Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tibetan monks to perform prayers
Chants promote peace, happiness for all life
By M ng Rodrigues
fmerald Conintmtof
Their first I ’ S' tour in '
met with uniiMi i! < niii d
i laim A sacred musimd tn li :
turn was luring "riisi.ivi •! ! ■, .
thi' West atni fi r.!11■ .i i
u.itir.g c\unt was i-.yj ■ t ' ';
general public (or the first time
i lir (i veto monks an- I i v
tins year ami on Slir;.i.i\. N .
10. they 're staging ii one-night
performance at the Hult ( enter
it takes a leap of invagination
to describe the-chanting of the
tiyuto monks as sung. hr even
as music.
Described by kite Ne-.v York
er as a sort oldeep, pebbly
growling, a note ami a hall I •
low lire bottom of most bass
ranges and approaching the tre
(plenties of garbage disposals
and eartlimoving ttiaebmerv.'
t he sober ing otherwurld I y
sounds o'! the huddhist monks
front Tibet have been dev el
oped over hundreds o! years,
ever'' Since the (, \ u to I anti 1;
University was founded in
1 i ' i with 30 monks
Hut the shows raise a ((ties
lion why the public porfor
lii.mni (d what could he viewed
as esoteric rites1’
These chants are not de
signed as entertainment, hut as
prayer Thu Dalai l.amii. spiritu
al |eader-in-exile id the Tibet
ins, approves the public per
forrnances because they draws
attention lo the persecution of
nbel.ms by tile (Ihinese
l iie monks also hope to raise
funds from their tour to build a
larger monastery at Dhartnsala.
the largest settlement oi Tibet
atl refugees and the seat ol the
Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
government in exile
After the occupation ot Tibet
in the Uhinese in 105*1. the Da
lat Lama and file monks fled to
northern India where they re
established the (iyulo Tanlrii
University, winch specializes
in tin- study of higher forms . I
Their monastic training in
i ludt-s a type of multiphunu
chanting, in which ear h monk
sings a chord containing two or
three notes simultaneously
And while the average range ul
The Gyuolo monks ol Tibet Mill visit the Hull Center on Sunday, Nov
tO Tickets are St0 and St5, limited student discounts are available
tin- human voice is about two
and i halt octaves, the muni. .'
voit rs span mx
:/■; lv,j•• h i hunt lias a itUlerertt
sigiufii am e. blit the basic
chanting purpose is lur pe.u e
ami liappinuss lor every life,
not only human life Thought
The Gyuto monks
are one of the
many unique
performances in
this season's world
series program.
Through these
performances, we
hope to bring an
awareness and
appreciation of the
different cultures
of this world.'
Pat Cusiek,
/ It. : Cent Of
uss stJni nurkoting dM'cU >:
to arise only from the throats ol
peiiptu who have realized self
less wisdom, their sound uma
nates from "samadhi" a
trance like state of pure con
s< iousness lh.»t ts undisturbed
hy (he tri.ih. of life, experience,
.nut thought It is ’sum idh."
that Mining i t
fit. uted to till- heater
Thu chants urn alsn m t ompa
nii'ii by various in-1rumerits
horns, bulls, small trims
pi ts ami uvcn drums made
ir.iin human skulls Hut that
isn’t meant to be offensive nr
spooky, instead it’s meant to
show tile impermanent e ol life
On their third trip outside l'i
lie! sim o the order H .1*. I,.1 rii>-d ,
the (.vutu monks aid ; .t
in ! ’(HU resulted its the' ret otd
ing til their s.u red r hauls and
the release ot their album
: In- t ji.i.i V ms-. - ■ ■ • i. • i
Chants from thu Kim! ot the
U i id under the e.aid.in- • ■ ol
Grateful Dead percussionist
Ml key Hat:
idle (uto monks ate one of
the rtianv unique perform.tni us
111 this »ea son's wot i I series
program.' said I’at Gusick, as
xistant marketing director ot the
Hull (Umter i lirotlgh these dl
verse performances, we hope to
bring iin awareness and apj re
i iation of t!ie dilferent cultun s
ol this world
Tir kets, selling foi SID and
SIS, (an tie purr based at the
KMU Main Ik k or by i ailing
thu hn\ off)i e at Iift7 ‘i(M)0 him
ited student discounts are
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