xposilion Hotel, in 1906, where young Jane Heme fell in love with the manager. And all through the twentieth century sou'll find a Hambleton miming HamNeton's Market, on Main It sou tolloNv Searoatl north sou'll come to Breton Head, where V irginia Heme lises now South, sou'll pass the Inman house oil the ssus tossard Wreck Point But it sou turn ssest Irom Searvud across the dunes sou'll find onls the long, long beach where the ram women ssalk and the loam women Moss m the wind, at the continent’s edge, the beginning ol the sea UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 _ :___- « » ' ■’ v 1 t i • i ■ l l. l I i i L x » OINKRAI. HOOK DKPT. o ■; ’ • . , t ■ »»* ■• • ' i * » . • trip should only ho undertaken In (hove experienced III country v\ inter tr.i vc 1 us it would likely require *onte ;DOW ( .imping Another winter .ittr.u !:on is !in White Bram h Youtii < lam;>. whii h can he reached hv a dirt rood takes of! .it the large ■piii.k mg .area on the right .side of tile road at the Slum gate lies is .1 small snow-play area tea t-iir mg a sledding lull. More in lonnation on the f.,mip i an he • pared Iron; the McKenzie Ranger Station Although the past two weeks ha'.e seen the snow level drop to the level of the Proxy I'ulls 1.inton Lake area, this week's warm rains will have melted tie snow It is possible that the Mi ken/ie Puss highway will lie opened the three miles from the White Branch snow gate to Ai rier Springs and the Linton Lake (railhead, where there is a set i llld gale Hikers wanting to avoid the longer trip hv driving to the re speit,\e trailheads should in quire with the Oregon Depart ment of Transportation for cur rent openings on the highway Hockey team pleased with trip By Doug Carter i ::: • :■: .u r Must teams wouldn't In to o p lc! a slid vs Itii >1 Week end featuring uni; win and two I o s s e s . hut that is not tiie t ase with the Oregon ■ : .h Inn Lev team !Jespite sortie misfortune in the Bav area, tin team lias drawn n.i re positive than negative ■ (inclusions about the trip ! think we really proved . ur depth tilts weekend," Captain Scott Brown said at 11■: three games in as many ilav s w tth only 1-1 ol the ll roster players making the tup I thought We d he tired and sore on Sunday morn ing. hut we tame out and gave (San jose State) a good game " It turned out to he a great game, with San Jose State prevailing ?-(> ill overtime I he Duiks. finding them selves on the tie just 10 hours after heating Califor nia l 1. fell behind early 3-0 After rallying to tie the game at three, Oregon took a t. -1 lead midway through the final period before letting San Jose State back in it With the score tied at end of regulation, the teams agreed to play a sudden-death, five minute overtime luo minutes into the ox lo CLUB SPORTS Turn to HOCKEY, Page 9 5 ,0 VIDEO GAMES Stti STOUT BB HJBUC MARKET^ xwK’owuxim VIDEO ADVENTURE ^^vmrrmvmpua •jtnLMii ■»{ A* '-i Mw THY ft - '. .fc~i.ii WUiwrr nrrnyuHHUHUHn